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Everything posted by Gromnir

  1. Good point. I lived in a house with actors and actresses many years ago, and they were ALL wankers. the actors and actresses we has met is, without exception... difficult. we has actual been friends with a few actors/actresses, but am gonna note that we thought they was all damaged or nutty to a lesser or greater degree. not wankers (some were very nice people) but all was kookie. HA! Good Fun! Rather than actors having various levels of mental instability as you suggest, it's far more likely that the common traits of the personalities acting attracts (extroversion, whimsy, impulsivity, driven by intuition and thirst for new experiences) are simply alien to you by virtue of being antipodal to your own personality traits (which would at a guess be introversion, fastidity, compulsion and a conservative approach to problem solving). your not-so-clever attempt to get around tigs warning aside, clearly Gromnir lacks whimsy... HA! similar to walsh, our basis for making comments 'bouts actors is based on actual encounters and relationships with such folks. you base your guessings regarding Gromnir on the postings from a gaming board where we post utilizing a contrived persona... that about it? *chuckle* am not gonna share our full background, but some folks here is aware o' where we went to school and what we did before law school. compulsion and conservative is 'bout 180 degrees from the mark... though we has been called fastidious by folks who has never seen our home office... or our kitchen when we is cooking. btw, we ain't never met a person who became more creative 'cause they donned a tie-dye t-shirt and got wasted. again, actors is frequently nice enough folks (our experience with actors ain't quite as dismal as were walsh's and some others in this thread,) but with one exception, all were... difficult. as a matter of fact, an actress friend of ours warned us to never date an actress. her rationale: "we're all insane." she were only partially joking. HA! Good Fun!
  2. a kanadian fellow won a million or more in lotteries 5 times. the only reason Gromnir is aware is 'cause the guy were forced to sue to collect his winnings. as we recall, he won. HA! Good Fun!
  3. there is a reason why we has said that we will never, evar have any involvement in domestic law. the whole scenario is wacky. it is illegal to make such tapes in ca... can't tape without all parties knowledge and permission. 'course oksana (sp?) weren't acting as an agent o' the police at the time she made the recordings, so criminal charges related to threats made in the tapes is still possible. judge warns mel's ex 'bout release of tapes. then, tapes is mysteriously leaked, but while mel's ex admits it is her voice on tapes, she denies being involved in the tapes release. and the thing is, this ain't the wackiest custody case stuff we has heard of in the past decade. the guys who do domestic law is the ones most likely to keeps a gun in their desk drawer. HA! Good Fun!
  4. supposedly a patch will be released for awakenings within the next couple of weeks. we waited this long... do the main quests in the wrong order and you can get game killing bugs. play as a rogue and your trap finding/disarming won't work. jnpcs can frequent suffer from automatic 100 approval... w/o loyalty bonuses. pick pocket is screwed if you have wardens keep installed, you may gets a game killing bug. if you gots wardens keep installed, some items will appear... wrong (minor). ... is too many bugs and potential bugs, particularly as we were planning on playing a rogue character. HA! Good Fun!
  5. the smurfs predate blue meanies by about a decade... possibly the young beatles were disturbed by the evil little belgian faeries... kinda likes how some kids is 'fraid o' clowns? *shrug* never made the connection. the thing that always surprises us 'bout the smurfs is the fact that they has endured. am not sure what their appeal is. there were a period during the mid 70's when smurf collectibles were momentarily very popular in the US... and then in the 80's we had the saturday morning cartoon, but unlike pogs or alf (and alf pogs,) the smurfs popularity never completely dies. is... odd. "That is why I enjoyed The Princess and the Frog so much. " as is typical, it were hard to complain 'bout disney animation... but it weren't in our top 5 (10?) of disney animated films. still, it were technically very sound. HA! Good Fun!
  6. does anybody take whoppi serious anymore. she defends polanski's actions as not being "rape-rape" and now she public defends mel's comments. is probable a good example o' why mel's career is not in any real danger. hollywood forgives the silliness of its own very readily. HA! Good Fun!
  7. Good point. I lived in a house with actors and actresses many years ago, and they were ALL wankers. the actors and actresses we has met is, without exception... difficult. we has actual been friends with a few actors/actresses, but am gonna note that we thought they was all damaged or nutty to a lesser or greater degree. not wankers (some were very nice people) but all was kookie. HA! Good Fun!
