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Posts posted by Laozi

  1. 6th grade, thats a great time to make enemies and paint yourself in on a weighty topic that you could only have the most feeble of grasp on. Abortion seems to be a topic that can atleast be prejudiced towards those who have actually had sex, I believe. But its great this kid's screwball parents have a voice in school.

  2. Got back from a weekend spent on the river in Wimberley. We rented a pretty swank house on a cliff above the river and got drunk and sunburned and we all learned that we all have stardust inside us and the best way to get it out is with a spoon. Oh, that delicious stardust.

  3. This brand of consumerism most appeals to me because it allows me to transfer all my aggression from my issues with my father to such far flung affairs as world politics. Half the time I dunno what any of its saying but the basic gist of it is that someone somewhere far away is responsible for all the stuff that happens that I don't agree with and theres nothing I could possibly do to change it is to parade around in black and spew stuff I heard these other people say and spend the my money on the things they say is alright. Because america is bad and the twelve jewish bankers are responsible for all the suffering in the world is way better then 'dad, I really didn't like all that hostility you used to come at me with when I didn't take the trash out the first time you asked'. But instead I get to act like I'm "in the know." I'm special. I mean, my thoughts aren't mine, but look at how cool the guy who came up with the thoughts looks...he's jumping through the air.......with his guitar........freaken bad ass ripped jeans. What color are his sock, they're black. Awesome.

  4. Did you hear that Rivers Cuomo once snorted live sea monkeys in college and later removed two of his ribs so he could perform oral copulation all by his lonesome? I did because I read it in Spin! magazine. For all the latest facts on your favorite bands be sure to check out Spin!.net its dot coooooommmmmmmmmm!!!!




    Yo La Tengo ~ Barnaby, Hardly Working


    This album Prisoners of Love is probably the best album I've gotten in a long time. Sometimes I hear a little Sonic Youth, sometimes Neil Young and even once some They Might Be Giants.

  5. you don't understand, taks will be able to break his pool cue and take down an entire bar of armed miscreants at a moments whim. I dunno about you, but well worth the investment to protect my family and loved ones.

  6. sounds nice Guard Dog, good luck to you in making it a home. It seems like it would be a good place for you to hide out and avoid persecution in the coming times of darkness.

  7. Yeah, I have to agree that Viconia was the best of the BG2 romances, but my copy of BG2 was the complete one with the Throne of Bhaal expansion and for whatever reason I could never get the Jaheira romance to work past a certain point.


    In the end the romances where kind of just something else to do while you're playing an extremely long game. They made the game a bit harder too since you couldn't allow your interest to die or get turned to stone without resetting the AI.

  8. Volo, you shouldn't get too worked up by someone calling a tree a tree, he has your persona pretty well down, no need for your stale "I need cake and to eat it to arguments."


    As far as I see things, the woman is definitely guilty of harassment. She purposely misrepresented herself to gain the trust of another and then left messages who's only intent was to be disturbing to the reader. I'm not sure what the statutes for the different levels of harassment are but I think something along the lines of losing two years of her freedom would be appropriate.


    She has a level of culpability in this girls death, but in the end its never one factor that causes someone to commit and act like this. People's lives are not linear, and you can not be totally responsible for how people interpret/internalize your actions.

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