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Everything posted by kanisatha

  1. Don't know if this has come up before, but I have a plea for the devs. Please have a really good and robust close-captioning system for speech that can be toggled on. I am sure I am not the only hearing impaired person who loved the IE games and is so looking forward to this game. CC cannot be expected to completely make up for not being able to hear all the sounds in the game, but it still goes a very long way towards making games enjoyable for people like me. Thanks!
  2. Hi, This is my very first post ever, not just to this forum but to any forum (though I've been carefully reading all of your posts here right from the beginning). But as a passionate fan of the IE games and as a backer of PoE, I just had to finally make my first post in response to update #72 because of my deep disappointment that we won't be getting more wilderness exploration areas. For me, dungeon exploration is a painful chore, cities are ok/fine, wilderness areas are awesome. That is why for me it is BG1 (not BG2) that is the greatest crpg of all time. And this is supposed to be a spiritual successor to all the IE games and not just to BG2. Having lots of wilderness exploration in the game should not even be thought of as an "added stretch goal." It should be part of the original game concept - a given, not a special addon. Anyway, what I hope for now is that exploration of areas will not be linear so that I can save what wilderness areas there are available for exploation to the end of the game. I would hate to have to finish all the wilderness areas early in the game and then only have cities, and especially dungeons left for the rest of the game. That would really kill my excitement.
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