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Everything posted by Humodour

  1. Wow, was that in 2000? Pretty sure I still have it around somewhere. Didn't play it much. Google search says you can get it to run on Win7, btw. NOLF is like a mixture between Deus Ex, Half-Life, and Austin Powers or Get Smart. It's bloody fantastic and one of the greatest and funniest games of all time.
  2. No One Lives Forever 1 and 2 System Shock 1 and 2 Age of Empires 1 and 2 + xpacks Revenant Uh... that's it for now.
  3. I found your problem. You're not still evangelising Python, hell next you'll tell me you think Javascript is awesome. C++ or fail dude. Eh, go away. Nobody takes you seriously anyway. Still, you accidentally stumbled upon a grain of wisdom. "C++ or fail" indeed. In this case the OP chose fail. P.S. Javascript is pretty annoying, but maybe if you try Coffeescript you'll still be a douchebag, but at least you'll be a douchebag using a nice language. What, are you going to tell me people should code interactive websites in C++? lol And yet it's what Ph.Ds and industry veterans will often spend their time writing papers on. In this case, Microsoft themselves have rapidly ditched C# in favour of a return C++ for the cases where they were using it (which were cases where they used C++ originally anyway - turns out C# isn't a suitable replacement). This is poignant because Microsoft are the ones who designed C# in the first place, and for this main purpose (to replace C++ internally). Anybody still using C# in light of this is just unaware of better languages for their needs - C++ and Python for instance, depending on the solution required.
  4. 11 years ago? **** me, that is actually still post-2000. I.e. it looks fine. I'm getting old.
  5. Unfortunately natural gas has something called 'fugitive emissions' which are largely unavoidable leaks during drilling, processing and transport. When these leaks are considered, natural gas as a fuel is actually worse to use than even the burning of coal, since these fugitive emissions, being methane, are a far more potent (about 20 times as bad over a 100 year time span) greenhouse gas than CO2 (the byproduct of the combustion of fossil fuels, including methane itself). That is to say: when natural gas (methane) is burnt, the combination of its CO2 emissions + its fugitive methane emissions is worse for exacerbating global warming than burning coal. Governments and businesses do like it though because it appears cleaner given that nobody counts fugitive emissions (i.e. fugitive emissions are a negative externality in a negative externality). A sad flaw, but one you'd expect from our current system of energy planning without heed to long-term thought but with lots of heed to mining and fossil fuel lobbyists. Solar and wind power continue to fall in price. In many areas of the world these technologies are already below grid parity in their region (e.g. wind power in Texas, I believe). Nothing is going to stop that trend, even as businesses switch from coal to natural gas, because natural gas is considered (wrongly) a transition fuel to zero-emission energy sources (i.e. people still acknowledge it emits greenhouse gases and that this is unacceptable in the long-term).
  6. I hope this isn't bordering on advertising since I just think it's a really good deal - they've added more games to it: The games in the bundle now are: BIT.TRIP BEAT, Fieldrunners, SpaceChem, Uplink, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, EDGE, Osmos, and World of Goo for all platforms except iPhone (but who cares about iPhone, really?)
  7. Oh, and the Humble Bundle site now has an accounts feature, where you can add this and any previous bundles you own to a single account under your email address. In this way, the site is starting to be a bit more like GoG or Steam where you can login to access your games library. And of course, everything is still free of DRM.
  8. Just figured I'd make a thread about it to alert people. I'd say it's worth it for SpaceChem alone. And as usual, you can redeem the games on Steam and Ubuntu Software Centre as well. http://www.humblebundle.com/
  9. I also got that. So, anybody want 75% of Portal 2? So that's basically saying: if you want Portal 2 for $5, message myself or Rosbjerg. If you don't own it yet, I do highly recommend buying it.
  10. I have no idea why you're using that horrible proprietary rip-off of Java (which I also don't have too many kind words for) when even Microsoft themselves have ditched it in favour of a return to C++, but that's just me being a language snob. But I would recommend you focus on learning Python and C++ instead. Between those two languages you've got a super powerful toolset for tackling pretty much any problem, and as an added benefit, you can embed them in each other so you can use both at once to solve a single problem. Obviously Python's strength is scripting and rapid prototyping, while C++'s strength is power, ubiquity, and performance. Anyway the answer is yes. runningcount[city] = runningcount[city] + 1; BTW: the Dictionary class isn't like a hash table, it is a hash table.
