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Posts posted by Sarex

  1. Another blockade in Kosovo. This time it was an armed blockade. KFOR let the Albanian "police" try and remove it (even though that is strictly KFOR's job). One Albanian was killed in the first confrontation. An hour and a half later the Albanians came in full force (460 people) while KFOR was securing any path to central Serbia to cut off escape. They killed 3 Serbs so far and apparently there is a recording of them letting one Serbian man die while pretending to give first aid.

    The Serbian population is locked in their houses and the Albanians are now going around and arresting people and shooting up houses.

  2. 17 hours ago, PK htiw klaw eriF said:

    El Conde (2023)

    Holy ****ing ****, Netflix put out a movie that's not just good, but ****ing fantastic? Unbelievable, but it's true.

    The long and short of it is that it's a black and white surreal satire where Augsto Pinochet is a 200+ year old vampire who has dedicated his eternal life to stopping every revolution, but now he wants to die and his kids want his money. That synopsis will spoil nothing for you, the film is very weird, beautiful, sounds incredible, and is overall one of the best experiences I've had this year. I can not recommend this enough.

    Damn, you kind of undersold it on the weird aspect. Fun movie overall, if a little slow at times. Some scenes got drawn out a little bit too much for my taste.

    Fun fact, the name vampire originates from the Serbian word vampir which is how we call them.

    • Haha 1
  3. I wasn't talking about the pictures in the link above specifically, but I would still think the person is trying to hide anything that could help identify him. For an example, the picture shows a person standing on the dock, they could then ask that person who was on the other side of the dock, a long shot but why take the risk.

    Or the picture is fake and they are trying to hide the surroundings to stop anyone from discrediting it.

  4. 6 minutes ago, melkathi said:

    Putting it in Spoiler tags, as my family history isn't game related 


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    My father was the secretary for the left wing youth organisation during the military dictatorship in Greece.

    It is a bit weird when you are a teenager and your mother goes "you are old enough now for these things. The friend who is visiting is the one who jumped in front of the knife on that occasion and got stabbed instead of your father."

    When I was in my twenties and Golden Dawn (the Greek Nazi party until recently) got stronger, we got fairly regular notifications from the police that my father should cancel his book presentation or appearance at public events because there were credible death threats and they couldn't guarantee his safety. Which would then mean my mother would tell me I had to cancel plans because I had to watch the crowd for suspicious people...


    And then the threats stopped. During the golden dawn trial we found out because he had gotten put on their "no kill list" of people too public, who's murder could be detrimental to their image.

    And now he is old so his influence is not what it used to, so nobody wants to murder him anymore.


    I have this memory from when I was 7 where I was waiting behind the door with a big Jesus statue, ready to bash the man who had appeared at the front door and was threatening my mom. She was scary enough on her own and didn't need a hobbit to save her :p


    anyway, now you got the rundown on why I react strongly to certain subjects :)


    Here they would send you to "Goli Otok" to smash rocks if you were a credible threat to the party, or if not the police would just beat you. If you were a threat, then you would have a car accident in which you hit the only tree on a side of a 100km long road.

    • Gasp! 1
  5. 3 hours ago, majestic said:

    The "get a new phone" experience sure has improved in that time, at least there's something to be said about being stuck in Apple's sect-ish ecosystem. A quick bluetooth coupling, some minutes of copying the setup and files and you're done.

    Not really unique to apple. Android has the same thing. Now going from one to another is a different matter entirely.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, ShadySands said:

    It's technically pro-Maidan and anti-Maidan and they didn't all die, the vast majority survived the incident. I used anti-Russian to mean they want to be part of the West and not under the Russian sphere of influence anymore. Though I'm sure there are plenty of those that are racist against all Russians, especially now. 

    There are a lot of sketchy and questionable things about the incident, even on the wiki page.

    When people want to kill each other there isn't much that you can do to stop them

    I don't know why I wrote all, I meant disproportionately the pro Russian side had died. Either way, I am not defending the Russian side, my original point was that Ukraine is not innocent in this either.

    11 minutes ago, ShadySands said:

    When people want to kill each other there isn't much that you can do to stop them

    Especially with foreign influences stocking the fires.

  7. I mean there being anti-Russian protests in the first place does not paint a good picture. I also find it convenient that the pro-Russian attacked first and subsequently all died. I've seen this exact thing happen before, I have absolutely no trust in the news sources from any side and can see that this war was planned and pushed for.

    On the one hand I hope it blows up in the face of the forces behind it, but on the other hand I do not because that would be a shortcut to disaster.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Zoraptor said:

    To be fair, it wasn't precisely a myth. One hadn't been destroyed by enemy action until whenever that video was shot, just one destroyed accidentally by the Brits themselves.

    (OTOH, them surviving getting hit by eleventy billion 70 RPG rounds in Basra always seemed to be about as hyperbolic as, well, calling 70 eleventy billion)

    The amount of action it has seen is a big contributor, to say nothing about believing UK reports. But I guess we will see if this is a fluke or not. Also I find it pretty funny how much PR the German tanks have been getting lately to counteract the bad press they have received so far. This war is one big commercial, but then again I guess any war is.

    1 hour ago, xzar_monty said:

    The support that comes down to you saying fairly explicitly that you have "nothing against" Russia in this[*]. That just seems to contradict rather sharply with the other sentiment you just expressed, the one I responded to. As for your second question, you're quite right: nothing that we express here either helps or hinders anything.

    I'm pretty sure I never said that. I am not on any side in this, but I do not think that Ukraine is innocent in this whole thing either.

    1 hour ago, xzar_monty said:

    And yes, I was referring to Molotov - Ribbentrop, like Zoraptor said.

    Poland/Ukraine does not an Europe make.

  9. 32 minutes ago, xzar_monty said:

    Why the constant support for Russia, then?

    What support? Either way how would supporting anyone here help?

    33 minutes ago, xzar_monty said:

    I suppose one can make a joke that this is at least the second example in a hundred years of Russia and Germany planning a future for Europe and it backfiring spectacularly...

    What was the first?

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