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Everything posted by Gromnir

  1. season one weren't exact our jam. as such it were hardly surprising our only thought after seeing the linked trailer were, "henry cavill doing a ricola commercial seems like a no-brainer." HA! Good Fun!
  2. pets are not toys which is ok to outgrow. post pandemic pets sudden become an inconvenience and are discarded? is not as if you can public shame these people either 'cause you know the folks who would abandon their cat or dog at a shelter would just as likely kick fido out o' the car 50km from nowhere if the alternative were having their name displayed on some kind animal control/shelter website as somebody who returned their pet... probable act offended at the government trying to public ridicule hardworking americans just trying to go back to work. we knew this were gonna happen. 'tween folks dying from covid and leaving behind pets and now the d-bags who is sudden inconvenienced by pet ownership returning their boon companions, we knew this were gonna happen. were a similar dynamic during and after the great rescission. once the moratorium on evictions is lifted, am suspecting the situation will get even worse for pets. sucks.
  3. reminds us o' a post from not so long past. led zepplin has been a gateway drug for more than a few o' our hip-hop acquaintances. get 'em hooked on clyde stubblefield takes little effort. is then a short journey to appreciation o' john bonham. HA! Good Fun!
  4. coyotes, owls and rattlesnakes is the most common non vehicular direct slayers o' felines in our neck o' the woods, but a dvm friend o' ours informed us that while it were not shocking to have a cat dispatched by one o' the aforementioned, the far more common source o' feline death were rodents-- diseased rodents spreading whatever contagion they might be suffering from to their would be feline predator. am suspecting it becomes kinda difficult for a lay person to know whether disease killed sylvester before the coyotes and vultures arrived. not exactly disney "circle of life" material, eh? our doctor o' veterinary medicine friend kinda convinced us w/o trying to keep all future cat pets indoors. HA! Good Fun! ps we also discovered you don't need a particular big owl to take out a cat neither. a few o' those birds is disproportionate powerful for their size and they will kill prey which seeming outsize 'em even if their most common food is small rodents n' such. don't mess with the owls.
  5. you are so odd sometimes. yeast extract, if it poses any known and measurable health problems, is 'cause o' the salt. and is nowhere near enough sodium phosphate in a can o' soup to cause problems unless your husband is actual an infant. you are married to a guy who is getting older and you are nevertheless unconcerned with his apparent high sodium diet, but the yeast extract (not the salt it brings to the table) and sodium phosphate has you concerned enough that you is considering warning your significant other away from canned soup. *shrug* am recalling not so long past one o' our predictable science-challenged boardies expressed reservations 'bout the deaths attributed to covid 'cause so many o' those dying had comorbidities and were old. duh. exercise and eat healthy every day o' your life, but as you get older, chances increase dramatic that you will have some kinda health problem, which will no doubt make you more susceptible to other health problems. am not having been married, but traditional wedding vows mentions "in sickness and in health," no? is a good chance your husband's health problems (if any) becomes your problems one way or another. regardless, homemade lets one control whatever goes in a recipe. HA! Good Fun!
  6. didn't watch the video, but canned soup is ridiculous high in sodium. if your spouse has any kinda heart issues, avoid canned soups is probable the smart option. make soup is ez and it saves well. not need to be a whiz in the kitchen to make fantastic soup. however, as 'tween emptying a can into a pot, perhaps adding a bit o' water and then making hot, homemade soup is far more time consuming. *shrug* low sodium and heart healthy monastery lentils is filling and delicious. a quick look with google produced a recipe almost identical to the one we posted here sometime in the past. technical not soup, but is close enough not to matter. if your spouse likes split pea soup, then such might be a good start 'cause unlike other beans or peas there is no pre soak and typical split pea soup requires few ingredients. maybe even speed up cook time 'w/o needing long slow simmer by using bacon instead o' ham bone. downside to bacon or ham is 'course the salt, so need be careful with how much you add. a ham bone recipe, with only a bit o' ham added will produce good flavour with little added sodium. any soup, as is mostly water, will freeze almost indefinite. make a gallon o' soup and freeze in quart sized containers which you defrost as needed. spend a saturday making three different soups and you likely got a month or two worth o' meals... if you have the freezer space. good stock is key. wanna keep low sodium then make your own stock. super market or costco rotisserie chickens is maybe not on Gromnir's shopping list, but they is popular. 'stead o' throwing out the carcass, make stock in anticipation o' your soup day. canned soups, eve reduced sodium varieties, is ordinary very high in sodium. we have literal gallons o' homemade soup in our freezer at any given time, 'cause we like soup, but if we had any heart concerns we would most assured avoid canned soup and go homemade instead. HA! Good Fun!
