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About JPNotADragon

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  1. Ok guys, stop emphasizing the *optional* word in every pro post. Yes, optional means "you don't have to use it". We get it. Now please consider that we already have plenty of difficulty levels, and that the option you're talking about would alter the game in a pretty significant way. The devs would have to spend extra time to make sure the game stays enjoyable under every possible combination of options. For myself though, I wish the stash would be replaced with an actual gameplay mechanism: instead of just (auto-) pocketing the loot, you could "mark" it for later retrieval by a local merchant, who would cart it to his shop for you to pick up after the next rest. Or sell it for you and credit your account. Or something like that. EDIT: it was late when I wrote this, I may have posted it in the wrong thread. Sorry.
  2. The amount of loot you get in PoE only works because of the party stash - and I can't decide whether to love or hate that thing. On one hand, it breaks immersion because, well, things don't just travel along with you magically, not even in a fantasy world; on the other hand, you might also say that it helps immersion, because in a real world, you wouldn't just let valuable stuff lying on the ground, you'd go talk to a merchant or something to pick the stuff up for a cut. I guess what I'm wishing for are some mechanics that would make looting an actual gameplay element.
  3. Agreed, those are fantastic. Isandir's are not that bad though. A little too much gloss perhaps, not 100% perfect, but a worthy effort.
  4. I've encountered a similar problem. I summoned a wind blight that: never dies/unconjures often refuses to move at all (but not always) - well it never actually took part in a fight, except (maybe, not sure) the one I summoned it for moves at half the speed of other party members, which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that it... ... is actually considered a party member, meaning that my heroes can't leave a map without it!
  5. I do not intend to do any modding myself, but I second this request just because it's a great way to help people get creative. Could help with the bug hunting, too.
  6. Portraits have irked me ever since the original Baldur's Gate, for the obvious reason that they never really fit your character. Unfortunately, PoE exacerbates this problem by providing a customizable 3D character doll, which adds more details for the portraits to clash with. To scratch that itch, I suggest to get rid of the player character portrait altogether. Provide customized portraits for the pre-made companions, but replace the "player character" portrait with a symbol, or possibly a mugshot taken from the doll. (The latter variant would also work for player-generated parties à la Icewind Dale).
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