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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. Oh dear gods no. I'm an M60 whore.
  2. I dunno, I've really been having a lot of success with the M60 now that I've added the grip and switched my perks to Stopping Power and Deep Penetration. On one of the town maps, I've found a somewhat decent spot to camp out and rack up the kills while my enemies are no larger than an inch on my 32' screen. But I have to admit the M60 has a few drawbacks. You can't sprint worth a ****, and up close you're pretty much dead meat, for the most part. Plus the reload time is like fifteen seconds...
  3. I was thinking of giving the G3 a try soon. I've heard mixed reviews on it.
  4. It's funny 'cos it's true! I just made first Lieutenant in CoD4. Go me!
  5. I didn't do too well on the District or Bloc levels, but aside from that I'm hoping you saw a little bit of improvement in my game on CoD, Nick.
  6. Word 2 yo momma, it sure is.
  7. You got something against Carcassonne?
  8. That's a great post, Krezack. Anyhoo, what's up with the scoreboard being run up tonight? Buffalo scores ten goals, Calgary gets at least six, and Carolina spanks the Oilers for seven?
  9. that's such horse****, man. Damn UPS!!

  10. You know, I don't mind the Oil losing to the Capitals in the shootout tonight. That overtime session was one of the more enjoyable five minutes of hockey that's been played this season.
  11. This won't come as a shock to anyone who I've played with online, but I subscribe to the 'point in general direction and fire' philosophy.
  12. Despite getting disconnected at least a half a dozen times last night, I finally managed to get the grip for the M60.
  13. You know, Krook, you should phone Microsoft every day and say 'wheeeeerrreeessss mmmmyyyyy xxxxbbboxxxxxxxxx?'

  14. Pavement - Summer Babe (Winter Version) Ice, baby, I saw your girlfriend and she's eating her fingers like they're just another meal but she waits there in the levee while she's mixing kocktails with a plastic tipped cigar
  15. Pale blue would be the closest color, I think. And you didn't answer my question...
  16. And if the zombies were smart enough to use the Fresh Princes' snare against him, couldn't they have figured out it would have been quicker if more than the alpha quasi male zombie rushed the glass at the same time? Either way, I thought the zombies totally wrecked that show. That, and the scene where he quotes Shrek. Granted, I'll watch watch this movie again somewhere in the future, which is more than I can say for the third pirates movie.
  17. Shocking Blue -
  18. And if you don't, will you voluntarily banish yourself from the Obsidian boards forevah? Nah, I keed. Really. I had a really rough time getting to sleep last night. Then I ended up having to work from eight in the morning until eleven at night. You can color me tired and bitchy.
  19. As pleased as I am with the Oilers latest winning streak, which ended against the first or second worst team in the NHL tonight, I really wonder if the Oil are going to spend the rest of the season battling to stay near .500. Oh well, at least all the dramedy in Toronto is taking away from the Oilers and their current ownership issues.
  20. I had mixed feelings about the show, but the ending wasn't any part of that. Personally I thought those zombies were lame. They're smart enough to set a trap, yet they couldn't figure out a better way to get through that pane of glass at the end ( Hey, I'll just keep smashing it with my forehead! But just me!).
  21. so, I read you've been flying your UFO all over Texas...

  22. Yeah Krookie, I'm thinking of checking it out this weekend as well. Although my stoner senses are kind of giving off a Blair Witch vibe. I guess I'll have to wait a few days to find out.
  23. Geto Boys - Scarface
  24. So I braved playing CoD4 without any of my teammates last night (thanks for the backup!) and tested out some of Nick and Llyranors' suggestions. No more UAV jammer and Martyrdom. I switched to deep impact and some other bullet damage thing. Wouldn't you know, it worked? I had a really good round where I was camped outside the enemies respawn point with my M60 and shot them all threw the walls. Good times, good times.
  25. And Spezza leaves the game tonight with an injury as well. This should test Ottawas' fortitude.
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