  7. am gonna observe mordin solus does patter songs better than de lancie, but regardless, this one is for the bronies. HA! Good Fun!
  8. the US is a republic, which am suspecting were the founder's solution to the issue gorth identifies. even after the Constitution, most americans saw selves as virginians or pennsylvanians as 'posed to Americans, which made sense 'cause most o' their problems were being addressed at the local and state level. am thinking many people who are not american is shocked when they discover just how much state and local government autonomy there is in this curious nation. on these boards we rail 'bout national elections, but the reality is most o' the ordinary laws and government intrusions americans suffer or benefit from is achieved local and state. the US already kinda has the apparatus to achieve what gorth suggests, but am suspecting you would never get enough americans to vote for a change which would functional result in the US returning to pre ww1 (or perhaps even pre civil war) reality o' the states being practical nations unto themselves. more than most western democracies, individual states is more capable (if still inept) at handling essentials o' day-to-day governance as well as addressing more exotic issues such as international trade n' such. the thing is, once you got national programs and apparatus such as social security, and an interstate highway system and national defense, is tough to decentralize and to reduce. furthermore, not all states is capable or desirous o' such autonomy. have mentioned in the past that in spite o' texans occasional talk o' succession, they actual is depending on the national teat for sustenance far beyond the national average. states such as ny and california see a net loss in fed dollar benefits. converse, states such as texas is not in a position where they could easily endure an absence o' federal supporting dollars. get those states, and there is many, to agree to some serious long term pain from a return to real decentralization? regardless, is kinda amusing how the US started out embracing the solution gorth posits, and then abandoned it. no doubt many will argue granting the fed government greater power and authority were a mistake. is not an unreasonable argument, but is hardly axiomatic. HA! Good Fun! ps is also worth noting the US started out with something called the articles o' confederation, which were a colossal failure and were abandoned in favor o' a bit more federalism. shay's rebellion were perhaps all too fresh in the minds o' the Constitutional delegates? dunno. (edit: added a link for shay's rebellion 'cause expecting any non american to know 'bout such would be unfair. however, am gonna admit we didn't bother to read the linked material 'cause am lazy. we apologize in advance if the article is terribad.)
  9. following libertarian "politics" is where we learned about the support of the "bronies" for the cause. the my little ponies fans were so enamored with vermin supreme's campaign promise o' a free pony for every american, they has endorsed him and the libertarian cause since 2012. libertarians, as a party and at the national level has been a joke a lot longer than gd suggests. bronies. at the local level, libertarians is often serious and sober candidates even if they is fringe and in spite o' fact mj support became inextricably linked with libertarians running for office. if libertarians have a single unifying platform position, is probable legalization of marijuana, which maybe hurt the party as states has increasing passed marijuana legalization legislation. once marijuana is legal in a state, then there isn't much setting the libertarian apart from the crowd. HA! Good Fun! ps more proof every post is a star trek post, john de lancie were a narrator for the bronies kickstarter project and he even "sings" a song.
