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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Seu Jorge ~ Life on Mars? A great song in its own right, better when Jorge plays it. Plus after A Life Aquatic its a great song to get spliffed to in multitude.
  2. Seu Jorge ~ Bola de Meia
  3. There used to always be alot of skinheads at the big headliner punk shows I attended growing up. While alot of these guys were pretty militant, you could tell others were just lost sheep. Also there were alot of S.H.A.R.P.s to counterbalance them, and those guys seemed more inclined to kick alot of ass. As far as positions of authority go, I have met my fair share who are involved in either law enforcement or the military.
  4. Yeah, weirdness. Better ban him to make sure Besides everyone knows Ron's Computer Superstore is the place to go for bargin electronics
  5. Manoman, you worked three Ds three Es and Three As into your name. Thats gotta be a record

  6. Laozi


    Kor reading books? I don't believe this, what is the world coming to?
  7. That movie was TERRIBLE. I was embarrassed to even mention I watched it. Thats one hopefully you have enough good sense to leave no more then 20min. $8.00 be damned. The Thin Red Line Great movie, but it really takes it out of you
  8. Seu Jorge ~ Team Zissou
  9. Boards of Canada ~ Oscar See Through Red Eye
  10. Yeah, I could see that. If we did legalize/decriminalize drugs they'd probably have ad campaignes like, Smoke American Tweedz, they get you the krunkist!
  11. The Sea & Cake ~ Hotel Tell (C's Mix) I don't like this nearly as much as the original, but its atleast recognizable.
  12. Rappers are always super into romantic comedies, esp. ODB. ODB, thats what we called him before in the states. Ah, mainstream rap, its been awhile since I knew anyone who was into that, besides the college freshmen or kids from my hometown. The Sea and Cake ~ Polio Sort of typical first album stuff. Hints of what they would become, but still pretty far from the mark.
  13. Hehe, its been like that for years here. For example, look at the Honda Civic. Back in the 80's that car would get 52 MPG. Flash forward 20 or so years and 700Lbs of safety equipment and the same model gets 37 MGP. Well you need that safety equipment when one of those HD Trucks comes barreling at you with a 40 gal tank ful of diesel.
  14. I think when people use drugs in the US that they basically make money for the DEA and what not. The War on Drugs is more about justifing the amount of money taken from tax payers then any type of actual results. Legalizing or Decriminalizing drugs gets rid of the criminal element around them, but both sides have way too much to lose from this.
  15. The Talking Heads ~ I'm Not In Love[#][*]
  16. The banter back and forth afterwards is priceless
  17. Laozi

    Ironic isn't it?

    Bingo. It is Ironic because what people in the past thought to be fact wasn't, reguarding the Earth, Sun Or Being the center of the Univers to the point it got some Scientist who descovered the truth burned at the stake. While the opposite is true at least meddaforicly for this people playing more posificly MMORGs online to the point thay kill them selfs because there hole life was built around that world & when like they lost all there eqipment, weapons, & even there characters finlly thay just had no grip on the reality around them at that point & even further example is people I know neglect there children, wives & even the conceped of taking out the trash. So you can now see that even though thay think the world in witch thay live in, is the same as the world thay lived in befor where the Earth is a sphere the Earth gos around the Sun & the Earth is not the center of the Galixie untile thay incounter some bug that sends them falling through the maps, as thay fall through space thay can now see that there world is flat & the sun dose go around the planet or world thay now live. While at the sametime the MMORG they are comsumed by has infact become the center of there galixie... Theres those spelling errors you were looking for Hurlshot, Pop.
  18. You're right, there is definitely a market for these types of things, and theres little anyone could have done to advertise the game more then this type of thing. The publisher must be ecstatic. I mean, I've heard that it has inspired prepubescent euros to actually campaign infavor of the game. I don't know if its true, but to inspire such dim-witted fanaticism amongst such a pastie and possibly sweaty contingent is something to be feared. I'll keep an eye out.
  19. The Sea and Cake ~ The Colony Room
  20. Spoon ~ Metal Detektor rawken
  21. I guess I get caught up in the whole Christmas thing for awhile, but now that it last so long about mid-December I start really getting agitated. Then it takes a careful mixture of booze and solitude to get me the rest of the way through. Its not totally like that the whole time, but alot of days.
  22. McDienar McDrake ~ Coffee Pushings
  23. Wow, thats up there. Even for you
  24. Laozi

    Ironic isn't it?

    Its like Rain, on you Wedding Day?
  25. On Bush and his almost unwaivering refusal to grant pardons, most Presidents issue the bulk of their pardons in the last few hours of their final term, sidesteping any major scrutiny. Thats a big selling points when scrumming around for campaign contribution, get your boy in office and he'll get you out of jail. Lets wait for Bush to get out of office before we decide who he was in bed with. On Libby, the whole point of having a trial now is to get him pardoned. Its a reminder of the power of the office just before the campaigning for the presidency gets into full swing. The best part about doing this way is everybody wins. Well, except that one guy, what was his name? Gosh, I don't even remember that well, must not have been a major player or something.
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