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Everything posted by Commissar

  1. I imagine Hades might be a little ticked off that his thinly-veiled attempt at incorporating himself into the next story was rejected. I also think that if obvious attempts at humor truly offend you, you need to pull an Ender and go out with a whimper.
  2. B. I like this. I type one letter, pixies has to write a paragraph. B.
  3. There is a considerable difference between a machine gun and an assault rifle.
  4. Stuff always seems to happen at the supermarket, so I'm going with B.
  5. I will kill you. You do not deserve to exist. I shall do everything in my power to make sure you do not continue to do so. Now, if I said that, and then went out and started trying to get ahold of, oh, say, an illegal automatic weapon, and you knew about it, wouldn't you want the police to do something about me getting ahold of an illegal automatic weapon?
  6. Male. Don Varos Doritos, Spanish freelance adventurer par excellence.
  7. What's really great is that this is the first video card I'll own that's even marginally up to date. My last three, in order, have been a Voodoo 3, a GeForce 2, and an ATI Radeon X300 SE. That's it.
  8. I dont suppose you are aware of that there are in fact, other food types than meat " *chews franticly on an old pinecone* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, no one's making you hunt. As I said, I'm not fond of shooting deer, myself, but I'll knock pheasants down all day long (or at least until I hit the limit, if any of the fine people from the government happen to be reading). Good skill to have, in case a Battlefield: Earth scenario ever takes place.
  9. Hey, I like that one. Found one of the buggers today, killed it. With the butt of a flashlight, like a man.
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/fc/US/US_Congress Looks like some heads are going to roll. Roll, I say. I'll do a little happy dance if they snag DeLay with even more charges through this. Edit: Fixed el linko.
  11. Alright, then... Sod off, you bloomer! Or maybe, "Sod off, you pram!" I think I'm out of English words now.
  12. That, my friend, looks like one *beautiful* power supply unit. In which case, it is also quite likely that the manufacturers have actually been conservative with the wattage rating. You should be fine. And congratulations on your new card. IMHO, it is the best you can buy today at that price range. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks. And thanks for the help. Glad you mentioned the possibility of dual rails, too, because the little sticker with the table on it is rather awkwardly placed, and it took me several looks to see the +12V-B listing, which I started praying for as soon as I only saw 18A for 12V-A. If I hadn't known about that, I would've given up in despair.
  13. I'm starting to think these are fixed. Edit: But yeah, double-you tee eff, mate? Why the hell wouldn't you pull out your gun? I pull out -my- gun whenever I go to the bathroom.
  14. I hate this guy as much as the rest of you, especially since he thinks a shooter like Halo or Call of Duty can actually teach someone how to shoot - in his little letter to Take Two's president he mentioned thanking Microsoft for teaching Lee Boyd Malvo, one of the DC snipers, to do his thing - but let's say, for a second, that he leaves off on the Pat Robertsonesque rhetoric at this shareholder's meeting. If he does, he's actually got a valid point. Eibler's apparently been given all sorts of dubious accolades this year, and if Take Two's stock really has gone down the toilet, then a shareholder standing up to make a fuss about his leadership of the company isn't really all that out of place.
  15. Much obliged. Purchasing now.
  16. Okay, I cracked open my case, and I've only got a 350 watt PSU. Yikes. I also checked the amps at twelve volts, and I believe I have dual rails, since my table says, "+12V-A ====/ 18A +12V-B ====/ 18A." Am I good to go with this thing or not?
  17. FEAR will be used to break it in, most likely. I'll just pretend I don't know what the acronym stands for, since it's stupid. Heard it's good but short.
  18. Yeah, I'll double check before ordering. Should've done that when I popped in the new memory two weeks ago. C'est la vie.
  19. Haven't the foggiest.
  20. If it's PCI-E then yes, oh reminds me your PSU what wattage? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Haven't the foggiest.
  21. Oh, one more dumb question... Am I safe in assuming that my motherboard can handle this thing without really knowing for sure?
  22. Alright, you've mostly sold me. Think I'll let this thread marinate for a few hours, just in case anyone comes in with proof that ATI actually rocks despite all evidence to the contrary, and then I'll go ahead and buy. Thanks, guys.
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