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Everything posted by Vincent_Valashar
Only way things will change is through violence. Deep down, only thing a human being understands is violence.
There won't be any compromise or sacrifices. It takes 2 to compromise and religious zealots never compromise so why even bother trying to convince them?
Actually, I'm not and nor am I taking the moral high ground either.
Okay, I am pretty sick of my GeForce FX 5200, it was better than the old board video display but now its pretty old. I am looking at the Geforce 5700 256 MB video card but I see there are two versions. The normal and the LE. The LE is a good $30 to $50 cheaper and wondering if there is any real difference between the two.
I am taking no moral high ground, Volourn. Never have and never will. Its not a matter of want either, its a matter of need.
We passed the point of civility long time ago. I think it was somewhere in the 60's or 70's. Now it is either us or them, and unfortunately they are winning. What the US needs is a major wake up call so the second civil war can start. Something needs to happen to motivate the non-Christians across this country to take up arms and start a new America.
You make several strong points here, Di, which I happen to agree with. Like I said I am very tolerant to religion, as long as they keep it private and leave me out of it.I don't want to head to the library with some guy following me yelling that I am going to hell. I don't need some group of people knocking at my door peddling their scriptures. I don't need it and want it. Follow whatever god you may, but leave me alone. Thing is for most Christians it is their mandate to "spread the word" in the most annoying fashion. Christianity, and any religion, has no place in our government. Government needs to be a place of reason and objetivity so that tthe people being ruled recieve their fair share and protected under the law. The government cannot do that if it is filled with religious zealots who believe their way is the only way and everyone else is damned to go to hell.
Since Christianity is pretty much a state religion thanks to Bush and his polcies why not. Morale Majority and their aligned churches have pretty much taken over our government.
As long as he had policies I agree with, yes. If not, no.
If that is how you wish to look at it be my guest, but it works.
Actually being a full time student at the local university, as well as being over 25, and making less than $10,000 of taxable income allows you to be tax exempt. Before I was paying taxes, but with this combination I don't have to.
Are you being particullarly thick? I am tax exempt because of a legal reason. The motivation behind getting that tax exemption is because I disagre with Bush's policies. I am not tax exempt because I voted for the other guy. Sheesh, how many times do you need that explained to you?!?!?!?
The motivation was not because I voted for the other guy it is because I don't agree with Bush's policies. Motivation does not equal means. Do you really need that explained to you?
There are legal loopholes that will allow a person not pay taxes.
Have you ever tried to reason with a religious zealot? I have and it is waste of time.
I do understand them. The majority of my family is with them. I will just never agree with them and there is no point in trying to compromise because religious zealots do not compromise so why even bother. I see Bush and his administration being full of religious zealots, as a tool of the Morale Majority special interest group. I am legally tax exempt so I am breaking no law and till there is an administration in the office I can agree with I won't be paying taxes.
I am not going to compromise my beliefs just to "work together" with a group of people who thinks that I am damned in Hell for all eternity when I die.
If Bush changes his policies on Iraq, Social Secrutiy, healthcare, tax burden distribution, Gay rights, and abortion I will be so incline to pay my taxes in support, but right now I just can't with good conscience.
I didn't say I won't pay taxes becuase I didn't vote for him, I said I won't pay taxes because I don't agree with his policies and how he is spending my tax dollars. World of difference. Also, you need to calm down and not be so hostile. This is just an Internet forum and no reason to get so worked up.
Well, I am not going to pay taxes. I got myself tax exempt. I see no point in paying for Bush's policies since I do not agree with them.
It is obviously you are a man (or woman, hard to tell on these forums) of good taste. Gotta love Eddie Izzard. I also happen to agree. If the Church and I disagree on something then more than likely I am on the right track/
Its not ameasure of intelligence, it is a measure of tolerance and understanding one's fellow human being. Its not about how stupid one is but how open minded one is for change and accepting others even when they are different. Such as today I saw two homosexual women doing moderate acts of public affection. Typically what you see a heterosexual couple do on their 4th to 6th month of their relationship. It didn't even register to me as odd till I was 3 blocks away and realized it didn't phase me one bit. Now if I was a traditional Christian I would have been disgusted and started a ranting rampage in their face.
Well, just remove the part that references God. Simple. How a historical figure might or might not feel about the issues of today is irrelevant for there is no way to gauge it accurately. I think we need to deal with the problems of today with the people we have today if we want to actually accomplish anything.
Unless the game has a lot of different ways to play it, after the first to second run through I am finished with it, unless it has MP. That is why I mostly stick with games that have MP capabilities.