  8. in the past, if a thread survived long enough on a da board it would eventually became a romance thread... and all such threads eventually became gay-romance threads. perhaps the amine fans, seeing the success o' the gay-romance lobby is simply trying top replicate results. am hoping that anime freaks and japanese posters is not so vocal and aggressive as were the same-sex lobby for da. edit: "Anyhow, I'm glad that Bioware is re-assessing its design decisions on DAO for the sequel. I doubt that all of the decisions based on said reassessment will be in-tune with my particular tastes, but there's really isn't enough information out there right now for me to judge that. More importantly, in a gaming world positively swarming with 'more of the same' sequels to AAA titles, it's good that Bio is looking for avenues of improvement. (Plus, DAO, while being overall a worthwhile title, was not without its dubious design points.) " some o' the improvements... ain't. given the unexpectedly fast design cycle for da2, we suspect that stuff like dialogue wheel is being added to speed up the process as 'posed to being introduced as a genuine attempt to improve the da franchise. writing emotes is far less time consuming for the writers. makes human-only also allows improvement o' the human models without having to address elves and dwarves. ... fix the spell lists in a way that matches some o' Gromnir's initial suggestions regarding da magic? sure, sounds like a good idea... though we is admitted biased. regardless, many da2 improvements seem as much geared towards speeding up the design process as they is genuine improvements. did we mention how much we hates when a developer tries to dupe fans into believing that their cost and resource saving options is innovative features? HA! Good Fun!
  9. we may not be getting martin kind dark in the da universe, but that ain't what folks were asking for, were they? in martin's book, the incestuous relationship is portrayed as something terribly wrong and destructive. am not thinking that those asking for a da2 incest romance wanted Dirty & Wrong... they wanted the twisted (and disturbingly common) anime portrayal o' incest. ... am not surprised that the fans o' bio asked for such nonsense. heck, every time a crpg gets released, the hardcore fo fans wanna know why it isn't possible to kill/torture/rape every npc in the game. expect widespread nonsense is probable the best course o' action. HA! Good Fun! ps da was s'posed to be dark, but not too dark.
  10. 2 years of continuing dlc options. in any event, they may need 2 years to gets out a 1.05 patch. HA! Good Fun!
  11. vol is sorta correct. first screenies and concept art for da were reviled by many. 'course, vol is wrong that things got better regarding art. there were always a vocal group who complained every time art/images were released. looks too lotr. dragon proportions is wrong. character models look too generic. etc. 'course, even the title of Dragon Age: Origins were criticized. *shrug* HA! Good Fun!
  12. Still better than early DnD influence. At least this way she wears some armor. there were no singular d&d influence. early d&d contributing artists were represented by a relative extreme range o' styles. also, as d&d was, and is, a pnp role-play game, the look o' d&d were whatever Gromnir chose to imagine as we played. crpgs, on the other hand, is visual media. no matter how powerful our imagination, we has a difficult time ignoring what is actually on-screen. HA! Good Fun!
  13. as crazy as is the darkspawn armour, we is more likely to endure such stuff than we is to stomach the concept art o' the female character with the armoured stripper boots. am hopeful that such anime-influenced wh0re art does not represent the new art direction for da2 female models. giant weapons and impossible armours is bad enough, but even aribeth's reveal-o'-armour didn't include stiletto heels. Dragon Age 2: Taking Back Gomorrah HA! Good Fun!
  14. It's good way to cut costs and at the same time admit the fact that multiple races have nearly always failed in one way or the other. Even in Dragon Age, Bioware wasted huge amount of resources on origin stories. Those stories only made slight difference outside the starting area and race / class "home" location. Bioware got huge amounts of negative feedback because players felt that their origin story was ignored. They were right of course for the most part, but in the end it all comes down to the available resources. Bioware chose the most cost effective way for Dragon Age 2. if you weren't gonna have separate origins, you probable ain't saving big money anyhow, is you? a few oblique references tossed into the game making reference to the player's race probable ain't gonna be a huge expense. da uses 3d models and meshes, and you is still gonna have dwarf and elf models. am admittedly very unlearned regarding the costs to create such models and how much extra effort goes into pc models... is not like oldie days 2d sprites where every variation o' armour and weapon combo gotta be drawn complete new, but am s'posing there is some cost... but how much. at first blush, this would appear to us to be a story-driven limitation... and am thinking that if is important to keep human for sake of story, then we is disappointed 'cause it means that the da2 pc is gonna be far more static than the da:o protagonist. is a cheap crutch to makes player care 'bout story. HA! Good Fun!
