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Everything posted by Humodour

  1. The Arab League has called on the UN to authorise a no-fly zone. Britain, France, America and Australia back a no-fly zone. NATO/EU will likely support one soon since the Arab League has thrown their weight behind it. UN approval is not required for a no-fly zone - with Arab League support, NATO has the trigger of international and multilateral support it was waiting for to act.
  2. I think you guys need to keep in mind that a meltdown is nothing TOO major. It's more a massive hit to the nuclear brand as well as the economic aspect of repairing the reactor than anything (I'd say losing reactors like this would be in the billion dollar loss range - not to mention Japan will be without like 10% of its power generation for a long time now... that's a huge loss). It's not going to explode all over the city and it's not going to spew radiation everywhere - it's largely self-contained with a few minor leaks. People learnt from Chernobyl.
  3. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/12/...E72B04C20110312 Apparently the emergency cooling systems for the reactor (to prevent a meltdown) have lost power. Christ.
  4. I don't think so. I mean, my sympathies to those suffering in Japan certainly, but it's good to keep people aware of Japan's continual illegal slaughtering of endangered whale species.
  5. Isn't this the third strong earthquake Japan has had in as many days? Ouch. Still, their buildings are designed to sway from side to side and stuff.
  6. Or does Libya remind you of Jagged Alliance 2?
  7. God doesn't exist. Jesus was a stoner hippie. I imagine I would've got along with him quite well.
  8. Zoraptor: what I've read about the similar 1994(?) announcement from a NASA scientist which was inconclusive was that it was a different scientist.
  9. I didn't post this because I don't know what to think. The funny thing is it could be one of those things where alien life is found and nobody really notices because nobody trusts the announcement at first and there is lots of controversy until it slowly, over years, becomes mainstream scientific consensus that, yes, the meteorites contain alien bacteria. I mean what the scientist is saying is entirely plausible. But it needs more peer review, and more evidence (i.e. more meteorites, which is a difficult thing to achieve).
  10. Um, Wals, if you were the rebels and you saw a group of foreign elite soldiers rock up with guns and explosives, what would you do given Gaddafi is hiring foreign mercenaries from all over the place? You'd maybe detain them and verify their story.
  11. Hmm, wait, looks like Britain may go ahead with a no-fly zone without UN Security Council support. Good. Because let's face it, Russia and China shouldn't have a veto power on that council in the first place. They do not speak for the international community, and they certainly don't speak for Libya. The UN Security Council is a relic of long-dead wars which is barely fit for modern international relations. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Politics/...hout_UN_Support
  12. AFAIK the US unfortunately dismissed the Libyan rebel requested no-fly zone at which point Britain ditched the idea too. The US also has made no intimations it will use the fleet except in the event that Gaddafi starts using chemical warfare on Libyans (he has an illegal stockpile of mustard gas). Come the heck down eh Hildegard. Maybe you'd be better off rooting for the Libyans rebels rather than trying to spin this into an anti-US conspiracy.
  13. HL2 was pretty damn good, but yes, HL1 was certainly better.
  14. Um, no, over half of Libya is now completely controlled by the protesters and defecting army units. Only Tripoli, the capital, remains fully under Gaddafi's control. It hasn't been about whether Libya will oust Gaddafi for a while now, it is about when.
  15. Guys, it's worth pointing out that half of Tunisia is now in controlled by the protesters (many military units have defected to them). Notably, the part controlled by the protesters is the part with significant amounts of oil, IIRC. Libya's dictatorship has already lost. Now the question is: how many people will it decide to kill as it dies, and will Libya fall into civil war? Read more: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/23/...E71M0CF20110223
  16. Haha. WTF!? That's right, he's committed heresy. Burn the witch. Why not have a think, y'know, an original thought? One not prescribed by your almost certainly libtard peer group? Maybe challenge them and explore a perspective you don't normally share? I do it now and then. Sometimes I even realise my point of view on a subject was skewed. Why not check it out? What caused your change to bitter knee-jerk extremism? You used to be reasonably sensible and moderate.
  17. More than 80 protesters killed, over 20,000 Libyans protesting at any one time now, and the internet is being shut down. Mirroring Egypt and Tunisia reasonably strongly. Seems stupid to turn off the net. What's a citizen to do then? Oh, joining a protest sounds fun. Kind of ensuring your inevitable downfall, yet this is at least the third regime to do it (two of which have already fallen). More here: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/top/all/7436564.html
  18. Producing an ever larger amount of energy is not a problem (convincing people to bother building the infrastructure is, but I'm seeing very encouraging signs of large-scale change). Food on the other hand is. And it is a problem compounded by the fact that phosphate is running out - a key ingredient of fertiliser. Genetic engineering of crops seems to be the most powerful and viable solution to food scarcity, and even the ****ing Vatican recognises that.
  19. Yeah he's faster all right, but that doesn't change anything about what I said.
  20. I'm sure you enjoyed those games to some extent, but I don't see how you could have enjoyed either game fully with such a short amount of time invested in them.
  21. I should imagine he's far too excited to sit down and write it out. He's like a kid at his birthday party on this one. Tearing around his flat shouting "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". The amusing thing is that LoF hasn't actually said a word in this thread.
  22. Chances are if you can imagine it, any sufficiently advanced science can approximate it.
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