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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. We'll look into that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your blood should be bottled. Even better. I can't wait to check it out.
  2. Six I didn't think Kreia created the wound in the Force -- The echoes Her goal was to Except, supposing that were possible, that would kill The Force, wouldn't it. Three Two different same things. Gotcha. Goody thing and Evil thing battling it out.
  3. Yep. Especially interesting for Consulars. Might be an opportunity for HK-47 to save life, the universe, and everything, though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> S'funny, HK-47 doesn't immediately strike me as the "Marvin" type. I wonder if he (HK-47) can read the last message from God, written in flaming mile-high letters, from Nihilus' bridge ... S ... O ... R ... :cool:
  4. 1. 2. 3. There you go again, using our theologies in a SciFa setting... What theories am I meant to use? Imaginary ones? If it is sufficient to have referential integrity for the laws of physics in SW, then I don't think it is much of a stretch to have similar understandings of metaphysics (or even supraphysics). I think you are being evasive because I keep pointing out a grey area in your understanding of The Force. 4. MU 5. Automap: on. 6. So you firmly believe that if The Force was removed from the SW universe then all life would cease? I suppose that is a reasonable hypothesis, considering we have no idea what The Force really is. I still like my interpretation whereby The Force is a self-actualising conscious entity (meaning well, of course) that is controlling the universe. Then the Anti-Force League could come in and do battle with not just the Force Adepts, but The Force, as well. And in death, The Force would finally become cognizant of that which it did not have, that which it needed to ... become whatever it becomes next ... 7. I am an iconoclast, too. :cool:
  5. Are you by any chance making long chalk comparisons between the cradle of civilization on planet Earth being reduced to a desert (Saharan Africa from Algeria to Egypt, up through the Middle East to Jordan and down and across through all the fun Asian nations to Iraq, Iran and Afganistan) and a civilization a long, long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away?
  6. You should be a teacher, that is a very clear and concise explanation, completely free of condescension. The part I have highlighted leads me to comment that whomever tested the game left one of these linked modules out of sync: after the bunker and before the polar Telos confrontation the HK-50s are talking one screen faster than the dialogue is appearing. Which makes the dialogue surprisingly hard to comprehend.
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please let us not have ANY MORE games with elves, dwarfs or orcs. Ever. Mechanoid planets, planets with walking trees, talking rocks, anything except those blinking elves. Normal services will now resume. :D
  8. I think there is a genetic memory stored within the Sand People. It needs to be extracted (an excruciationg process) to unlock the secret to Life, The Universe and Everything and fight the True True Hidden Old Sith Sith. Surely the Sith will turn on each other the moment they are victorious: so just feint and then when they are divided, pounce (metaphorically speaking, of couse. It's a little difficult to make a fleet of capital ships pounce ...)
  9. Those mandalorians are tough if that's an example of their STDs ...
  10. Why not? And what has happened to your avatar? Either you're crying or bleeding out your sockets ...
  11. 1. Turn off the "pause" for strategic battle planning. 2. You could always try playing by ear ... y'know closing your eyes?
  12. One more than the third. An extra one. That's about as specific as I can get. It can be useful to think of Time as a fourth dimension (but not necessarily THE Fourth dimension). So that your bedroom exists in three dimensions, yes, and the fourth co-ordinate is necessary to intersect with you when you are there -- so asleep at 10am missing a lecture in the room would be the fourth co-ordinate. But you just have to bend your mind around having an extra spacial dimension to imagine the hypercube. You can use an analogy like this: If you have a matrix of 4 dimensions, then this is like a line (one dimension) of cubes. Similarly, a matrix of 5 dimensions would be equivalent to a plane (2 dimensions, height and bredth) of cubes.
