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Posts posted by Laozi

  1. The way to reduce gun violence isn't to restrict the rights of gun ownership, its to set limits on the manufacturing of guns and fine companies when their products are used in violent crime.

    there ya go, make the company responsible for the actions of other people. so, what happens when someone commits a crime with a butter knife?





    I think we can agree that firearms should not be sold like butter knives, right?


    Gun manufactures ship their guns out of the country knowing full well they're selling to people who plan to make those guns available on the black market in the US. By fining them you force them to take a active hand in the distribution of their products. Also making it illegal to export guns wouldn't be a bad idea.


    Its simple and heavy handed, Taks, and I understand your argument, but guns are pretty unique in what they're used for, pretending that all products are the same until they get to the hands of the consumer just doesn't really fly here.


    I'd answer Tale's post too, but he's a tard

  2. I believe that every American has the right to own a gun, foggy constitutional wording and all, but I know for a fact that the "Founding Fathers" had no inclination of the advancement in technology and how it translates to the ability to mas murder. Really the whole "cult of the constitution" is insanely retarded, gun laws need to be under a microscope, BOR or not.

  3. yeah Krezak is right, gays choose their deliciously decadent lifestyles. I mean, I know most people are like, you know whats missing from my life, people being outwardly hostile towards me and getting beat up for no reason.

  4. Dave Attell's stand up is pretty lame all and all, its his work on Insomnia thats really good.



    I'm a big Prior, Bill Hick, Lenny Bruce, and early Eddie Murphy fan. I've never been into Carlin, I really can't say why. Carlin never really spoke to me, it had to be something in the delivery.

  5. Usually when I eat "fast food" I try to go to something local not a huge chain. Not only is the food better but this one place, Dairy Bar, has all the cute girls working there, making it a no brainer




    Plus the mormons haven't brough In and Out burger any where near here, time to go down to my local Church of Latter-Day Saints and see if they have anything in the works

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