  15. 'cause that is what you is willing to pay? when the dealers/pushers/publishers set prices for their product, am doubting that their cost to bring to the junkie/user/consumer is the main factor they is considering. a few years ago an obsidian developer indicated that production and distribution accounted for more than 1/2 of game cost to publisher. remove these costs will eventually be a boon to indie developers as they attempt to compete with the publishing giants... we may eventual see some creative game developers who take big risks in hopes o' a big payoff. even so, am increasing dubious that you will see a price drop, particularly as the few Win games from publishers has gotta subsidize their considerable number o' Loser games. HA! Good Fun!
  16. "2. Hawke is human." what a shame. is not a huge detail (edit: is not a huge detail from a practical gameplay aspect) but is still unfortunate to see player limited in this way. HA! Good Fun!
  17. That's what I hated the most about the game. You couldn't even send a rogue ahead to scout like in an Infinity Engine game because you would just trigger an enemy spawn or scripted enemy behaviour. to be fair, many/most encounters did not result in a scripted warping of your party into danger if a stealthed rogue were being utilized to scout ahead. even so, there were more than a handful o' such encounters, and after the first couple times you were getting screwed by the triggers, you probably gave up on the scouting. bad design from bio. HA! Good Fun!
  18. Heresy like this needs to be expunged with sword and flame. *chuckle* when we says "one o' the most common complaints" we is actual understating. top 2... easy. again, is not a matter of getting off the pot. they is trying to do what you ask... they is trying to make it "just right." doing what you ask is the core of the problem, 'cause there is no "just right" that will work for everybody or even most. "just right" is illusive and personal and varies a great deal, but bio insists on trying to find the perfect medium... which leaves everybody mildly dissatisfied. HA! Good Fun!
  19. Of course the gangs didn't all go away. They looked for alternative outlets, just as the anti-prohibition agencies did. Both found narcotics. well, no. see, the point o' our bringing up atu is that it were little more than a department and name change. prohibition ends, but the same folks is still making and distributing illegal liquor, and the same law enforcement personnel were trying to apprehend. liquor were no longer illegal, but smuggling and brewing to avoid taxes resulted in sorta a business-as-usual for folks on both sides o' the legal/criminal fence. without the tacit public support for the criminals, the open and rampant lawlessness decreased, but the mobs were able to continue making money doing the same stuff they had been doing during prohibition. again, Gromnir is in favor o' legalizing, but is not a clear no-lose situation as some suggest, and it won't result in some kinda sudden disappearance o' all (most) weed related crime and prosecutions. HA! Good Fun!
  20. is it? following bg (the original,) one o' the most common complaints voiced on the boards were regarding the mindless mowing of largely empty maps. durlag's tower, from the totsc expansion, became the oft identified alternative to tedious bg1 map exploration. following bg2, fans lamented the lack o' exploration. ... go to codex or nma and listen to what the fo fans describe as Proper. listen to the feedback on the da boards. spend 15 minutes reading fo:nv posts on these boards. dunno, "just right" were very different for momma, poppa and baby bear, no? finding a good balance is probably very elusive goal for developers. HA! Good Fun!