  13. Just remembered, thought it was Socrates too, that was Plato!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, but Plato wrote all our Socratic stuff, so I think he kept the best bits for himself. There is a belief held by a minority that Socrates didn't actually exist, he was just a safe rhetorical device, so that Xenophon and Plato didn't drink hemlock. :D
  14. 1. Here here. 2. It was for my own good. And the good of Revan. The Force manipulated her into a twisted, hateful hag so that she would manipulate me into the biggest, bestest hero of the KotOR universe. 3. So The Force is Dark AND Light. (There is a Jewish sect dating from about BCE whose name I have forgotten :"> that believed in particles of good and evil making up the universe. Wasn't the nazarenes ... um, get back to it later.) Nietzsche! Contrast: Good/bad vs. good/evil. - Good/bad is tied to merit, bad is what is not good. - Good/evil moral notions; moral evil has primacy: moral goodness is what is not evil. Moral evil results from an unconscious projection of hostility or hatred. A redefinition of meritorious qualities of strength, power, and vigor as appropriate objects of moral indignation
  15. The (US?) army did an experiment where they had some soldiers wear glasses that inverted what they saw. After a couple of days, the soldiers' vision adapted, and they no longer say the inverted images upsidedown. Then the testers took off the glasses, and their eyesight was inverted, again. It took a couple of days more for their perception to return to normal. Socrates had some very bizarre theory about our perceptions and shadows cast on a cave wall, too. I don't think he wore glasses, though. They weren't invented until the latter part of the second millennium in Europe. (The Chinese are genetically predisposed to short-sightedness, so they never had a need to invent them, just kept sticking the page closer to their nose ...) :cool: A fourth dimensional hyper-cube looks like a cube within a cube, equidistant from a common mid-point. now, connect the vertices of each cube, such that the outer cube vertices are connected to their closest vertex of the inner cube. Now you have a three dimensional rendition of the four dimensional object. In four dimensions, all the vertices (which look angled) are perpendicular.
  16. just a note .. Science is a matter faith just like any other religion! problem with it is that even though you "prove" something and all the test give you the same results 100 times in a row you can never be 100% certain.. you can only unprove a teory, you can never truely prove it .. so you have to believe like everyone else! just a note .. (I believe Einstein said that) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I never said science didn't have an element of faith. If a theory is disproved, then a new theory must be created to fit THE FACTS. I have faith in the facts. Facts don't change. (we get better at interpreting them, is all.) If a religious truth is challenged, THE FACTS must be wrong. (The person is branded a heretic and burned at the stake.) Meritocracy versus theocracy; knowlegde, the key to betterment for all, versus dogma. My faith in the laws of physics is constantly re-affirmed by the fact that we all don't fly off the surface of this swifty rotating ball of dirt, water and rock. Faith in God is a choice, and it does not require proof. (Pity about that Babel Fish.) :cool:
  17. 1. Fantasy still has to have referential integrity, or else we get nonsense: J'Ermkilja attacks the Orc with his sword, when suddenly it turns into a pick pansie and eats his horse. Wihtout delay, J'Ermkilja eats the panie on a piece of toast. It's just silly (they didn't invent toasters until the twnetieth century). 2. Kreia told me she wouldn't lie to me, just everyone else. 3. What about truly evil people; those that have consciously decided that they hate more than love and want to spread misery. Are they linked into The Force, too? 4. Did Kreia tell you that? 5. Can't accept that. Stephen W. Hawking's A Brief History of Time made a pretty reasonable case for the laws of physics being stable for any universe that might result as one like ours, and time would always go forward, etc. Besides, I don't mind if we superimpose a metaphysical superset on our familiar physics, just so long as it is systematic and consistent (referential integrity). If a fire gives off heat for Luke, then it must for Vader, too. Otherwise we just have a dream sequence, where no empathy is possible (I live in reality, even if you don't and if I feel that the characters are never in danger then I won't care what happens -- I have to perceive the danger, so it must be familiar to me). 6. What if Kreia is double-secret-probation-bluffing? Agreed. A. So it is a bit like the music of the spheres, where Force Sensitives have brought along their own instruments to join in with ... B. This is the best argument for a multiverse. Or The Force may have a Will, but it is not the only influence in the Galaxy (nor, possibly, the strongest): Open Dualism. C. You're crazy, Druids are just a class for NPCs to be weird and wonderful colourful ambient characters. "
  18. imagination = inspiration? That just means the imaginer is inspired. It doesn't mean the imagined landscape is real. If anything it supports the the "fertile imagination" theory. What is truly interesting about this story is that I have imagined that you have imagined that someone completely unexpected has spouted an incongruous philosophical exposition ... now that sounds like a dreamscape.