  11. Why? I'm too bored of you to even attempt a justification. Were it that people like you were in charge, we'd let every whacko regime have weapons of mass destruction. You've read and responded to my posts before on Libya, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Russia, the Taliban, and China. If you have any sort of long-term memory left intact, you should know that I have utter disdain for these regimes. You'd be well aware that I was one of the strongest voices for intervention in Libya on this forum. I support intervention where there is a real chance of success and that some good can actually come of it. So don't lie. Tell the truth. Explain to us why you think it would be a wonderful idea to invade Iran. Don't do it for me. Do it for all the other people quietly reading your posts and wondering why you're so gleeful about starting yet another war.
  12. Obama has done a lot to diversify America away from fossil fuels, which is important for a huge number of reasons (take a look at the reasons behind the US military's huge push for solar and wind for example), not least of all climate change - though he is now selling it as energy independence (which it is) to avoid the negative connotations extremists have associated with climate science. Obama has also championed health care reforms which rather crudely approximate the universal health coverage every other developed nation enjoys. I know and you know he has also done a lot more than this (in so far as a president can being merely the embodiment of the executive arm), and yet these two things alone have been of great significance. When you say things like "Obama didn't do anything" (to paraphrase), you're being highly disingenuous. Say what you mean: you wish Obama had of been bolder and done more. I agree with that. I called him mediocre. He's a corrupt entertainment industry stooge. I don't like him. However, I like the notion of a presidency worse than Bush's a lot less. A Romney win with these crazy neo-Republicans in control of either or both houses is a nightmare scenario. And yes, I'll definitely keep blaming Bush and his ilk for the troubles they caused. One would be hard-pressed to exaggerate the damage they did to their party, their country and the world (thanks to globalisation). Would you have me wave it all away because 4 years have passed under a different US president? Do you really think fixing all the problems and turmoil which Bush's disaster of a presidency has caused around the world is a simple matter of replacing the president and giving him 4 years of clean-up duty?
  13. http://science.slashdot.org/story/12/08/17/1533234/kentucky-lawmakers-shocked-to-find-evolution-in-biology-tests If this keeps up (and let me be clear: it has kept up for the many years now that I've been observing science education policy in the US), it looks like the US will be facing a future (how far away I've no idea) where the "liberal" (I know, I know, this is an evil word in US vernacular) and generally coastal (east-west) areas continue to teach some cutting edge science and output top-notch inventors, engineers and scientists, while the inner areas that are heavily Republican produce higher and higher percentages of graduates that have no understanding of even the most basic concepts of science (because this anti-science push extends to climate science as well, rather than being limited to just biology). Now that's a scenario that is even more alien to me than the current culture wars (which generally seem to involve conservative dullards spreading the notion that gay people eat babies, Muslims are terrorists, and being open-minded is un-American). What would it mean to for the USA to be comprised of states on the outskirts of the country which are liberal democracies, while states on the inside are more like Sharia law governed Arab states?
  14. Is that seriously what yanks call it? I guess "attempt at introducing universal health care to bring the US healthcare system up to the same standards as other Western nations and provide coverage to the poorest and most vulnerable" is just too darn complex a sentence for US political discourse to cope with.
  15. Considering the huge mess that Bush moron and his Republican cronies left Obama with, it's not terribly surprising. Still, he certainly hasn't been anything more than mediocre even in light of the Republican party imploding in a mess of infighting, fanatic religious extremism and corruption.
  16. This is hilarious: http://www.uproxx.com/webculture/2012/08/4chan-names-mountain-dew-flavor/
  17. This. But it's easy to make the case that the US citizens lose a lot more under Romney and his Tea Party VP.
  18. Hey guys, what should I look for in a modern TV? We don't watch television at all. It'll be purely for watching downloaded movies and music, as well as playing Mario Kart on the Wii. And maybe Left 4 Dead 2 on the Steam console when it comes out. Or Ouya. It'll need to be able to access a NAS, preferably the Seagate Black Armour, but if they're incompatible, I'm aware of a few DLNA compatible NAS devices that I can buy. And media centres... thoughts? Not really necessary if I already have an NAS that the TV can stream from, right? What else? What do you guys look for in modern home entertainment?
  19. Just because you like Dijkstra doesn't mean you can say hurtful things to me.
  20. I want to genuinely open your eyes to a life where you phone lasts at least 2 days under full load, so please check these out: http://www.mugen-power-batteries.com/ http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/ceca/ While I guess these both fall under the category of 'extra battery', they do so in different ways. 1) the Mugen power battery should simply be your primary battery since it has double the battery life of your default battery. 2) the wristband is designed for portability and the ability to charge anything. Caring around another plain phone battery in your pocket is a silly idea, especially if it leaks or explodes. that said, if you do get an extra battery from Mugen power, that DOES leave you your current battery as a spare if super necessary one day.
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