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Everything posted by Vincent_Valashar

  1. How so? I haven't played it but it looks like it is so limited. It limits the character creation choices you can have, it has no multiplayer so you are restricted to what the developers put in, and has no way to officially expand the game or create new aspects of the game while more recent PC games have this feature (i.e. Morrowind, Arcanum, NWN, Dungeon Siege, and such games). I has the look of a constrained and short game and for $50 it is not worth it.
  2. Where's the none of the above option? Am I the only one here that thinks that spending $50 for a game that can only be played once, maybe twice at most, be worth it?
  3. Its being done by Bethesda, :ph34r:
  4. I never have gotten the appeal of black and white style of Star Wars dark side or light side. I mean, most things aren't that clear cut.
  5. As far as I am concerned anyone has the right to practice whatever religion they want in the privacy of their own home and congregations. I draw the line when a Christian starts yelling at me to repent while I am just walking across campus or when a government official tries to use religion to justify any laws that effect my life. If that person wants to get his congregation out in public and do a pray service in the park, I have no problems with that. I can just walk away and quietly ignore it. If that same person gets his congregation to force their bibles on me, that is where I have a problem.
  6. I would not go in someone's face and tell them that their way is wrong, nor create policy that which would effect them personally or limit their rights.
  7. Yes, but that free speech ends when these Christians are trying to force their beliefs down my throat and try to dictate policy that effect how I live my life.
  8. I think its funny that Bush can speak better in Spanish than he can in English. I don't hate Bush. I would trust him on a personally level, but when it comes to state policy and directing a nation, I wouldn't trust him at all. He did alright in Afganistan til he outsourced the job of killing Osama to the locals and divert his attention to Iraq which was no threat to the US. A smart person deals with one problem at a time and the immediate problem was Osama, not Saddam. Now, I woudln't mind the whole Iraq thing if we killed Osama first and wiped his friends out but he didn't. Bad move on his part.
  9. I am very tolerant to Christians as long as they keep their religion to themselves. What goes behind their close doors is none of my business just as what I do at home has nothing to do with them.
  10. Saddam: HA! The US pigs fell right in my trap. When they get to the heart of Bagdad I will unleash my nucler arsenal and wipe out their forces (and all of my countrymen, but who cares). As soon as I press this button the explosive statue I placed in my city WILL KILL EVERYONE! Infomation Minister (in Deekin's voice): Um, boss. They took down that statue in a festival of our defeat. Saddam: Damn, we're screwed then. Go and lie more on the camera while I hide in a hole and weep like a little girl. Information Minister: Um, okay.
  11. Why not? I needed a break from Unreal and I was bored.
  12. I was going to accept this thread for what it was and not respond but after reading stupid **** like this I felt I needed to respond. First off I am sure you understand, it is no longer a division between North and South it is a division between urban and rural, Penn should have proven that. You people from the Big city think differently than we small towners do so maybe that should be taken into consideration before something as ignorant as the above posts are written. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um, when I made those comments I was in a rather light hearted mood and they weren't supposed to be taken seriously. Man, read in between the lines. Sheesh.
  13. My proposal is that the government gets out of marriage all together. tax each person individually and remove the marriage penalty/tax break all together. Have marriage be solely a religious affair and have abolutely no bearing on government actions or inactions. Of course that will never happen.
  14. Bush is just a cog in the machine. There is also Rumsfield, Cheney, Powell, and so forth and so on.
  15. Slavery was only abolished by things getting really bloody. Millions of Americans died in that conflict and Slavery wasn't the main cause of it, it was the issue of State Rights. I don't see the US governemnt and the people allow themselves to get that bloody again. They rather be in front of the television and be entertained than change anything. One person cannot make a difference so why bother.
  16. Change will never happen and moving is not an option, so I will just vent uselessly.
  17. The United States is not a pure democracy, its a democratic republic, but lets not go into semantics here. As for the statement that I don't believe in democracy, you are right, I don't. I do not accept warmongering leadership that uses religion and not reason to justify their actions. I do not accept the ineffective and inefficient governing bodies of the House and the Senate. I do not accept the inane actions of the Morale Majority. If they want to worship god, do it at their own homes and churches, and leave the state out of it. I will not accept our leadership, nor will I support it.
  18. Actually Multiplayer adds in a game a much longer gameplay life. Single Player games have 1 play in them at most, especially in a limited game such as KotOR 1 and presummably KotOR 2 is, while giving such games multiplayer capabilities allows it to have greater replay. The game experience can change each time you play it with a different group.
  19. Well, in the end Bush won and the US is going down the toilet. The division that Bush has caused with his polcies and his actions will not close and will not be sated. It will only become larger and their is nothing that can be done about it. I will never support Bush, his followers, or his vision of America.
  20. Oh, he was trying to get WMDs. That makes a world of difference! Oh, yes it does! NOT! Instead of concentrating of countries trying to get WMDs Bush should have concentrated on countries that have been confirmed having them. Oh, that's right, there is no oil in North Korea.
  21. The question remains, did it really needed to be done. Personally I do not care what happens in Iraq. Before the war it didn't effect me in the least and even if Saddam kept WMDs he is more apt to use them against his own people than have a chance to use them on US soil. The fact that Saddam did not have WMDs at the time of the invasion, and Bush Administration's claims of an Al Qeada link were proven false I have very little confidence in Bush's capabilties. Add to the fact he uses religious rheotirc to justify his actions instead of facts makes me doubly as skeptical to his leadership capabilities. I do not want to seem rude to you Darque, but your assessment of the current state of affairs in the US and the stratification of the idealogies of its people seem a tad bit naive.
  22. That will not happen. The stratification of the issues such as abortion, gay rights, education, foreign policy, separation of church and state, and so forth will not allow there to be one side.
  23. Actually there are plenty of instances which the current government continues to deprive the Native Americans of their own rightful property. In one such case involves the Black Hills which the Supreme Court has indeed ruled that the land was taken illegally but instead of allowing the native tribe to reclaim the land they wish to give them hundreds of millions of dollars. The Sioux, if memory serves, do not want the money. They want their land back for it is sacred to them with their own religious customs and traditions yet the US government denies this even they themselves have said they were in the wrong.
  24. The state of my sanity aside, dear Darque, the deep ideological division between the people of the United States is such that reconciliation just might not be possible and the only fruitful resolution will have to be the separation otherwise will we simply bicker among ourselves and accomplish nothing while our enemies take advantage of our in-fighting.
  25. I put forth no dichotomy, Nartwak. I am refering to adolescent minded persons who use the Internet as one large pissing contest instead of adding fruitfully to the discussion at hand which you make yourself appear to be thanks to the anonymity that is found here.
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