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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. What are the chance of getting an intern/work experience at obsidian? Just curious....
  2. Whatever happend to free will.....
  3. Monotheists are quite amusing....
  4. I'm not familiar with that 'KOTOR' game. Is it an acronym for something? As far as RPGs go, I try to play as many as I can (both PC and Console). I also think it is important to play plenty of non-RPGs. So have you played Arx Fatalis ?
  5. I had to come somewhere....... Why not here? Good dev's with alot of knowlage. RPG's.... Lots of familiar faces.
  6. I hear ye on this. I started out at 16 going to music college, but because of my views on music I could never bring myself to write anything that would sell. I just couldn't bring myself to do it, it felt wrong then and it still feels wrong now(it hasn't stopped me from playing music mind). Now I'm set-up to do a degree in "Computer Games Programming", while it is a love for me gaming I find it much easier to treat it as a business. While I may detest business ethics in general I have found it easier to stomach them when it comes to gaming.
  7. I'm curious, have any of the Dev's played Arx Fatalis.... If so what is your opinion of this game?
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