I was wondering, I saw on the back of the KOTOR cover, then again in the strategy guide at Wal-Mart that Kreia had a lightsaber before her hand was hacked off. How do you get the lightsaber before hand?
I was looking through the strategy guide at wal-mart today, and when I came across the lightsaber crystals, they didn't have a dark green. I thought the devs said that there was a dark green that was almost black. What's up?
U know what would be really!!! nice? If they fixed all of the bugs in the X-Box one, released a special edition, and the people that bought the first one could trade it in for free!!! Wouldn't that be a great idea!?!
I think they should work together! That would be nice.
But that prolly won't happen. So, I would have to think on this one. Obsidian did a good job with the gameplay, except the bugs. I loved the gameplay, upgrades and stuff. But the story wasn't all that great. I loved the story Bioware put together. I am not sure which one I would choose. I am sticking with both of them.
I gave it a 4. I loved the game, it lives up to KOTOR in a variety of things, gameplay, lightsaber things, all that stuff. But, it lacks the story. I was...very disappointed at the end. It was...disappointing.
Now that the game is already out, I just wish they would have spent more time devopling the game. I wish they would have had revan in the game!
Also, how was this connected with KotOR 1? Like, besides the whole outcome of the war and stuff? I just don't get it!
Hmmm...you can't kill Carth. But you did have the option of killing Bastilla. I wish it would have asked if she became his apprentice...
WAIT! I didn't kill her b/c of that holocron on Korriban. It was made after KOTOR 1 and it said she was going to find Revan. I am confused.
Can you train them if you are on the dark side? OR do you have to be on the light side? I thought I almost had Atton, he was shifted to the dark side and his face was all messed up and stuff, but I never got the option to train him.