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Everything posted by blackriderx

  1. I could only find one good picture up close. I had to edit out the dialog b/c it was a spoiler. Atris and just for fun: Darkside Bao-Dur pic I just found.
  2. Nar Shaddaa If you are dark You get Mira if you are light
  3. Yea he's tall but not heavy. I havn't had him in my party yet.
  4. I have to agree. This game seems to be selling great with very little media buzz even now. If they sell a lot of this game you can bet on at least a third one. They'll keep making similar RPGs as long as they make money. I only have three important questions. 1. Which company will get the job? I hope it's either Bioware, Obsidian, or both. 2. Will they finish the trilogy, answer the questions everyone has, and end the current storyline? I hope so and after that they could start a different story. 3. Will they wait to put it on the next gen system(s) or will they rush it out for next Christmas? I would imagine Microsoft would want it as an exclusive title with Halo 2 to launch the X-Box 2.
  5. Probably something that is opened on your third play through or is locked up. I got 52 finishing it on the lightside.
  6. For those PC gamers that don't mind be spoiled here are the pics of these two characters as per RQ .... :cool: Hanharr 1 Hanharr 2 Hanharr 3 G0-T0 1 G0-T0 2 G0-T0 3 G0-T0 4
  7. The Jedi that remained with Revan were enemies of the republic, Sith, as far as the Jedi Council was concerned. According to Kreia the masters made the mistake of fearing the exile instead of learning from his/her actions.
  8. Thanks for the heads up! Thats what I figured happened. Maybe they can use what they have complete for the opening level of KOTOR 3, if Obsidian does it. It would be just like the droids going to Jabba's Palace in ROTJ. This would be a great way to wrap up all the questions that K2 leaves open IMO. Just an idea though ....
  9. I got the caps from the dvd guide. I can take caps of any of the characters you want. I just had to add a little brightness and contrast to them b/c they came out pretty dark. I'll post them for you when I get home from work.
  10. So was this area cut out or is it hidden somewhere? Here is some caps I took from the dvd guide, under HK's bio. Does anyone remember seeing these areas during the game? Who sent the HKs? Sion? HK1 HK2 HK3 HK4 HK5 HK6 HK7
  11. I ordered through the mail so I guess I'm going to have to email Prima. I don't see the point of selling a $26 book and dvd and then having a secret code to see some of the info. thanks for the info though!
  12. After spending money on the enhanced dvd guide I find out that one of the sections is password protected! Does anyone know what the code is?
  13. Found this in the back of the guidebook. "Complete the game with a light side or dark side character, and on your third play throught the game, expect some extra dialog from party members. Your third character must be female for Atton to impart some witty repartee, and the handmaiden has options to say some Echani poetry qoutes."
  14. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thanks!
  15. Level 27 for me. Question, how could you get much higher than 30? Unlike the first game, I didn't find a single area that had respawning enemies?
  16. I only got Handmaiden as a force user, though she was a little weak for me. I finished the game Level 27 / Jedi Weaponmaster. I think you need to go to one more planet at least but I'm not sure. Has anyone confirmed which party members are Force Sensitve btw?
  17. I played the game for a few days to finish it and I have thought about the story a lot, much like most of you who are a little confused. I think a lot of the answers to K2's plot and the next possible game are found in the first game as well. I might be wrong in how I remember some of this info but it's just my theory so correct me if I'm wrong. Please don't flame me it's just a theory! :cool: Don't read if you havn't played all the way through!!!
  18. I would play through the game first.
  19. I thought it was quite funny when you kill the guy on the Ravenger, the one Kreia spared on Onderon, you get gained influence from Canderous. Afterwards he states "That guy had it coming!"
  20. Hello! I have followed the board for some time waiting for this game to come out and finally decided to post! I just finished the game as a LS Male and wanted to ask if anyone could shed a little light towards a few things? I'm going to play a darkside game this week and will be on the lookout for these things again. Thanks in advance! Spoilers .... 1. At one point in my game HK47 was walking around the ship, said he remembered T3M4, and began looking into the navicomputer's logs only to see that they were locked from seeing where the ship had recently been. To me it looked like they showed T3 frying him to keep him from finding out. After that both characters said nothing about the incident? HK was not damaged or anything? 2. I also asked HK47 about the navicomputer and he said it was sending homing signals out to someone and it was probably the other HK units that were tracking you. When I asked him what we should do about this he said later on we could use the signals to find the droid factory where they were creating these mock droids of himself. He said he was looking forward to it. What happened to this storyline as nothing else happened in my game to further it? Do I have to do something to trigger it? After this point in the game I did not see another HK droid at all? 3. I also saw a cut scene of the Goto probe droid blasting Bao-Dur's smalled droid apart, into pieces, on board the Ebon-Hawk in the middle of the game. Two seconds later both droids were floating around like nothing happened? Is there more to this? 4. We are shown that the Sith Lords in the game betrayed Kreia for whatever reason at M5 but at the end she is seen talking to and telling Sion what to do??? Can anyone explain that? 5. The Wookie and Mira life debt. Why does the wookie care so much about the life debt when it is obvious he doesn't follow it? He tries to kill her everytime he sees her in the game! Doesn't that defeat the purpose of owing a life debt? 6. Why is Kreia so worried about Mira at the end of the game when she already knows, and later tells you, she will die many years from now deefending people on a far away planet. The only explanation I can come up with is she was just trying to slow Mira down from helping you on M5? 7. Does the game actually ever explain what happened that left Darth Sion looking as he does? Do we ever know anything about Darth N? Darth Maul was a more developed character than these guys!
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