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Everything posted by Vincent_Valashar

  1. So, you resort to petty insults? Typical of your kind. Of course, I heard her, Gromnir, but that doesn't mean things cannot change. Civilization needs to evolve from such pettiness.
  2. Its also one of the reason why I have a certain amount of disdain for the United States. Especially when its representatives seek to spout off religious rhetoric for the justification of their policies.
  3. I thik it would be hilarious to tell the truth. Besides, its working for India and Pakistan.
  4. Yes, we left the governments of Europe and did mass genocide on the people already living here. Oh yes, the world is so better off.
  5. Sure it would work. It would be better than the bullcrap we have now. We can use parts of the Missouri River as the dividing line.
  6. I think that it would probably be the best intrest of everyone that all those who wish to follow Bush, and those who want a better government leave each other and form 2 separate nations. Hardcore Christians and the Religious Right can have their country and reasonable people can have theirs.
  7. I rather pay high taxes and get a free medical care than not pay taxes and get charged $50,000 for one hospital visit.
  8. At least they can go up stairs now. Man, I really like that scene in Remembrance of the Daleks. The horror of the Doctor's face was classic.
  9. Hey, who wants to see the new Daleks! http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2004510454,,00.html
  10. I am sure it has, but this is the 21st century. We should know better.
  11. I am not saying religious folks shouldn't go into politics, but it shouldn't motivate the politics and governmental issues. Religion is a private affair and needs to be a private affair. God has no place in the White House. If I want to live in a religious state I would move to the Vatican City.
  12. Well, the civil war was one of the most bloodiest times of our nation's history. I think that is quite a harmful effect.
  13. And that is unfortuante, Shadowpaladin, especially when there needs to be a separation of Church and state.
  14. Do you know what I have in my pocket?
  15. Coming from a university that has both a strong liberal arts program and a very strong engineering program I have to agree with Taks. Besides, there is no God. It is an artificially created construct to implemenet social controls and explain the explainable. @Shadowpaladin, that is a sad fact because people will try to take advantage of the system in place and use it for their own gain. Greed is a constant in the human condition.
  16. That is the problem. Everything costs and things costs artificially. We are one of the most resourceful countries on this planet. All we have to do is work together as one people to allocate the necessary resources to get the job done. Of course that will never happen. The people of the US are fragmentized between the have and have nots, those who seek to advance technology and those who hide behind false morality of religion. We have the ability to achiev greatness, only to be held back by our own flaws.
  17. Scientific progress shouldn't be halted for any reasons, may it be costs, religious doctrine, or political gain.
  18. At least Kerry conceded cleanly and didn't give us another 2000 election. That makes him a better man than Bush who had to use the courts to get his way last time.
  19. They don't because they know they wouldn't get away with it, but if they are given the chance they will.
  20. I bet you there are plenty of Christians who would want to see it banned.
  21. Religion is use as a social control. Taliban was all about control and they used Islam, their interpretation of Islam, to do it. I don't really see much difference between them and the Morale Majority which uses their interpretation of Christianity to justify their control.
  22. I am really beginning to hate Christianity.
  23. That is why religion needs to be a private affair and removed from the governing state.
  24. That is all the Taliban was to me before the 9/11. Then they became a warring state against the US, and we rightly wiped them out. When it was time to kill off the leadership of the Al Qaeda, Bush outsource the job to ineffective warlords instead of trained US combat troops.
  25. Taliban was a government in Afganistan that used religious doctrine to govern their people and motivate their politics. Bush is using his religion to justify his stance on gay marriage. Bush is using his religion justify his stance against stem cell research. bush is using his religion to justify hjis stance on abortion. And so forth and so on.
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