  19. And why does it say "when you kill HIM"? Wasn't Master Vash female? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> .. and Dead?
  20. The main game patch is 16.6MB in length. 2.11.427 (UK version), plus 867kB to update the autoupdater first. :cool:
  21. well then you need to figure out what truth is as well .. since the answer you will arrive to is a subjective observation.. it never stops!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Truth is Good. Truth is The Force. I seek the total loss of the ego so that I might contemplate nirvana and become one with the single truth that is the music of universe. ... Well, yeah, I guess it is all subjective, but that's okay, because you lot are all a figment of my imagination, anyway ... "
  22. ... So where is the dilemma? God is both all-knowing and all-powerful, but he also follows certain rules that he built into human beings from the start. First of all, he allows us free will, which means that he didn't make a race of robots, because robots can never truly love their creator. God created children - people who would love him and follow his lead because they CHOOSE to, not because he forces them to. The true measure of "all-powerful" is in the ability to choose when to exert that power over others. ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This is what I was afraid of: spammed by a faith-over-fact fundamentalist. Breifly, the problem is Evil, namely, how can Evil exist in the world, even as a consequence of free will. (It's called the Epicurean Paradox, just look back and I've linked to a good description.) The paradox is that if we, as beings of free will, are free to choose ruin and not be "saved", then: - if God is all Good than everyone should be saved, or else s/he isn't all-powerful or all-knowing; if God is all-powerful, than these people could be saved, (redeemed), otherwise s/he ain't all-Good; - if God is all-knowing s/he knew that these people would be "lost", therefore s/he is not all-Good or all-powerful. There are various theodices that have been propounded by Christian thinkers over the years, but none will every untie that gordian knot. Gibberish. If God has a will, and God knows everything, and is more powerful, then God is (for whatever reason, and self-actualisation is as good a reason as any; Isaac Asimov did a great short story about it) using mortals for an agenda. God might be a benevolent dictator, but God is still an autocrat. And Goodness is derived from the choice made to suffer for a higher purpose, not some other agent (God) making the decision for us, whether it is the right decision or not. Period. No, it's quite simple and in no way difficult. Falling back on ignorance as the best reason for God's existence is sad. "We" don't have to accept anything. You may choose to, but my choice is not to. (That's a function of the liberalisation of faiths in Europe a couple of centuries ago: religious tolerance begets freedom to believe in none, or anything in between.) No, you cannot wrap yourself around that because you aren't trying hard enough. Ever done mathematics? Heard of the concept of infinity? Well, you can do arithmatic on sets of infinity (infinity - infinity = infinity, for example). There is a further abstraction: infinity to the infinite power is a whole new concept. (Notionally called Aleph-1, after the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.) So, no, it doesn't hurt my brain. I've read books on the four dimension, and imagined a fourth dimensional hypercube (I can draw one for you, if you like: if looses a lot in two dimensions, though. ) Your attitude would have kept the Catholic Church in charge of medicine, like it was around 1000 years ago, when the monasteries were teaching what Galen (a citizen of the Roman Empire) had hypothesised but couldn't prove, because the Church wouldn't allow human dissection. "Yes, the human skull must have two bones for the mandible, because the monkey does." It makes me sick to hear people say "don't try to work it out, because that mystery is God." Grow up. You're enjoying the fruits of technology, yet you are squeemish about the morality of knowledge. You really believe in the Tree of Knowledge being a bad thing. It is not apporpriate. Stop polluting this thread with your God-bothering opinions. I don't want every advocate of every different religion telling me why there faith is the one true faith, so why should I let you? I know some poeple choose to believe -- that's why it's called FAITH. SCIENCE, on the other hand, is only interested in things that can be proved. Your ignorance of science does nothing to strengthen your case, so perhaps silence would assist you better. Now, back to something more interesting ...
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