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Planar Jedi

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About Planar Jedi

  • Rank
    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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  1. 1 Starcraft + Broodwar 2 Fallout 1&2 3 Rome: Total War 4 W3&Frozen Throne 5 Baldur's Gate 1&2 6 KOTOR 7 TSL 8 NWN with expansions and mods 9 Age of Empires 2 10 Bubble Bobble(i would be a millionare if i had not spend all those coins)
  2. Welcome. When you want to reply to someone, please make sure it is not yourself
  3. Interesting list
  4. Or use at least spoiler tags.
  5. That is so scripted.
  6. Or someone who wants to make impression. Kill him
  7. Gluupor was the low IQ Rodian who planted the fake medal in sunry's case, and every line he said started with : Gluupor bla bla bla
  8. That explains things
  9. Though you can redeem yourself(brainwash)
  10. More challenging combat. More interesting villains Closure An epic fleet fight. A reason to explain why those in kotor series will not be known after 4000 years
  11. Congrats you deserve obsidian. first game best rpg and best story for xbox
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