  10. won? be honest and call it a surrender. you are so certain all democrats and republicans is corrupt that you unreasonable grasp at any story which would support your conclusion. how many times has Gromnir needed correct your hasty conclusions? whether is dead bodies in arlington or obama imagined support o' national police, gd is quick to assume the worst of they/them. worse, every time there is actual evidence that a group o' politicians did something wrong, you predictably turn it into a chance to rail 'bout how they are all bad. example: this story were proof that, "Republicans = Democrats =Republicans =Democrats"? your syllogism is, to say the least, lacking. but in your mind is so obvious that the democrats, (and not just some democrats but all democrats) is corrupt that you no longer even bother showing how the other guys is doing the exact same thing... and you sure as heck ain't showing is endemic evhul. wanna revisit the biden thing again? really? am happy to watch you try and explain burisma as proof o' biden corruption. we gonna rehash where you serious complained that the biden speech writer from pre 2000s failed to proper attribute quotes as some kinda proof o' biden lack o' character? can't believe you wanna try and defend that silliness one more time, but don't you worry, we will address your newfound embrace o' relativism in moments. inept, btw, is a extreme different condemnation than corrupt. am quite willing to concede biden is inept. the thing is, almost none o' these guys is up to the task o' running a national level government. 'course part o' the problem is the demands the people make is unreasonable. fix systemic racism? sure, we can do that in two or four six years, yes? oh, and since this is one gd fails habitual, try and come up with a plan to reduce national debt w/o raising taxes or cutting funding for programs which the people would be enraged 'bout if they learned were getting pruned. is a whole lotta problems and all too few is simple... and the simple stuff gets addressed bipartisan and with little fanfare. but again, your cynicism has limits. if they are all well and true bad, then less bad shouldn't make a difference. in fact, refusal to accept a lesser o' evils has previous been foundational for gd. if is all just degrees o' deceit, then the only thing libertarians have to argue in their favor as being less subject to corruption is the fact they ain't never had a meaningful national presence, so is predictable fewer stories o' graft. if libertarians is occupying a spot on the corruption spectrum same as the rest, then a vote for libertarians makes little sense as the only value they offered in 2016 or 2020 were as spoilers. given gd has now admitted to having found religion in relativism, vote for the spoiler is curious. they are all bad except for the libertarians or anybody who agrees with your extreme narrow worldview regarding rusty chain saws, even if such folks stumble outta a tiny car in harlequin garb and face paint. am recalling how certain gd were that 2016 represented a sea change for libertarians in spite o' fact there were overall extreme low voter turnout. so, how did 2020 affect your certainty that 2016 were meaningful for libertarians? as a national percentage o' total vote, 2020 libertarians lost 2/3 o' what they achieved in 2016. oh, and if the criticism o' biden is now ineptitude as 'posed to some kinda endemic party politician corruption, then gary johnson is hardly an improvement. you are not doing a particular good job supporting your hard won cynicism. admitted you has stated you indulge in hyperbole from time to time but you didn't even bother with your meme deflection this time, eh? is doubtful you concede this is all just a big joke, yes? meme or no meme, is the same old same old, yes? HA! Good Fun!
  11. and if your nihilism were consistent, it would still be comic but at least it would be believable. unfortunately, you distinguish them, the established parties, as corrupt and irredeemable and then do your broken record bit o' repetition lamenting how voting democrat or republican is a kinda voluntary self mutilation... at which point you observe there is an alternative. government is broken. the democrats and republicans is all bad. you rage 'gainst the stoopid o' the people for not seeing as clear as you do. how may the people ignore biden and burisma (*snort*) or the florida gop trying to legislate free speech on college campuses and not rage at how such is flip sides o' same coin? (huh?) is no winners. only losers. well, almost. your cynicism takes you to ridiculous places where you suggest they is all broken and beyond hope o' redemption, and then you vote seth cohen, and not as a joke but 'cause you see such as the intelligent and reasonable alternative. you take any example o' a government fail, even if you need manufacture such fails with the help o' fringe radio conspiracies, and use such to justify the fear they is just looking for an excuse to take your guns... or whatever is the current hobgoblin running naked and screaming in your brain today. taxes is theft and the government goons who come to take his rusty chain saw (and pay him for it) deserve a lethal reply. is tough to keep track o' gd's fever dreams 'bout the evils o' government... though based on past comments gd fully expects government to protect him from fellow citizens who wanna take his stuff, which is kinda hypocritical given the statement which started this current side journey. "flamethrowers" indeed. HA! Good Fun!
