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Everything posted by Humodour

  1. That's assuming they will remove said things (as opposed to update), and assuming they will not replace them by equally good things. That's a lot of assumptions, and to me, it's blindly jumping in the hatewagon. Don't let that stop you from hating away at your leisure, though. Because it's the cool thing to do. That's assuming that I said that they will remove them and assuming that I said that they will not replacing them with something better, which I didn't. You are now changing the argument, because my argument was about the definition of "ruining the series" rather than that the fallout series will be ruined. I said, assuming that someone believes that the series is ruined would that imply that Fo1 and 2 will suck. I never said anything about what Fo3 will be like. That's your assumption. Still it seems (from Krezack's post) that I was wrong, so I will pass. Err, I'm not saying FO3 will make FO1 and 2 suck. I'm saying that it will potentially destroy the uniqueness and atmosphere of the series, I guess. It's like with a TV series how people say "it sucks now" - adding more and more seasons can ruin a show. I'm hoping for new seasons of Burn Notice, but at the same time, I think season one was pretty damn ace, and I don't want to see something less than that. Picture somebody telling you that Bethesda was going to do a sequel to Planescape: Torment.
  2. Mmm. I just made 4 pieces of vegemite on buttered toast. I used about 20g of vegemite. Delicious!
  3. Eh, no. Well a lot of us have. Poor quality sequels and such dilute the atmosphere of the original.
  4. See, this doesn't worry me. It should have something like a year and a half in Chris's hands, so the earlier two leads can be seen as 'variety introducers'. You know, like a boiling pot of ideas where in the end the best few are selected by peer review and worked on the most extensively. Or something.
  5. ^ Actually, it's about preserving the atmosphere of Fallout, really. Ever had a good book/movie/TV series ruined by sequels?
  6. Yeah, I saw that too. I was reading that thinking "wtf?". It was clearly faked, but why did that guy have such a personal vendetta against Soule? He wrote like 10 pages. It was horrible garbage.
  7. Uh, no, the entire point is that they are becoming individuals and that each one is mortal. I thought it was fine. a) It had been building up for many episodes how she was paranoid six was going to steal Hera, and then suddenly she sees that playbook about 6, and finds six cuddling Hera and stuff. Maternal instinct, boom. b) You could tell she was determined to end the threat. I thought that part acting was fairly obvious.
  8. I guess it's OK, but it's only 1 season long and then it got cancelled. Screams "unfinished" to me.
  9. Upon reflection, I'm becoming more and more inclined to think Gaeta is the fifth. 1) They're giving him a large amount of air-time, even though he's relatively 'useless' and unimportant. (c.f. Dualla, even Lee) 2) Why bother with the leg amputation? To me it screams "plot device". An effective way to truly show how human Cylons are - who would suspect a nice guy who had his bloody leg chopped off to be a Cylon, phantom limb and all? 3) He's singing. Haha. And yeah, I appreciated Natalie's little 'mortality' speech that episode. I actually bought it - it was nice. I hope she survives.
  10. You are now my favourite employee. I'm fickle like that.
  11. Tactics was a great game, but it wasn't Fallout in many ways. The violence and crude humour were way over the top, for example. The art direction also shifted a bit for the worse (especially deathclaws and mutants). I also was annoyed that in the late-game, melee/stealth basically got abandoned. They could have really made them good.
  12. Spoiler for next episode (two weeks away):
  13. +1 If Fallout 3 is gonna be different than F1/F2 then it might as well do it in an interesting way like STALKER. +1 But what I've seen so far doesn't enamour me. The 'humour' and writing style are rather tacky and gaudy. Art direction is OK, except for the creature animations (mutants look too much like Fallout: Tactics muties - which is bad).
  14. So apparently Natalie might not be dead and Tigh is pregnant.
  15. Oh, yeah, she's great. Haha: http://www.mistresslair.net/forum/showthread.php?t=662
  16. What was with Kivan wanting to bone Branwen every 5 minutes?
  17. Lame lame lame. I liked Natalie. Guess it was a good ep, though.
  18. 40 minutes to go on the download, but... I figured they would, DR. 406 was just a bone to keep us happy, and so will probably 409 and 410 be. I guess it's a high/low excitement and suspense formula that works, though - as long as the 'filler' eps aren't **** boring like they were in season 3.
  19. Why would anyone care it was released on console first? Only one who would care about stuff like that must have some pretty big personal problems. Alternatively, they could simply be aware that the console RPG market is different to the PC RPG market.
  20. I have my doubts a game designed for the console could measure up to PC RPG greats.
  21. I thought Xzar had a great personality given the little information and voice dialog, however I guess since no one else talks about him I could be wrong. Xzar was great, but I rarely took him 'cause he was an evil bastard. Best thing about BG1 was the voice-acting, especially the 'rare' dialogues when you clicked NPCs about 10 times. Xzar's were hilarious. Dark Raven: Please never again call BG2 romances 'great'. *cringes*
  22. Haha. Next time I do, I'll be sure to send you drunken incomprehensible abuse messages. :p

  23. That's a rather arbitrary and baseless boycott in today's time.
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