  21. Kids these days are marvelously uncreative. am understanding that you were not intending to broach a serious issue, but we will respond as it applies to da2... and other games being developed. to continue, Gromnir does not recognize a decrease in child creativity compared to when we were young. however, we can fully understand why it would appear that kiddies lack the creativity o' the previous generation. children, and young adults, got similar creativity as folks from our generation, but kids nowadays gots a much more limited attention span. is much more difficult for kids to reveal their creativity if they can only concentrate on passive activities with brief durations. kids needs constant and active involvement or they lose focus. we recently sat in on a 11th grade english class at a local catholic high school... most students bound for UC or Ivy schools. we watched these bright kids struggle with a poetry exercise in which they were directed to develop and maintain a single image for as long as they could. 2 lines... maybe 3. the kids didn't even recognize when they had added a new image or lost hold of the original. very bright. very creative. limited focus. ... am feeling some sympathy for authors and game developers who is creating media for the new generation o' purchasers... and we suspect that gamer attention is gonna continue to shrink. developers of crpgs will be tasked with creating rich stories and characters for an audience with 0 patience. HA! Good Fun! tl;dr Also, I agree with Wrath-- the linked 'voiced PC' rant was kinda sad. One of the biggest things that DAO needed was some more personality. With a fairly cookie-cutter world, a blank slate protagonist, little in the way of plot-based mysteries, and no memorable antagonist, the game relies almost entirely on the JNPCs to hold the interest of the player in a narrative sense. Impinging on player freedom a little bit to inject some character by way of the PC is a plausible way to address this. It's not without its drawbacks, and it is perhaps not the best way to do so, but it also has some advantages. one thing we thought were true misguided 'bout the linked rant were the attempted contrast with ps:t and tno. protagonists such as revan, sheppard and tno is very much not blank slates. in spite o' the cliche amnesia shtick, they got very detailed histories and a canned raison detre. tno even had a static appearance and his voiced lines, while few and far between, were done by a single actor. tno gots far more in common with revan and sheppard than he (being a "he" is just another aspect o' the static nature o' tno) gots in common with the bhaalspawn o' the bg games or the grey warden o' da. by utilizing tno to makes the ranter's point very much crippled the rant for Gromnir as it revealed a rather fundamental and glaring misunderstanding. tno = blank slate? hardly. am personally not a fan o' the sheppard, revan, tno approach... with TNO being arguably the most restrictive example. yeah, you end up with a potentially more compelling story, but you sacrifice considerable player freedom to imagine and define their character. am tempted to makes a rant o' our own regarding the biowarian decision to leaves the ultimate antagonist of not only da:o, but also me2, ill-defined. many developers and boardies has had the misfortune o' reading Gromnir's long-winded posts regarding the importance o' villains in a crpg with necessarily vague protagonists. truth to tell, we is exhausted by such efforts, and more than a little saddened by the fact that the biowarians ignored an aspect o' interactive storytelling that should be so damned obvious. how does they make such a mistake... twice? bah. oh, and am gonna disagree with meshugger that the da dialogues were noticeably terrible. individual and collective lines o' da dialogue were written with competence and creativity... showed a good range o' intelligence, wit, and pathos. da had some excellent jnpcs that were brought to life via dialogues that revealed considerable craftsmanship. unfortunately, not all the jnpcs were fantabulous (which admittedly is a less than noteworthy criticism) and allister ended up being horrible as a non-romance-able character, al were okie dokie... save for his tedious and tearful reflections o' duncan which were wasted as they did not actual make his ultimate actions seem plausible. regardless, for the most part, we approved of bio handling o' the npcs o' da, joinable and otherwise. am conversely very critical and unconcerned regarding Epic fantasy plot. all fantasy plots is silly... especially as they is more fantastic and epic. am not gonna see us complain too much 'bout a fantasy plot, 'cause most such stuff is lame, and the larger the scope, the more ludicrous such plots necessarily become. even so, the biowarians did very little to keeps our attention focused on their plot chapters. the brood mother stuff were kinda intriguing, but is maybe ironic that the dwarf portion o' the game were the most grindy and tedious. demons and darkspawn... the demons had cliche motivations and plans, and the darkspawn were mindless. well shucks, am amazed that such adversaries produced uninspired plotlines. have been wanting to see what bio did with awakenings, but we is waiting for a patch before playing. who woulda' thunk it would take more than 4 months to release a patch? *shrug* in any event, we can see why bio might be choosing to go back to a revan/sheppard protagonist as it is an easy way to deal with some o' the flaws in da... though we has 0 notion regarding the degree to which they is adopting a static protagonist model. our concern is that the biowarians is fixing without genuine recognizing the real problems. HA! Good Fun!
