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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. I have never played DS in Kotor. I started to but halfway through Taris I just was tired of always bullying everyone and how easy everything became. I don't really know if changing this will make the DS option more viable, but its definitely worth a try
  2. me too
  3. 20,000 years of star travel and they haven't even moved up to DVDs? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually I wonder if the have discovered the superior sound quality of vinyl
  4. I'm learning so much, this is pretty awesome
  5. Ya and Lucas was taught by Joseph Campbell at USC I believe I think his book Hero of a 1000 Faces was more course literature
  6. No you can say what you feel of course. Personally to me thats sort of in the same vein as someone who would say that For Whom the Bell Tolls the movie is much better book. I would have to disagree fervently but I'm sure someone out there believes that. I use this as an example because in the case of movies being turned to books there is not a real fair comparision. I've never read a Star Trek novel, because Star Trek bores the hell out of me. I think that alot (not all) of people who actually like the EU better never really appreciated what it took for Star Wars to be created, much less sucessful. Its alot easier to write a novel about a world that has already been created then it is to come up with your own ideas, your own characters, factions, etc. To me these authors have been given so much and have done so little, it sad
  7. Didn't you guys almost exstinguish the Finns at one time?
  8. I loved HK but I wasn't in love with HK If he returns good if he doesn't no biggie
  9. I'm from Texas, thats a relatively small country
  10. As some one who writes, as with most writting I'm sure it comes from an amalgamation of many sources. Once a friend told me about a movie in the early 70s I believe that was about these Ice Pirates that was surely an inspiration for Lucas. I've never seen it but I can believe it one of my favorite movies Reservior Dogs was stolen almost scene per scene from a japanese movie
  11. when was the 400th century?
  12. Ya its just like the macarena
  13. I was always under the assumption he was more inspired by the Sci Fi serials he watched as a kid.
  14. I'm pretty sure only three are for crystals though, could be wrong
  15. Do they sell good gyros where you're at?
  16. I'm sure they'll be lots of crystals, with the six slots that are in lightsabers now
  17. We didn't steal your culture, we took it, after we kicked your asses twice
  18. Troy blew big time Oh ya and you never see paintings or sculptures with unibrows
  19. Its not like in ancient greek art, its people have lots of curly black hairs all over them with there shirts half unbuttoned and a couple of gold chains
  20. I think you might want to seek help
  21. Its not like the greeks of today are the same as those in the day of the Great City-States
  22. Right, the idea is not so much action through inaction, but that passivity is the greatest action, if that makes sense
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