Well, I'm not interested at all on a Card Game, but... Something with the Pathfinder rules might be very interesting...
I was just looking at the "Next obsidian Kickstarter" and talking about somethinkg NWN-like with contruction tools like the Aurora Tools, and saying that not having D&D license coud be a problem for it to achieve a project like that to achieve a great success, but with pathfinder rules (AKA D&D 3.5.2) the problem just dissapear.
So.... If they make a game with the PoE engine, of course I'll take a look at it and probably buy it, but what woud be really amazing for me woud be something simillar to what they did with Neverwinter Nights 2. (Just,,, please, optimize a bit more the game engine ,,, and remember that the Construction tools are as important as the game, or even more, I woud say...)