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Everything posted by Livegood118

  1. I think this could work, but I probably wouldn't make them on par with recovery because that could get OP – maybe .5/.4
  2. Hi all, Given that we're expecting the very last patch of the game relatively soon, I thought that if devs were willing to look at Sabres being OP in relation to other 1H weapons that they might also be willing to look at the role of weapons with reload frames and how they compare with other non-reload ranged weapons. The weapons that fall in to this category are as follows: Crossbows, Arbalests, Pistols, Blunderbusses and Arquebuses. Outside of the early/early-mid game I find that these weapons very quickly fall out of favour compared to their no-reload counterparts as characters are eventually able to stack recovery bonuses which greatly increase firing speed while there are very few ways to reduce reload time. I'm not really a maths guy so I can only speak from personal experience, but I find that the use case for these kinds of weapons as the game goes on doesn't really go that much beyond quickswitch tactics. Blunderbuss may perform differently under certain high DR penetration set-ups, but I haven't had much experience myself. Some potential solutions might be as follows: 1) Increase the base damage of all reload weapons (this'll probably only drive the use of them more towards quickswitching) 2) Reduce the overall amount of reload frames for reload weapons 3) Buff the gunner talent 4) Adjust the accuracy penalty on these weapons 5) Introduce/modify a few items to make them "gunner" friendly Personally, I would buff gunner to 40% and maybe add some gloves to the game that reduce reload speed by 10%-15%, and then maaaaaybe reduce swift aim bonus to like 1.3 so they don't become completely OP on rangers, and it's not so much of a loss on a ranger if they want to use powder burns. This way, each average character in the game could make use of reload weapons under the right set-up and I think it would increase build variety a bit. If we get some good discussion going/hard figures maybe we could show the devs. Edit: poll added!
  3. Thanks for all the work on the Beta! Could you get some balance people to take a look at whether it might be worthwhile making Soulbound Weapons Enchantable with Durgan Steel? Edit: Just to be clear, I think that many of the soulbound weapons (barring Stormcaller) fall behind their enchantable counterparts as the game goes on, particularly as regards the absence of lashes (this is a big deal!) and Durgan Steel bonuses.
  4. Hi all, As you may be aware from the thread for the new patch that's coming out soon the Sabre's base damage increase (+2 Min, +3 Max iirc) is being replaced with a flat +20% bonus to damage. The base damage of sabres will therefore be in line with other large one-handed weapons (11–16). The rationale for the change was the the innate weapon bonus of sabres (increased base damage) scaled much better than other weapons, so players felt like they had to gimp themselves a bit by not going for sabres. What do you think the implication of this will be for character builds? I'm fairly happy with the change because barring a few exceptions most other 1H weapons didn't really get a look in edgewise compared to the Sabre, particularly towards the end game. While Bittercut is still a top dog weapon it's not really the "clear" choice anymore so maybe this will lead to greater varieties of builds. Monks will probably gravitate much more towards fists now because they have a much higher base damage that interacts nicely with lashes. Maybe someone will come up with some optimal builds for 2 Handers now that they're much more viable again? I still think it's a bit of a shame that Durgan Steel can't be applied to Soulbound weapons ... there's a lot of cool options to choose from which are rendered suboptimal by not having it (though Stormcaller will always be great).
  5. OBS should be paying Loren Tyr a stipend at this stage.
  6. They generally are, yes. They tend to give bigger bonuses to Prestige and Security (and are tougher in a fight, when (manually) defending the stronghold), but cost more as well. Some of them also give a really big bonus to one stat (usually Security), but a penalty to the other, so there it kinda depends on which stat you want to boost more. For example, there's one that gives +6 Security but -6 Prestige; he's way too cool not to get though (gets posted right in front of the main keep too), although you do need to take the right path in a particular quest to get him. Is there generally any benefit to increasing one stat over the other ... e.g. security over prestige? I always looked at those kind of mercenaries as a zero-sum game, not really bringing anything to the table.
  7. I don't have any problems using power word: console for stronghold and azzuro items, providing I do so at the right level that the item comes at. Something to consider though it will of course invalidate your achievements.
  8. Looks like the IP might be owned by Activision ... prolly not gonna happen folks. Edit: the European Trademark for it has expired so it doesn't look like anyones got any plans for it in the next few years at least! If they did that thing definitely would have been registered https://euipo.europa...marks/001575729
  9. Heart of the Storm increases both the lighting and the piercing damage of Stormcaller. Elemental talents affect the damage of both damage types on dual damage weapons provided that the elemental damage is listed first (e.g. corrode/slashing). Pls do not report to the devs
  10. To me, in the absence of something from the devs themselves, this seems like a bit of an oversight to me. I've posted in the bugs page anyway so we'll see I guess.
