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Posts posted by Laozi

  1. I think "blackballed" is a pretty apt description to what happens to emerging political parties in America's Dweedle Dee/Dweedle Dum party system. Really the important thing for the Libertarian party is to keep fielding worthy presidential candidates and just wait for Americans to become more and more disenfranchised with our current system. As is a parties only real motivation is to reign the wealthiest constituency it can. Unfortunately it will probably take another depression or some other type of breakdown for Americans to force change in the political system the puppets on the left and right have so cleverly orchestrated.


    I'm sure most of you have seen this, but if you haven't its insanely funny, stay to the end.....



  2. It is our responsibility to build back up what we destroyed. Keep in mind that the "everyday" Iraqi isn't rolling around with his AK squandering this great opportunity, they're taking cover when the fighting starts, so the idea of "rewarding" them or not could be construed as a little offensive. If the case was such, then I don't really believe there would be a general in the military who would be for staying in Iraq.


    The bulk of Sunni insurgents and the Shiite militias are Iraqis. Instead of working together to make a better country they are fighting and killing themselves, their fellow Iraqis who have not picked up arms, and us. We cannot force a lasting peace on those who wish to kill. It is futile to do so. The responsibility is theirs, not ours. Its their country, not ours.



    So you're saying you think its all empty heroics and I'm saying its a chance to rail against pointless death. Low comedy wins?

  3. It is our responsibility to build back up what we destroyed. Keep in mind that the "everyday" Iraqi isn't rolling around with his AK squandering this great opportunity, they're taking cover when the fighting starts, so the idea of "rewarding" them or not could be construed as a little offensive. If the case was such, then I don't really believe there would be a general in the military who would be for staying in Iraq.

  4. its still shows the process of nation building is slow and difficult, even when you're relatively isolated and not surrounded by blood thirsty sharks. I'm curious as to what you're basing your timetable on. You're simply tired of hearing about Iraq in the news or is there some model you can point to?

  5. So what, might is right as long as you can waddle back and forth from work and the grocery store unmolested? All that needs to happen for you is your dad managing to pork your mom in a safe place and the world's concerns aren't yours anymore?

  6. Well what is Powell suppose to do, go infront of the UN and provide every other country in the world a detailed outline of US intelligence gathering capabilities?



    And the whole false pretenses thing is completely inane. If you want to make arguments like that, then on the other hand you could say that the US put Saddam Hussein in power under "false pretenses" and that we just went back in there to finally correct our mistake.

  7. The dog and pony show infront of the UN was only done so Johnny Po-dunk from Backswatervania and everyone else can feel like they scrutinized all the evidence and were informed on what was going on. I'm sure Powell showed all the receipts for arm bought during the Reagan administration behind closed doors.

  8. Well, despite it being Hades's political wet dream, Obama won't be hiring Al Fraken as his senior military advisor.


    Actually I am hoping that he gets Colin Powell and put him to good use, unlike Bushie.



    Yeah, actually Powell was dismissed/resigned because he didn't agree with Rummy's "one foot already out the door" policy in Iraq. His ideas were more akin to Rice's and what is basically happening now in Iraq.

  9. hmmmm, I got my Tax Refund in the mail today, I was thinking I would get my $600 cash money before I got my actual refund.


    I guess I have the rest of the weekend to debate over what to spend this bad boi on, right now I'm leaning towards a fikes drum kit.

  10. Flight of the Conchords ~ The Most Beautiful Girl In The Room



    Looking at the room, I can tell that you.

    Are the most beautiful girl in the...room.

    (In the whole wide room).

    And when you're on the street, depending on the street.

    I bet you are definitely in the top three.

    Good lookin' girls on the street.

    (Depending on the streets).

    And when I saw you at my mate's place.

    I thought...what, is she, doing...at my mate's place.

    How did he get a hottie like that to a party like this?

    Good one, Dave.

    (Ooh, you're a legend, Dave).


    I asked Dave if he's going to move on you.

    He's not sure.

    I said "Dave, do you mind if I do?"

    He says he doesn't mind.

    But I can tell he kind of minds.

    But I'm going to do it anyway.


    I see you standing all alone by the stereo.

    I dim the lights down to very low, here we go

    You're so beautiful.

    You could be a waitress.

    You're so beautiful.

    You could be a air hostess in the 60s.

    You're so beautiful.

    You could be a part-time model.

    But then I seal the deal, I do my moves.

    I do my dance moves.


    Lets travel through, just me and you.

    As other dudes around you on the dance floor.

    I draw you near, lets get out of here.

    Lets get in a cab. I'll buy you a kabob.

    I can't believe. I'm sharing a kabob.

    With the most beautiful girl I have ever seen with a kabob.

    Oh, why don't we leave?

    Lets go to my house.

    We can feel each other up on the couch.

    Oh no, I don't mind taking it slow.


    Cause you're so beautiful...

    Like a tree. Or a high class prostitute.

    You're so beautiful.

    You could be a part time model.

    But you'd probably still have to keep your normal job.

    A part time model.

    Spend part of your time modeling.

    And part of your time next to me.


    My place is usually a bit tidier than this.

  11. Yeah, unfortunately my friend Sherman pretty well hinted at that before I even finished A Game of Thrones so I didn't get a chance to ponder it myself, its just who's the other head of the dragon.




    Oh yeah, and I'm reading Red Earth and Pouring Rain by Vickrum Chundra. Its totally awesomtaculiarx2.

  12. Yeah theres definitely something to that, its sparse enough for things like this to take root but not so much that it can go on indefinitely. You really get an idea of what a complete train wreck this whole deal is. Almost everyone on the ranch had the same dozen or so first and last names, so whenever the court reads some charges all the lawyers are like, are you talking about my Jeremiah Davis or that Jeremiah Davis? Is it Jeremiah Davis the first or third? Has this Jeremiah Davis been appointed a lawyer yet, are he and all his siblings going to have the same attorney?

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