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Darth Riker Ketra

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Everything posted by Darth Riker Ketra

  1. Its been more than a month since the game came out. Other games that came out got patches already. Someone should take action lol
  2. I wonder when the patch will come, i also having crashes ie the error, especially in dantooine and now in korriban. ITs about time they get a patch. Its been a month since the game came out. Hello wake up already OBSIDIAN
  3. yup wonder wat is is for, and lol i doubt its for xbox, its says its for pc. heh So ya lol, i gonna find out how long will it take for the patch to come.
  4. Im on telos and had no bugs except for the airlock in Peragus when you walk outside, you walk fast or run.
  5. I got no crashes at all, i just started playing the game, had no problems installing too. have 2 bugs or few. (w00t) This is my PC Stats Pentium 3 866 mhz 512MB SDRAM 128MB G Force 4 Ti 4200 Direct X 9.0c
  6. I have a GForce 4 Ti 4200 and i may and will have problems with kotor 2. I had the problem wit kotor 1 the c++ error, but then i got the driver for my card and had no crashes. If i have crashes for kotor 2 i well let u know. right now im waitin for the patch, gonna install it 2mr and see if any problems and wat they are, i hope my pc doesnt get messed, if not, i will wait for the patch and my card will be smooth free.
  7. Eeew, Kreia, she is old yuck
  8. True we never saw a tv commercial for kotor 2, there was one for kotor. Well i gotta ask you guys a question. Which developer you think is good... either Bioware or Obsidian Entertainment? Be honest here. I think Bioware is good (w00t)
  9. DARTH RIKER KETRA Startts *moaning in pain and agony*
  10. ya dont have any idea why its happening. I run my resolution at 1024 by 768
  11. lol true, i gotta agree with that there
  12. take ur point stand corrected
  13. The PM I recieved from Chris Avellone. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This is wat he said to me and he said this also
  14. heh, same here pal, cant help u wit it
  15. I heard that can kill you! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Should I consult my doctor before using it? Adverse side effects may include : Showing others that you have common sense, Not being yelled at by everyone for posting something that was already discussed and in rare cases, the Search Function can cause less clutter on the forums... Ariella no offence but you should always look carefully before posting new topics. Anyways to answer your question, a patch has been released for the Foreign (anything other than North America) versions of the game. It fixes some corruption in the manual.pdf file of the game. A new patch is in the works or so I am told by Chris Avellone. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> cool, i cant wait
  16. That's ok... disagree all you want.. I've got 800 Posts!! I'm going to try and work my way to 1,000 before I leave the Obsidian forums. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> im not trying to disagree with u all the way, that is my opinion and good for u if u got 800 posts, u must be a true fan of obsidian forum s, spending time here. COOL GLAD TO KNOW UR MAKIN IT TO 1000 b4 u leave
  17. I have to disagree with Darth Ni, srry man, u see LA needed a deadline for the game to be released, they pressured Obsidian to hurry. So probably there must have been some new codes for the game, etc. So Lucas Arts couldnt do anything about it, they had a deadline and they met it. If not, something woulda happened, i dunno wat exactly, but that is wat i say
  18. Lol how may posts i need to become a level 2
  19. The US version doesn't need it. All the patch does is fix the pdf manual, which for some reason was broken on everything except the US version. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, i dont think so, cuz they might be workin on the us version patch to fix bugs, etc
  20. The what function? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ya wat function dude
  21. They don't deserve one. They practically released an alpha version of the game as a retail verison. Obsidian may have great writers but not great coders. This game needed atleast a month or two of polish. What they do deserve is a swift kick in the balls considering that they made the PC users wait another 3 months and the PC verison still had the same god damn issues the X-BOX version had. It's inexcusable. I would much rather tolerate a game that's been delayed by 2 months than have a buggy game. Besides, even if the game was buggy, LucasArts should've got a team from Obsidian working on a patch. I read here that KotOR 1's 1.01 patch was out before the game was out (been posted on this forum somewhere else). If LucasArts did the same thing with KotOR 2, it might have been a better game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And is not Akari, heh :D (w00t) It may be me, " I wonder who, lol jks. Agreed Darth Ni, i heard that Obsidian is working on the patch right now aka the North American Retail patch to fix the bugs, etc. I will not name my sources. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Chris Avellone or Mike Gallo? We need a more reliable source <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is neither of them, heh, you will have to find out soon ppl. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  22. They don't deserve one. They practically released an alpha version of the game as a retail verison. Obsidian may have great writers but not great coders. This game needed atleast a month or two of polish. What they do deserve is a swift kick in the balls considering that they made the PC users wait another 3 months and the PC verison still had the same god damn issues the X-BOX version had. It's inexcusable. I would much rather tolerate a game that's been delayed by 2 months than have a buggy game. Besides, even if the game was buggy, LucasArts should've got a team from Obsidian working on a patch. I read here that KotOR 1's 1.01 patch was out before the game was out (been posted on this forum somewhere else). If LucasArts did the same thing with KotOR 2, it might have been a better game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agreed Darth Ni, i heard that Obsidian is working on the patch right now aka the North American Retail patch to fix the bugs, etc. I will not name my sources. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Chris Avellone or Mike Gallo? We need a more reliable source <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is neither of them, heh, you will have to find out soon ppl.
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