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Everything posted by Commissar

  1. I don't know, but I try not to make it angry.
  2. Now, see, that little dongle lying next to it actually splits into two female plugs, which seem to be what actually gets connected to the card. I'm confused.
  3. Well, the card finally showed up. Seems I need to connect the "power dongle" for sufficient performance. That'll be fun. Should I just guess where I ought to connect it, or...?
  4. Commissar


    ...and the talent agent sighs and says, "Fine, show me what you've got, but I'm not making any promises..."
  5. Commissar


    ...and the talent agent says, "I don't usually handle family acts, they're too tame..."
  6. israel would and the evidence is the fact that they continually bow to US pressure to step back... taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, 'cept they've already got nukes.
  7. Commissar


    So a father, a mother, their son, their daughter, and their dog walk into a talent agency...
  8. Little late for that. Well, Day Three is starting shortly, we'll see if they finally get the order processed.
  9. Thus far I am not very impressed with ZipZoomFly.com.
  10. I had more empathy for my pikmin than for pretty much any NPC in any CRPG I've ever played. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd say that's an indictment of CRPG developers rather than praise of weird-ass Furby whatever game design.
  11. Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood. Just got my entire squad killed charging a machine gun nest.
  12. It's funny because it was written by a theatre critic.
  13. Pirates of the Carribean was originally supposed to be Sea Dogs II. Sea Dogs was something of an RPG, in that the character you controlled could gain skill points to put into various skills, such as Sailing, Repair, Gunnery, Boarding, and so forth. It certainly had a storyline (four, actually), so I suppose in some respects it could be considered an RPG, but the focus was certainly on naval combat in the age of sail. I don't know what they ultimately ended up doing with Pirates of the Carribean, since once they tacked the license on I lost interest.
  14. Nah, I don't think it's just that. You've always got someone to blame. I don't mean just in Pixies' post, but everywhere. The "my life sucks" threads, the "I can't beat this game" thread...someone's always at fault, it's never you, and without fail, we all get to read about it. Maybe it's the way I am, maybe it's the environment I live and work in, but I don't have a lot of respect for people who need to constantly be bringing their problems to someone else, expecting them to be fixed. Fend for yourself.
  15. Yeah, there's logic for you. Fio's never locked anything that didn't deserve it. It wasn't laugh-out-loud funny, but it was amusing. If your sensibilities really are that delicate, well, I don't know what to tell you, man.
  16. Jesus, another one.
  17. Hades? Attention whoring? Surely you must be thinking of the guy who treats us to a, "My life sucks!" thread every week or so, not our dear Hades.
  18. A post longer than three words? What the hell's gotten into you?
  19. Actually, I wouldn't sat that the UN and international law was weakened by the US' actions, I would instead say that an inherent and long-standing weakness was revealed. But I take your point about Iran's defensive situation. I agree with Taks in that they don't want these weapons solely for defense, but unlike him, I do think that is a legitimate argument for having them - after all, it's why we have them. Does every country have an inherent right to nuclear weapons? Honestly, I don't see how you can say no, if you want to be fair about things, but the fact of the matter is we, and rightly so, I might add, differentiate between a state that is likely to use nuclear weapons in an offensive manner and one that is not. For the record, I think Israel ought to be disarmed. Iran is definitely one of those states more likely to use them than not, and we ought to prevent them from acquiring them. If Iran is truly interested in defense, I suggest it look into missile defense systems - hell, that might be an interesting trade-off. Abandon all attempts at nuclear weapons acquisition, allow strict monitoring of the country's entire nuclear apparatus, and in return it receives outside assistance with a missile defense shield. Or it could do what many of the smaller NATO countries did during the Cold War: pursue advantageous alliances with regional powers that might not have been capable of defending themselves alone against a superpower threat, but that when combined, could provide some fairly stiff resistance. A Middle Eastern bloc would be unpleasant, I'm sure, but fortunately it's also highly unlikely. Of course, Iran can't truly acquire any non-regional defensive partners because everyone thinks they're a little nutty over there. I guess that's my point; if they're sincere about defense only, there are other avenues they could pursue, stuff I'm sure I haven't even thought of. They want nuclear weapons, first and foremost, to enhance their regional power status, and I have no doubt they want world power status, too. Given their long-standing antagonism towards the West in general, I don't see why that would be such a hot idea to allow.
  20. I don't think that's entirely the case.
  21. I was bored last night, and since I'm waiting around for my new video card to arrive, already in the mood to spend some quality time with the old box. I mean the computer, not the...nevermind. Anywho, I downloaded the Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood demo, just for something to do, and man, was I impressed. Runs great on my current machine, which I consider a little odd, but I'll probably pick it up on the way home from work today.
  22. Clue is fantastic. One of my favorite movies. And Dress to Kill is still Eddie Izzard's best.
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