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Everything posted by injurai

  1. COVID-19 being a joint GOP-CPC conspiracy to kill off Medicare by attacking the non-establishment boomers confirmed.
  2. Some states and municipalities are ****ed though, because that same ilk that has captured the Federal gov has their base of operations out of somewhere...
  3. Maybe when they are 5 weeks old, you hard-boil them to make them last a week longer. That would be my take. Don't take this as a recommendation, I'm neither doctor nor chef.
  4. What's a home bruh? Is that like up dog?
  5. I think the UK also has high Xbox sales, which surprised me when I first heard the number. There is an entire demographic that mostly just plays Madden, Fifa, GTA, Halo, COD, and Gears.. That's the core Xbox crowd...
  6. Most of those titles are 3rd party, and launching on current gen as well. Hellblade 2 I would be surprised if it's out this year as Bleeding Edge is the next Ninja Theory title, and it looks like that is out next week. My point was PS5 will have the better launch titles, plus all the best PS4 exclusives.
  7. Then why is Microsoft investing in a portfolio of exclusive studios. Yes Windows counts as a Microsoft platform.
  8. I think this generation is largely going to come down to exclusive software. What would be interesting is if PS5 wins out initially with the better price, and a stronger library of BC PS4 games. I doubt the discrepancy in hardware will be significant early on, and they might be able to move forward with a Pro model sooner than Microsoft if fidelity becomes an issue down the road. Still perception is everything, and having the best specs does a lot for consumers who want to feel right in their purchase. The cache hierarchy on the PS5 might do more to close the gap than most consumers realize, with that insane SSD transfer rate acting as an extension to main memory. Some up-scaling hi-jinks might also close the distance left by the noticeably weaker GPU.
  9. Desktops tend to have redundant cooling, which is coupled to each modular part, and don't often work in best concert. If modern towers can air-cool sufficiently, an efficiently packed console that doesn't have the problem of dead air traps will perform better where every second the entire internal air is replaced with cooler external air. Fan noise might be an issue, dust has always been an issue, I think these machines will do fine though.
  10. I'm glad the new consoles are coming in around 12 TF, those 9 TF rumors while I struggled to believe, also concerned me. 16 GB of RAM marks a drastic change in memory scaling thus far. It used to be exponential, now it's merely doubled. I guess being unified graphics RAM means we are getting more bang out of our memory, and perhaps with compression and the the limits of asset fidelity we are actually slowing our demands of memory. But it's something to note. RROD 2.0? I thought that was more of a cheap soder issues and more thermal layout than anything else. Though maybe their smoke stack design is supposed to help move heat out faster. If would be interesting if performance stability comes down to which consoles has the best constant cooling quotient, because I'd be surprised if the PS5 specs deviated by much from this. The only rumor I heard is the PS5 might have a generational leap in their SSD storage, but who knows. I think any NVMe will do the trick going forward.
  11. I actually had a Corona for the first time in my life the other day. For the memes. #COVID-W-LIME-19
  12. I went to two stores today and couldn't find a single roll of cheap sandpaper quality TP nor paper towels... I made the mistake of prepping two weeks before the masses, and also not over-killing on stock. Just like the earliest reports had suggested. But then people got involved and ****ed everything up. You'd think while global karma was being enacted they would have a bit of humility about them... Worst part is, now stores are rationing, meaning the people with no stock are being limited by their purchases. Stores need to deny hoarders from the get-go. People need to learn how to amortized their actions to prevent systemic shock.
  13. I admit I have yet to play Alpha Protocol. Right now, hands down Pillars of Eternity 1. One of the best games I've ever played.
  14. I'm not sure cRPG is used well as a genre these days. It's honestly an umbrella category, and genres it applies to can be stretched into other genres or varied as games get ported to other systems. 2077 has it's lineage in cXXX genres in general, namely the rpg and fps variant. More than anything it's an immersive sim ala Deus Ex, just open world as well. Mass Effect started as a crpg, and I'd be hard pressed to say it totally deviated, but it deviated so much it perhaps wasn't in the end? But who's to say (nobody who played the later games has lived to tell that tale.)
  15. They've repeatedly said they would. Usually with the addendum that 3 was the end of Geralt's story.
  16. I wonder if last-gen Sony games will start coming over to PC. Surely current gen won't unlike Xbox titles. Or maybe this is just a rare "trojan horse" to get people invested in a series were the second entry is an exclusive launch title...
  17. RIP to a life well lived The inspiration for Eder too
  18. We all know Obsidian is making the next Halo Wars.
  19. Finally saw Parasite last Sunday. It was great. Best movie I've seen in a while.
  20. I'm expecting a September/October window. To capitalize on Halloween. Though being an immersive sim, they might want to get out of the gates before 2077, and not so close to the Holiday window. They need to not make the same mistake of releasing on top of another bigger release. They clearly realized release when a Half-Life is launching is a death kiss.
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