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Child of Flame

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Everything posted by Child of Flame

  1. 1) Put disc through shredder. 2) Burn remains. 3) Fast for three weeks and beg whatever god you believe in to forgive you for buying and consequentially supporting that awful piece of dreck. I swear this is helpful, honest.
  2. If we are going to do it as an actual letter from the internets, my earlier suggestion stands, also, we need to work in at least one 'A/S/L?'
  3. That is basically what my dad said, who is an MFT, when I asked him about it this morning. He said yes, my category did pretty much nail me for right now, but the lack of people skills indicated in my type could change if I ever get out and spend time with people. Then I ribbed him for resorting to internet dating services before me.
  4. In the original cut of A New Hope, Han shoots at Greedo, a known bounty hunter, first, thus establishing that he is not a total numbskull and has a rougish sense of survival. In the Special Edition, GL had decided that Han shouldn't shoot first because 'he's the good guy' instead letting a known bounty hunter walk right up to him, while he has a bounty on his head, and take the first shot, thus making everyone wonder how the hell Han survived as long as he did as smuggler if he's so freaking dumb.
  5. I am apparently INTP. Introverted 44 Intuitive 50 Thinking 1 Percieving 22 What's amazing is how well the summary nails me. The only part I can say doesn't really fit me, is when someone violates my principles rather than getting upset I tend to try and understand the other person's principles.
  6. You're all wrong. The Truth is out there.
  7. What's funny is if he'd said 'androgynous male leads make=guranteed excellent game' Gabs wouldn't have batted an eye. Am I right fellas? I mean, am I right?
  8. Uh-uh Calax. That's a large part of the problem. Social security wouldn't be needed near so much if families would just step up and take care of their elders. In exchange, the elderly would contribute to the future by passing down experience in the form of stories to the younger generations, effectively shaping the future.
  9. Guys, less spamming, this is a serious demographic study!
  11. I'll make sure and include it in the second version of the thread!
  12. Yes, but oh the things that can go on in here before it is! Such naughty, naughty things!
  13. I voted Jabba. (Can you imagine what 'he' can do with that tongue?)
  14. Start with "I hail from the internets."
  15. Fill in the blanks! 1) I am not 24-30. 2) I don't live anywhere near England. 3) This whole scenario creeps me out.
  16. It was my first videocard, and it was a good little one back in the day, kept on truckin' for two years at decent settings.
  17. Could be why they had trouble reaching them for comment...
  18. That's because I remembered the title wrong! It's fixed now!
  19. I take it neither of you have read Family Values!
  20. When we go back to your place afterwards though, you gotta promise you'll use the handcuffs on me. You gotta put me in cuffs! Then you gotta spank me and call me "Belinda"! That's what Douglas does!
  21. Darque do you want to go to the movies with me? Y/N?
  22. I'm not being sarcastic. Jar Jar added much needed lighter moments to the Prequel Trilogy. That little gungan never ceased to make me laugh every time he was on screen.
  23. Any moment with Binks in it is a good moment! )
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