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Everything posted by Humodour

  1. You're not a neo-con. I, like you, believe in spreading democracy, and military intervention where necessary, but we have a very particular view of such military intervention and we don't think diplomacy is for losers. Moreover, we're not religious conservatives and we're not afraid of the second coming of communism.
  2. I'm so hardcore I stay awake longer than my insomnia!
  3. I want to play Mike Thornton as a contrarian socialist like lord of flies.
  4. Liking women is patriotic! You're not a terrorist are you?
  5. wow, what a strawman. you're at best disingenuous, at worst... well, we all know. yes, btw, pure democracies are statist. if you had bothered to read the link you would have seen them included. no, just you are. any on income, since there is no choice. only to myopics such as you that don't truly understand what the word capitalism means. it is a socio-economic system, which includes not only the functions of government, but the free-market economy, and the concept of individual rights. i should add, no statist system includes any concept for individual rights (only "privileges" granted by the state). not to anyone that rationally thinks about such things. taks Oh look, it's Objectivism!
  6. Oh man, I hope some of these ideas make it in the game. Nothing wrong with a bit of humour! See No One Lives Forever for information on how to do it.
  7. Real life has women. I don't think this game will be very realistic.
  8. Typical gene therapy is retroviral, yeah.
  9. "A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired."
  10. I heard your like Proposition 8 so I put a Proposition 8 in your Proposition 8 so now you can Proposition 8 while you Proposition 8.
  11. I added ragdoll to the game for great realistic justice. Please buy my game! IT'S A BIG HIT. You helped me make my game successful by letting the player kill the same guy at the same part in the game over and over again.
  12. If that takes so much time and effort that you're too busy to play an MMO, you're doing it wrong. I bang broads and make loads of cash inside MMOs! So in effect I'm inside the broads inside the MMOs.
  13. "You too." No modern state is as free as I'd like, though I actually don't include restrictions on hate speech as one of the frightening incursions on free speech as some people do. But more to the point: Germany doesn't see law after law imposing more and more authoritarian measures each time. Although perhaps with the recent ban on paintball one might beg to differ. Either way, what the flying feck is your point, if you even have one? Still waiting.
  14. lol. With gene therapy I imagine it's possible. Gene therapy isn't fun, though. Gene therapy is the only somatic engineering I'm aware of, and it's pretty limited because it's so hard to get right (and needs repetition to prevent reversion). For example, you need to inject a virus that replicates the new DNA you want, or give yourself a 24th chromosome. No, I was more thinking of you being able to glow in the dark if they mutated you early enough in development (i.e. before being born). This new development is such that one's offspring can be mutated and then their offspring will carry he mutation 'naturally' (I actually thought this was already possible, so I presume this advancement is actually a refinement of earlier techniques, making them more reliable, predictable, etc). If I'm wrong and this is about somatic engineering rather than germline engineering, then holy ****.
  15. Agreed, but the Prop 8 people hate this option just as much.
  16. Or it could be normal turnover for a company with 120+ people, many of which are only contracted.
  17. Indeed (assuming you mean directly decide). It bemuses me why this is allowed in California. I don't believe it is in other US states is it?
  18. No, it's not in history books yet and Wikipedia also covers current affairs. Do you have any more juvenile posts to throw at me or will you answer my question: What point were you trying to make with that post?
  19. The key thing that makes this technology advancement amazing is that the genetic mutations introduced are fully genetic - i.e. transferred to offspring.
  20. Don't make me get all tu quoque up in here. I had to look that up, and yes, you bloody well better. Voter nullification during the civil rights movement in the USA was within our lifetimes. Endemic corruption, indifference to justice, and more-or-less open racism were the order of the day. If you killed a black man in the south, the police wouldn't look for you, the locals wouldn't hate you, and the jury wouldn't convict you. Yes, you can read about that in history books or on Wikipedia. And...?
  21. Oh, we get those every year.
  22. Funny you would bring up floods and tornadoes for in the last two years we have had plenty. I think Australian did something wrong last year because God's really punishing us this year. "VEGEMITE" Is delicious. In fact, I'm going to make some toast right now. Thanks for the idea.
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