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Everything posted by darth_nemisis

  1. I was wondering, I saw on the back of the KOTOR cover, then again in the strategy guide at Wal-Mart that Kreia had a lightsaber before her hand was hacked off. How do you get the lightsaber before hand?
  2. I was looking through the strategy guide at wal-mart today, and when I came across the lightsaber crystals, they didn't have a dark green. I thought the devs said that there was a dark green that was almost black. What's up?
  3. I know, it is pretty much not going to happen. But it would be fair.
  4. U know what would be really!!! nice? If they fixed all of the bugs in the X-Box one, released a special edition, and the people that bought the first one could trade it in for free!!! Wouldn't that be a great idea!?!
  5. I think they should work together! That would be nice. But that prolly won't happen. So, I would have to think on this one. Obsidian did a good job with the gameplay, except the bugs. I loved the gameplay, upgrades and stuff. But the story wasn't all that great. I loved the story Bioware put together. I am not sure which one I would choose. I am sticking with both of them.
  6. THe story for KOTOR III??
  7. I can deal with it...for now. I am on my second playthrough so, I think I can.
  8. I don't knw about that. He was on mine.
  9. TheMaleRei, were you LS? If you go to the ls, then it breaks. But when you go DS, it doesn't.
  10. Well, your screwed...
  11. I gave it a 4. I loved the game, it lives up to KOTOR in a variety of things, gameplay, lightsaber things, all that stuff. But, it lacks the story. I was...very disappointed at the end. It was...disappointing.
  12. I hope so, I hope so...
  13. Oh, ok. THat explains it. I was on the Dark Side. Thanks!
  14. Oh, my bad. I never saw that in the first one. :">
  15. I also had this problem. I want her to join my party the second time so how do I do that? Last time, like you said, Hanharr killed her.
  16. Now that the game is already out, I just wish they would have spent more time devopling the game. I wish they would have had revan in the game! Also, how was this connected with KotOR 1? Like, besides the whole outcome of the war and stuff? I just don't get it!
  17. Crap! I am going to have to do that next time. Thanks!
  18. Hmmm...you can't kill Carth. But you did have the option of killing Bastilla. I wish it would have asked if she became his apprentice... WAIT! I didn't kill her b/c of that holocron on Korriban. It was made after KOTOR 1 and it said she was going to find Revan. I am confused.
  19. Can you train them if you are on the dark side? OR do you have to be on the light side? I thought I almost had Atton, he was shifted to the dark side and his face was all messed up and stuff, but I never got the option to train him.
  20. I only saw one, actually two, but one was for like, two seconds. Then there are the droids.
  21. Yeah, I never trained anyone. How do you go about training them?
  22. How do you get them to become Jedi? I never got anyone to become Jedi...
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