  11. Hi Sking and all, It was just brought to my attention that the wounding enchantment on weapons such as Tidefall, Persistence and Drawn in Spring do not correctly benefit from INT and that INT in fact reduces the total DPS of such weapons. For example, if a particular hit qualifies for 10 wounding (Raw) damage over 10 (Base) seconds, a character with 5 Int will do that damage over 7.5 seconds whereas a character with 15 Int will still do the same amount of damage but over 12.5 seconds. Expected behaviour would of course be that the base damage of wounding is modified by might and then this damage is extended through increased duration per tick via intellect. Also, while we're at it, is it intentional that some summons don't benefit from INT?
  12. Yes, you'll be able to Enchant to exceptional. You'll essentially lose the ingredients that you used to enchant the weapon to fine though. This is generally only a consideration however when enchanting to superb/legendary. In terms of space, the cost of enchantments of the same type out of the weapon's total enchantment capacity are inclusive. So, for instance, if you enchant something as fine (2 points) and then subsequently enchant it as exceptional (4 points), you'll only use 4 points out of the weapon's total capacity. Enchantments are permanent as well - there's no way of getting your ingredients back etc ...
  13. Is this still the case? If so, that kinda sucks. I thought MIG increased damage and INT extended the duration. I assume the same principle also applies then to drawn in spring and Tidefall.
  14. What I've taken from this thread I think is that relative to all other large 1h weapons, Sabres are probably op. Seems to me like the difference between the weapon styles could be bridged by a nerf. You could of course raise the damage of 2H a bit, but that doesn't really change the fact that Sabres are pretty much always the best 1H choice barring a few notable exceptions.
  15. I'd always defer to your mathematical judgment on most things but for this it seems hard to me to see how 2H style can ever realistically "make up the gap" so to speak. +70% recovery bonus vs a little bit more base damage + the extra % damage from 2H talent (can't remember if it's 15% or 20% now ...) is a hard sell for me, at least with the 2H weapons that are available in the game.
  16. Something I was thinking about today. When you hover over a weapon's base damage and that weapon has a +% damage increase enchantment (e.g. fine, exceptional etc ...) the "base" damage of the weapon will be the base damage + whatever % increase has been added to the weapon by the enchantment. This seems to me to be a little misleading and could lead people to calculate the damage off the false base rather than the actual base.
  17. Hi all, I was just wondering today how everyone feels two handers stack up against other weapon styles (namely, sword and shield + dual wield). At least in all of my most recent playthroughs, and especially since attack speed got sorted properly in version 2.0 of the game, I've found it harder and harder to justify using two handed weapons vs the additional attack speed that can be gained from dual wielding as well as the extra defence (and also attack speed) that can be gained from using a shield. By using a two hander vs dual wielding you sacrifice at least 70% recovery bonus (+50% DW Base, +20% TWF Talent) – this recovery bonus can be invested in additional damage reduction (approx 1 DR per 5%) or additional damage (attack faster, or take vulnerable attack). By using a two hander vs Weapon and Shield, you sacrifice 15% recovery bonus and all the other defensive benefits a Durgan shield brings (hits to grazes right?) as well as massive defensive benefits on the shield itself e.g. in the case of little saviour with sword and shield style, you'll get +31 Deflection, +25 Reflex, +5 Will, +5 Fort and Preservation with a passive boost to other party members as well. With Two-Handers you obviously get bigger initial damage and the +20% bonus, which is great for piercing through DR, but I wonder on the whole whether this can ever realistically match the benefits of dual wielding or using weapon and shield. A good case for using a two-handed weapon used to be a Barbarian but ever since Heart of Fury became once per encounter I don't really think this can be justified anymore. I've never really found reach weapons to be that useful at all on POTD where anyone near the front lines is gonna get swamped. Your thoughts welcome. I suppose the ideal case for a two hander would be when a character can stack their recovery bonus so high that it essentially nullifies the recovery bonus granted through dual wielding but in practical terms such cases seem (to me at least) few and far between. A Wizard with Citzal's spirit lance comes to mind, as would a Barbarian under certain circumstances (e.g. Angio's Gambeson user + some buffs Barbs get from abilities are considered "passive" right and should stack?).
  18. I'm curious why they did it this way ... It probably makes sense then for the description of racial accuracy and the survival bonuses to be updated. Incidentally, this also means that Wood Elf isn't really the de facto race anymore for builds that primarily use AOE spells (e.g. a CC wizard) rather than attacking.
  19. Hi Sking, Do you have a bug in your tracker about +accuracy bonuses from Survival not applying to Chanters' Chants? I think they only apply to melee and ranged attacks anyway, and spells flagged as a ranged weapon attack. Them not working with Chanter chants is likely intentional. Is that spells like minoletta's minor missiles and not typical CC spells?
  20. Hi Sking, Do you have a bug in your tracker about +accuracy bonuses from Survival not applying to Chanters' Chants?
  21. Wait I'm confused again – if Actives/Modals belong to the same suppression group then how do Swift Aim/DAoM potions stack? It says here that they're the same effect: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83777-attack-speed-20/ edit: I'm wrong again, apparently they don't.
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