  12. playing battletech again. we were gonna do heavy metal, but instead we started a new campaign, after which we will do the dlc material. am using our backstabbing grasshopper a bit more than last time we played, but am still kinda using our headshot marauder even though we got assault mechs which look better on paper. marauders just kinda feel busted with the significant increased headshot chance, but until we got all the mechs we wanted via salvage, we had a hard time resisting the lure o' a kinda dependable "pilot incapacitated" after a head shot. blunder: dekker is effective in the grasshopper, but we shoulda' gone for ace pilot instead o' master tactician. being able to shoot and then move woulda' been a huge asset in the grasshopper. regardless, while mechwarrior 5 is kinda fun, am still more a fan o' the turn-base battletech. too bad it looks like there is no more battletech from hairbrained anytime soon. HA! Good Fun!
  13. am also relieved, but a third beta at such a late date does suggest owlcat is aware the game is in need of significant fixes. unless the release date is altered, am thinking we need accept september 2nd will be the start of the fourth beta, even if is not called such. am personal resigned to such and am ok with it, but am also realizing most sane people is gonna be expecting at least a nominal finished product. HA! Good Fun!
  14. is anything but a surprise the people is gonna demand the government solve problems. is arguable the raison d'être o' government to address problems too big or complex for any one individual to address. did gd ever benefit from public education? ever driven on an interstate highway? did gd get his free covid vaccination? am knowing gd mentioned his college were paid for by his military service, yes? one o' these days gd is gonna have an epiphany moment 'bout how representative democracy works. am surmising today is not the day. the people demanding stoopid stuff in spite o' warnings that such demands is ineffectual or even self defeating, warnings as often as not coming from career bureaucrats, results in the elected representatives o' the people passing laws. 'course the people also ask for laws banning toxic waste dumping on private land and funding to eradicate child leukemia n' such. those freaking animals. *shrug* if you could take the people out o' the equation, then perhaps an ideal government could be designed and implemented. the government is a problem because o' the nature o' the people. oh, and just for funsies, on the six month anniversary o' an infamous, shameful and embarrassing day in american history... https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000007606996/capitol-riot-trump-supporters.html some people keep diminishing the relevance o' the events o' january 6. no video from the nyt will change hearts and minds, but the stranglehold individuals have on their fantasy that january 6 has been magnified beyond its actual relevance becomes that much more quixotic as the reality o' january 6 is made clearer thanks to subsequent investigations. is too bad Congress couldn't agree to the commission which were negotiated to in good faith by both democrats and republicans, eh? HA! Good Fun!
  15. "and when he had opened the third seal, i heard the third beast say, come and see. and i beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand." HA! Good Fun!