  22. Kids these days are marvelously uncreative. am understanding that you were not intending to broach a serious issue, but we will respond as it applies to da2... and other games being developed. to continue, Gromnir does not recognize a decrease in child creativity compared to when we were young. however, we can fully understand why it would appear that kiddies lack the creativity o' the previous generation. children, and young adults, got similar creativity as folks from our generation, but kids nowadays gots a much more limited attention span. is much more difficult for kids to reveal their creativity if they can only concentrate on passive activities with brief durations. kids needs constant and active involvement or they lose focus. we recently sat in on a 11th grade english class at a local catholic high school... most students bound for UC or Ivy schools. we watched these bright kids struggle with a poetry exercise in which they were directed to develop and maintain a single image for as long as they could. 2 lines... maybe 3. the kids didn't even recognize when they had added a new image or lost hold of the original. very bright. very creative. limited focus. ... am feeling some sympathy for authors and game developers who is creating media for the new generation o' purchasers... and we suspect that gamer attention is gonna continue to shrink. developers of crpgs will be tasked with creating rich stories and characters for an audience with 0 patience. HA! Good Fun!
  23. You could be right. However, when Prohibition ended the mobs controlling black-market booze ended as well. (Yes, yes, they found other criminal activities in which to indulge... probably drugs! ) Despite the fact that liquor is and always has been taxed up the ying-yang, there still is not a significant black-market booze crime syndicate working the streets. So I'm ready to see if legalizing weed will end up with the same benefits. Couldn't hurt to try, and if things go downhill fast, what is legal can be made illegal again in a jiffy. it is true that rampant lawlessness and corruption decreased following the repeal o' prohibition, but don't think for a moment that the mobs sudden disappeared. it is maybe worth doing a search regarding the ATF and its forerunners... specifically take a looksee at the origins, activities, and failures of the ATU. also, am not certain it is so easy to put the genie back into the bottle. booze production and consumption had a long history in this nation before the Volstead; prohibition did not change American culture. drink at weddings, parties, feasts, and even mass. Volstead is one o' the many examples o' why paternalism, even with the best intentions, is a doomed approach in a democratic society (or at least that is Gromnir's pov.) regardless, it is very difficult to draw cultural parallels 'tween booze and mj as booze were, even pre-prohibition, far more accepted and acceptable than weed has ever been. Americans simply don't have enough positive history with weed. course, once you make legit... *shrug* once kids sees positive and neutral images o' their favorite actors and athletes getting wasted, we suspect weed will very rapidly become accepted by the younger generations... particularly if the activity is made to look kewl (as 'posed to the way it is currently portrayed in media as sorta a ridiculous habit for unwashed losers.) HA! Good Fun!
  24. we noted that you "pointed out" the silliness... not that you believed the silliness. is more amusing that you recognized the problem without realizing how silly/stoopid reliance 'pon after-the-fact punishment would be. HA! Good Fun!
  25. am thinking that the one being silly is vol. Gromnir is also wanting gaider to do more showing, 'cause we don't really believe his talking. that doesn't mean we expect gaider to show us anything before da2 release, but it does mean that we ain't gonna believe biowarian claims regarding their games as their imagination has increasingly been exceeding the actuality o' their product. the impact o' the origins didn't come close to living up gaider's personal and emphatic billing, and da darkness also were kinda cw network darkness at best. the balance o' da powhaz/talents and classes were bungled and we cannot help but wonders what were the point o' adding crap like Perfect Storm to a game. even more offensive is this talk o' da2 when we still ain't seen a patch for da:a... nearly FOUR MONTHS following its release. again, we want showings more than talking, but we doubt anybody who has lost faith in bioware's claims will be convinced by anything save for an actual play-through of da2. we enjoyed da:o, but not because it bore any kinda resemblance to the game described by the developers on their message boards. we liked da in spite o' the fact that it failed to deliver on many of gaider's claims. HA! Good Fun! ps when pushed for details regarding da darkness, we did finally elicit a response from gaider that were very telling... we were told that da:o would be "dark, but not too dark." such a statement made it very obvious to us that da would only be incrementally darker than any previous title, as gaider's statement were delivered to reassure fans who were reluctant to embrace a dark fantasy game. "dark, but not too dark" made it clear to us that if bioware were actively trying to avoid alienating folks who preferred sunny and sugary-sweet cotton candy grade fantasy, there were no way they could make da very dark at all. the lesson being that if you push hard enough and gets gaider exhausted, he will be uncharacteristically honest.
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