You gotta think about it in terms of, we are the original Game Junkies anyways seeing that we first got hooked by Atari, and then "Bam" Theres the Nintendo, and then the rest went on to make history. I still remember those stupid ads about wearing out your thumbs from playing too much Nintendo. I have been playing since I was like three (Old enough to hold the Atari joystick) And My thumbs are in great shape.
But yeah I think that alot of the market should be focused towards the majority grouping, which I can guaruntee (spelling???) you is most likely going to average the same way as you see on this poll here.
I agree with you 110% there, Kaften!!!!!!!!!! :D
i played metal gear solid 1 when i was 7-10 nuff said (and yes i got that free poster in the manual aswell)