  16. for the fourth we did our one day a year o' obligatory grilling for multiple people, which were ok 'cause 96F is less than ideal but not on the "yikes" end o' the sac valley heat spectrum. however, is projected to hit 108F by saturday, with multiple +105F to be looking forward to. sure, our forecast is not arizona hot, but is uncomfortable nevertheless and such conditions make the oven a verboten cooking device during such week(s) long stretches o' unpleasantness. salads as a solution? am only gonna eat so many salads before we go insane and too much o' the fruit salad options has obvious downsides. also, am admitted not a salad guy. for the past couple years we has used our instapot more often during the summer. am recalling having mentioned how ez is carnitas in the instapot. the thing is, and nobody is more surprised by this than Gromnir, we finally used a gift air fryer and it were kinda great. is a six quart model, so considering we is usual cooking for one or two, the fryer is more than big enough to accommodate our needs. we already own one o' those fancy toaster/mini convection ovens, so the air fryer struck us as utter pointless as it is, for all intents and purposes, a mini convection oven... sorta the betty crocker ez bake oven o' convection ovens, but a convection oven even so. am not certain what possessed us to finally unbox the two-year-old air fryer and give it a test run other than a kinda morbid curiosity. glad we indulged the whim. first "recipe" we tried were chicken wings, 'cause we figured were iconic and would be a fair test o' capabilities. used a freaking food network guide for estimated cooking times but we cooked half the poundage recommended. cooking time involved three separate 12 minute increments, which were kinda what we expected given our convection oven would be requiring 33-35 minutes to accomplish the same task. after the first twelve minutes of wing cooking in the air fryer, the chicken appeared mostly done, but am kinda ADD 'bout following recipes exact at least the first time, so we cooked second 12 minutes and then concluded an additional 12 minutes would resulted in desiccated and inedible chicken. in fact, twenty minutes total woulda' been sufficient and as such is our cook time for 8-12 wings. in the convection oven we utilize an uninspired combo o' salt, pepper and baking powder to add an extra crispy quality to the drumettes. air fryer makes the baking powder unnecessary. absolute zero complaints 'bout air fryer wings and they is better than our convection oven approach. moved on from the wings and added other items. get considerable use from the silly little contraption with near zero oil roasting vegetables and making chicken breasts so we have a bit o' protein to add into a few o' those salads we earlier mentioned. am not gonna make real fried chicken in the air fryer, just as a matter o' principle, but we will admit admit we made fried chicken breast for chicken sandwiches and the breasts cooked much better than anticipated in spite o' no oil. baked potatoes turned out great, but we eat baked potatoes maybe a couple times a year. haven't tried fish. salmon would be a no-brainer option but we can't shake the notion that everything made in the air fryer for the next couple o' uses would be suffering a legacy o' salmon. regardless, in spite o' our general food snobbery, am conceding we has gotten more than a fair amount o' use outta our air fryer. maybe not the best cooking device evar, but the little fryer (which ain't near as noisy as we were warned) has meant we is almost never needing turn on our massive professional grade oven to cook a couple of chicken breasts and roast a bit o' broccoli on days/weeks when the temps is +105F. HA! Good Fun!
  17. apologies. one last try. the thread is also tagged as "independence day." is quibble over nomenclature. in korea, people are considered a year older than what would be their western birth date, 'cause conception matters to 'em. argue over what constitutes the birth o' the nation? fine. whatever. independence day were alternative july 2 or july 4, 1776 and if you get shorts in twist over signing of documents, then august 2 o' same year works. three good dates for independence and all have their place in the utter pointless argument over birthday of the nation which, as it turns out, is a somewhat arbitrary distinction for the existence o' a nation. go ahead and tell us what is rome's birthday. equal pointless. is pivotal dates worth knowing, but a specific birthday is gonna be debatable, and debatable only to a handful o' uptight scholars and perhaps a few history nerds who started their independence day drinking a bit early. HA! Good Fun! ps not continuing the argument, but am gonna suggest that for a few o' us the united states were restless gestating 'til at least 1865 when georgia final ratified the 13th amendment on december 2, abolishing slavery and granting citizenship to any and all native born, with the notable exception o' native americans who were not afforded such a right until june 2, 1924. fun fact: mississippi did not ratify the 13th amendment until 1995. am now gonna go get our pre grilling prepared, 'cause barbeque (used as a verb) is something else. barbeque v. grill is actual worth fighting 'bout btw.
  18. @Guard Dogthe word is "independence." what is day of independence? the suggestion there were no independence 'til 1787 beggars the imagination. articles and constitution are a non issue. funny. you are trying to rulez lawyer this for some reason. you think you found a flaw in the reasoning and logic, but you is utter missing. sheesh. so, happy independence day. done. HA! Good Fun!
