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Posts posted by Laozi

  1. schmegal?



    Went and ate with some friends, and got spleefed on some homacus grownisci. Surprisingly I didn't do much with my day after that but watch movies and read.



    ice cream + hot apple flautas = awesometaculiar

  2. Oh yeah, and


    Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!


    This is really the only thing thats funny on Adult Swim anymore. The first night I watched the DVD of the first season I laughed so hard I cried and almost threw up during the b'ougar commercial. John C. Riley is insanely funny as Dr. Steve Brule.


    It has sort of a tint to it thats like if Christopher Guest directed Andy Kaufman on canadian tv.

  3. George Jones ~ The Race Is On


    Well, the race is on

    And here comes pride up the backstretch

    Heartaches are goin' to the inside


    No Show had some pretty bad ass songs



    Oh man, I remember singing along to that one on the radio when I was in middle school. Classic.



    Didn't one of those new country loser artists cover than recently?


    Kevin Devine -




    Sawyer Brown covered it in the '90s, not sure if anyone has since. It won't really surprise me to see Millie Cypress cover it now-a-days.



    Darius Dar ~ Frumpy From the Inside Out

  4. I think there is a subtle but important difference between suggesting violence and killing, and then suggesting not breeding :p




    We should test that theory. First we'll kill walkerguy. Then, well.... Lets get that done before we spend too much time worrying about phase II.


    Is phase III profit? I never found out about phase II.




    I won't lie, there will be those who profit from phase I, but we're talking about a better tomorrow for everyone.

  5. I think there is a subtle but important difference between suggesting violence and killing, and then suggesting not breeding ;)




    We should test that theory. First we'll kill walkerguy. Then, well.... Lets get that done before we spend too much time worrying about phase II.

  6. Call me cynical old conspiracy tehorist, but doesn't this just siphon cash into the hands of profiteering companies? Shouldn't the gas companies take a hit? I mean they've been making record profits for years...

    um, only now approaching 10%... hardly worth getting your conspiracy ire up over. qualcomm's profit margin, OTOH, is almost 36%.


    mine is eventually going towards this pool cue. graduation present to me (that i won't get till my bday in july, however).





    Right, the thing to get worked up about is that the government lets companies pump about $11 billion dollars worth of oil and gas out of federal owned territories without paying any royalties to the government in any given year.


    And at the same time are showing a reluctance to approve more green energy tax credits, effectively stifling the growing industry in the US.


    I guess were not lobbying hard enough.


    Now to spend my check which is little more then about fourteen and half tanks of gas. Oh yeah, this money I got which is a result of our government decided to use the old trick of deficit spending to stimulate the economy.

  7. No, Xard, my own personal thing is that I can put myself into the character's place a lot easier if the character is female. I shall never understand men completely, and trying to pretend I'm one, even in a game, is some-what rediculous for me. This makes a game that has female options more immersive, IMO. Especially if they throw in any kind of a romance sup-plot. It has nothing to do with persecution, at least for me. Just makes it a better experience for me all-around.



    I can see where you're coming from on that, you probably just need some exterior prodding. Start the game as you usually would except for the choosing a male character. Turn off your cell phone, close all the windows in your house until the air is nice and stale. Turn off all the lights. Now you're gonna need like 6-10 hrs. straight game play only stopping to scratch yourself, to "vigorously scratch yourself " and maybe comment on how none of the female NPC giggle quite right. Do not bathe. Continue on like this until you really start hating yourself and then play alot more. Your life should start drifting away from you now. After a bit you should be totally immersed in the male role playing experience. Good luck.

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