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About starr777

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Journal , push the X button to switch over to the other menu, and use Y to scroll through your options and one of the screens will show you the breakdown of each attack.
  2. "And there is an option to display the dice rolls in KOTOR and KOTOR:2." I completely overlooked that in the game. Could anyone tell me how to do this? I am sure I can figure it out now that I know it's in there though. Later
  3. Hey, Thanks for the welcome. Coming off as a prick? Not at all man. But as you may have noticed, I covered my arse by apologizing if it were the wrong area. I couldn
  4. Will anyone give me feedback on the "Jedi Tree"? Good? Bad? Screw U Starr777? lol ...
  5. HOODS ON ROBES DANG IT!! DANG IT! Heh. New difficulty level. More focus on training with a JEDI Master/Masters in a controlled "training camp" of mass proportions to get your Titles/Lightsabre with a wee bit of a quest oriented nature for some of the training. DANG IT! More depth for the prestige class of a slight quest oriented nature with minute stat tweaks you can put toward a Multi-tier title system that allows the player to "attain" Grandmaster JEDI for "GRANDMASTER JEDI" difficulty setting on NEW GAME PLUS+ ONLY on completion of game. Structure of the tier must be based on a "tree" that the player figures out while doing the "quests"/tweaking to "attain" GRANDMASTER. Also put a VERY SLIGHT "randomness" to the "rules" for the base stat system of the tree so the player CANNOT manipulate the tree too fast. Have an ever so slightly randomness for the whole code system for the "Grandmaster JEDI tree" so as not to allow the player to ever "know" the correct tree breakdown, EVER. More "CONNECTION" between the JEDI and his/her masters in the form of a "getting to know" them story line manner. KEEP the dang D&D statistical breakdown of the fights recorded in a log like in KOTOR 1. More "personality" for the "R2D2 like droids.
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