  19. is ez to forget that the british remained the single greatest foreign threat to the US until into the 20th century, and it took wwi to kinda/sorta change that pov. pretend like revolution, and then that little misunderstanding in 1812, were just kinda aberrations in a long and friendly relationship 'tween the US and the brits ignores history. heck, were brit engineers who functional designed much o' the japanese navy, and they did so knowing that there would be increasing tension 'tween us and imperial japan. so, as is our tradition, we warn sweary forthcoming also not pimping samsung, but it kinda makes us smile. HA! Good Fun! ps sands the shouting, we will once again question gd's history on this. symbolism is important, nevertheless, july 2 or july4 is swell as to ratification by the continental congress dates... with july 2nd most appropriate. august 2, 1776 is fine if you is a stickler for signing as were the original complaint on this matter. Constitution or articles of confederation has little to do with independence, so will ignore those dates.
  20. over the years we had more than a few people functional working for us on complex cases. the thing is, not everybody learns the same way. ultimately we were teaching w/o having time to teach, which kinda sucks for interns and junior associates. nevertheless, we were aware that while some individuals could complete time sensitive tasks after receiving brief verbal instructions, other individuals needed more or different. were ez to dismiss the tactile or visual learners as dumb, but from our pov such were a waste o' talent. am suspecting work remote is gonna be fine and even a boon for many. emails, texts and zoom (or whatever) is more than enough to get your people all on the same page and working towards your desired goal right? *chuckle* given our current situation, "working" from home is ideal and even if we weren't spending our days in margaritaville (sans the booze,) if am reflecting on last few years o' employment, working from home would be great save for fact we live remote from where were our office and having documents couriered back and forth would be costly-- can't just scan the important stuff, and is all important. that said, am knowing more than a few excellent interns and junior associates who woulda' failed if they were having to work solo from home. those persons needed more than zoom and email and they frequent needed each other. HA! Good Fun!
  21. am gonna admit to being conflicted 'bout a few indian examples as well as eisenhower. wasn't 'til 1924 that the Courts and Congress recognized citizenship o' native people. also, all indian land is actual fed land unless it is private owned. domestic dependent nation fiction. and the eisenhower thing is tough. is one reason why Gromnir is perhaps the only aclu attorney we know (albeit only brief and and in spite being a conservative) who public questioned brown. the Court had no enforcement power or experience with formulating a busing program. so when states said no to brown, there were no obvious way to compel compliance. eisenhower is faced with a hard choice. allow states to flout a Court decision? simultaneous, what authority were there for fed troops to enforce brown compliance at state schools? brown, while the moral and right call, set off a decade o' increased racial tensions. the civil rights acts of the mid 60s fixed the problems brown created. am admiring the Court for doing the right thing in brown, but the law was questionable and the truth is it resulted in an increase in segregationist policies in the south for many years. eisenhower's use o' troops just made the whole situation more unpalatable to southerners who had previous to brown been trending post ww2 towards more inclusive policies. eisenhower, perhaps justifiably, radicalized the mob. tough call. HA! Good Fun!
  22. w/o the invitation of a state governor or state legislature? can only think of one post ww2 other than trump. is not anywhere near as common as you suggest. you may be using "sic" rather loose and ignore the state invite aspect is kinda disingenuous. heck, you can look at how nixon used troops compared to trump in spite o' the vietnam protests at the Capitol and pentagon. massive protests and a bunch o' hippies managed to break into the pentagon and were escorted out o' the building. compare to lafyette park or portland? and keep in mind there is federal agents in every us courthouse and most fed buildings in the country. have such feds on such property restraining trespassers and the like is not anywhere near same situation and happens all the time w/o nary a complaint, 'cause, duh. if such happens on a larger scale 'cause the number o' trespassers or vandals is larger scale, it does not somehow make the fed actions more wrong. if trump had sent agents to every fed courthouse in blue cities and had them do nothing save stand guard at such sites, am doubtful anybody save the lunatic fringe would complain. trump's use o' troops uninvited acting on state land to imprison protesters for as yet undetailed reasons were the issue. ordinary guard duty at fed sites is hardly a sic federal attack dog situation analogous to trump. pre ww2 and excluding such obvious exceptions as war of 1812 and civil war? george washington did so with the whiskey rebellion. shay's rebellion happened pre Constitution but post articles of confederation. again, w/o a state invite, or time o' war is frightful uncommon. HA! Good Fun! ps we weren't gonna mention, but might as well. eisenhower is the one post ww2 example we would concede. in 1957 the US President did genuine sic fed troops on citizenry w/o state approval. enforcement of brown v. board. pps am anticipating a misguided complaint 'bout the bureau of land management and the bundy folks.
