I've heard rumours that Fernando is skating with a torn stomach muscle right now. From what I understand of those injuries they are quite painful. It's a damn good thing he's more of a wrist shot guy than one who shoots like Al MacInnes.
And apparantley Roloson took to the ice this afternoon as well, but just to see where his knee is in the rehab process. Get well soon, Rollie the Goalie!!! Just don't sign somewhere else this summer.
While I'm talking about goalies I totally want to say a final goodbye to Ty Conklin. He had that one good season for us, mind you, so his time in the City Of Champions wasn't a total wash. Now whenever I think of him I'm instantly reminded of his Knob Hockey episode. Yikes.
Hopefully next season we'll have a recouperated Roli and a steady back up in Jussi Markannen.
Go Jussi Go!!! Suprise me some more!!