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Everything posted by Jon_DS

  1. so it should work on a GeForce 2 64 MB :D :D
  2. and what do you all here think about GeForce 2 MX/MX 400 64 mb?????
  3. if you play kotor you will be able to play kotor II, thats all the people around here says so iam calm
  4. and we have time to play one more time KOTOR I
  5. the release for PC is so far....think about it when we receive the game alot of xbox gamers will be beating the game for 5 or 7 time...
  6. only someone who has access to the Jedi Archives could deleted Kamino from them, so i suppose that Dooku deleted the system and he or Palpatine order the clone army
  7. i will play sentinel, like in my first kotor1 game, but when i have the game in my hands anything can happen
  8. mine: SERJO COBUE
  9. and his war stories are cool too
  10. first of all, Jedi, and then Sith
  11. in my opinion the sith lord will be more than 3, i dont konw why its only an idea, since the game is called "The Sith Lord", but yes, one of the possibilities is that Bastila is the third sith lord, i dont think so, but everything can happen...
  12. thanks for the info, is not a big spoiler, is more information about the new characters i think
  13. i think there are new weapons on the official site of the game
  14. i agree with that, theres no reason for cheat in a game like kotor, in my opinion
  15. Canderous, he was my favourite charachter of K1, and also Carth to strike him down with my lightsaber jeje
  16. Talak Chaar, was my first dark side character
  17. I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina
  18. he collects the lightsabers of the jedi he kill
  19. is not boring at least not for me, in the other hand the bioware forum is very boring at this stage, with all the secrets of Kotor discovered, theres nothing more to discuss by there
  20. it took me 35 hrs, but without doing all the sidequest the first time. i think kotor was a good game in all aspects, so a longer game will be more fun for a sequel
  21. single, i like the classic style
  22. Yes, i am registered since Janaury 2004, and i am recently registered to this forum
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