  23. forgot to mention one o' our major gripes 'bout the defenders o' domestic authoritarianism. the police state handbook is a wonderful guide for what trump and barr did last summer and what the chinese do every spring, summer, fall and winter. the thing is, the chinese does better. cracking skulls is only 1/2 o' the effective police state approach. you gotta spend money too. whether is keeping pensions robust or infrastructure projects, you gotta spend money if you are gonna, "beat the f***," outta resistance elements. crack skulls is not a solution w/o investment. cop training in the US, such as it is, took many decades to become quasi-homogenized. how we got to the point where regardless if you is in florida or minnesota, any indication o' a contempt o' cop fail by a citizen is making reasonable a swift and immediate physical response is kinda complex. the fact such force is reasonable and more likely if you are minority is equal disturbing. regardless, in the US we already got a good start on the brutality aspect authoritarians admire. is the money aspect where we come up woeful short. carrot or stick is actual a misnomer for the would be authoritarian regime. beatings is considered necessary and desirable, but so too is the rewards and the visible benefits o' embracing the soulless autocrat. send troops into portland and chicago and weehawken (why not weehawken,) is pointless if you aren't willing to spend money in the same burgs and townships. trump and barr were monstrous for embracing the unconstitutional and overt authoritarian police state handbook recommendations on protest suppression but they were also unforgivable stoopid for failing to recognize that if you is gonna implement such brutality then you need pay for the right to do so by making real improvements in the lives of folks living in the places where you is trampling freedoms and protesters simultaneous. the people will happily embrace evil, but evil and cheap is unforgivable. HA! Good Fun!
  24. *sigh* and yet you somehow thought it relevant to point out how political loyalty revealed through trump voting were a meaningful observation relative to this issue? is a forest for the trees error in any event. you are deflecting whether intentional or not. let's not revisit bruce support o' authoritarianism. lets ignore the causation v. correlation error. the important issue is whether bruce is genuine anti lib or not? fine. btw, Gromnir also suggested "defund" of police were foolish. that said, most cities only made token efforts to do so. whole lotta talk w/o much action. reason why were 'cause while folks who don't live in those south side neighborhoods o' chicago or similar think defund sounds swell 'cause cops is evil and whatnot, people who live in crime plagued neighborhoods gotta less enthusiastic pov on decreased police presence. john oliver telling us how there should be no drug warrants at all 'cause bad things happen during the execution o' such warrants has never had to share same building with a gang doing 24/7 drug business, and not the kinda drug business he might have seen while in college or on the set o' some tv show. am hopeful the progressives wakeup and take notice o' how eric adams message resonated in the nyc mayor primaries. 'course part o' the problem is that "defund" became the label for any effort to allocate police resources better or different. right wing media obfuscation. again, biden supports increased funding to police which emphasize dispute resolution training and mental health support and whatnot, and that were the approach numerous "defund" cities took. nevertheless, biden is usual accused o' supporting cop defund. also, expect such changes to have a positive impact immediate, particular post pandemic, is foolishness. last year we posted the camden efforts at defunding. is worth rereading. issue is more complex than defund v. no defund. regardless, crime is up in metros regardless o' whether they defunded or not, whatever defund means 'cause is hardly a term with a uniform definition though you wouldn't realize such from a bruce post or a tucker carlson take. given how crime is up regardless o' efforts to defund, am thinking a rather more nuanced look at causes may be beneficial rather than suggesting defund is the cause or even a significant cause. HA! Good Fun!
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