Such agressive language, Peteor. Perhaps you feel that you are unable to live up to other people's standards, and thus try to bring down said persons to a level where you are more able to compete?
Perhaps you seek to compensate for your insecure nature by being more and more agressive in your posts?
The Light Side is stronger than you know, Karzak...
thats why you're really on the dark side unknowingly
against spam, I would assume, after he lost all ability to do so himself, he's joined what is really the dark side, the anti-spammers, little does he know that that is in truth the evil side
I am beyond such pettiness. Oh, far away are the times when I had to rely on petty tricks and postings to impress my lessers. Think what you will of me, it matters not.
lessers? what lessers? you mean those vermin at WW, they don't count, and you're just sub-head-vermin
Reminds me of myself in my early days at AC, I was too weak though and fell for modship. I still spam a bit every now and again, which is more than that tinkiewinkiw fellow. He just lurks at WW and here from time to time, in fact I rarely even see him post in his own forum, let alone spam