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Everything posted by funcroc

  1. OEI co-founder and CTO Chris Jones' twitter account
  2. Art director Robert Nesler's twitter account
  3. OT: https://twitter.com/Candy_Pao/status/261205181713219584
  4. OT: - https://www.facebook...nni.Castellanos - http://www.linkedin.com/pub/christian-nava/41/5b5/769
  5. OT: ex-OEI designer/producer Kevin Saunders leaving Alelo
  6. - Ex-OEI art intern Bree Maldonado returning to Obsidian - Ex-Carbine employee Robert Land joining OEI as designer
  7. OT: Former OEI/BioWare lead designer Ferret Baudoin currently working for Bethesda Game Studios
  8. - George Ziets' twitter account? - OEI programming intern Breden Booth's resume updated
  9. https://twitter.com/...262169796382720 https://twitter.com/...131659300450305
  10. Gamasutra interview with Sawyer http://gamasutra.com/view/news/177011/Project_Eternity_What_it_really_means_to_make_the_game_you_want_to_make.php
  11. From ex-OEI artist Paul Fish's twitter
  12. OEI audio/dialogue producer Mikey Dowling OEI artist/animator Stephanie DeBrule
  13. https://twitter.com/VitoGesualdi/status/249266083838709760
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