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Posts posted by Valsuelm

  1. I am checking my books, but I can't seem to find anything about feminism, language, and welfare causing the collapse of the Roman Empire.


    We live in a Golden Age, don't you ever take any time to enjoy it?


    One of the problems in our modern secularized culture is that metaphor is lost on so many...


    Golden age? Arguably in some aspects for some, sure. But that's arguable in almost any era of history. For western civilization or humanity as a whole? Hell no.

  2. A woman talking more sense than a man about men. What a time to be alive.


    Well, as she says, men generally are not allowed to say it. They're deemed sexist, misogynist, etc. And in the case of Dr. Smith's surroundings, news companies generally do not hire real men as their talking heads. Only puppet wussies that tow the line, either on their own because they believe the BS or via sold soul.


    Hell, at the moment the manliest man I can think of that is a semi mainstream talking head is Milo Yiannopoulos, and he happily refers to himself as something we can't say on this forum due to it being subject to insane PC BS. And that said, one cannot lay any criticism on any 'group' or person deemed to be of a 'group' without being called some kind of hater by many of the masses, unless of course one is in that 'group', but then more oft than not one is called a 'self hating X' or something similar. We are in the opposite of an intellectual renaissance, arguably very well on our way to a new dark age.


    The good news is that the backlash to all the insanity is growing more all the time, so perhaps there is some hope for humanity at large. The bad news is that the cost on society at large, as well as millions of individuals is quite high and very real. The destruction of the western family and relationships between men and women overall has been devastating (whether that backlash is too late to have a real positive impact, is too soon to tell, though I sadly suspect it may be). Evidence of this is everywhere, though probably most easily pointed to in the birth rates, divorce rates, lack of marriage rates, and welfare rates in the west. 3rd and 4th wave feminism have more than a little to do with this, arguably even some aspects of 1st and 2nd. Of course, a lot of folks like to either stick their head in the sand on all of this, or just plain don't understand it. Those folks would probably say I'm sexist, and that's the end of their thinking. Those folks would gleefully and hypnotically watch Nero fiddle.


    Almost as classy at laughing and mocking a rape victim, right? RIGHT!?!


    Did someone do that here?


    Not that I'm aware of, though there has been blind support for such a person expressed here.

  4. " because the crime were committed with a motivation the People finds social repugnant"


    Which to any rational human being is such a stupid   empty statement. Murdering/assaulting someone (safe for self defense) should be 'socially repugnant' no matter what. Wether the motivation is 'racial hatred', greed, or 'romance gone bad drama. The very act is repugnant.


     'Hate' crime is something nazis would make up so only nazis support it. :)


    You really should learn yourself some history sir. The Nazis weren't near as bad as you make them out to be. You're better to compare the modern insanity to the Stasi, Cheka, or KGB. It is indeed cultural Marxism we're talking about here. That said, we're in somewhat uncharted territory, as the proliferation of much of the modern insanity you're often justifiably railing against has not ever been so widely plentiful in recorded history. Nor is the ultimate outcome of it's use to undermine a society's culture and ideals known. We've had this stuff degenerating the west now for longer than the Nazis existed.


    In other words, some of the **** that is going on right now would make even a Nazi cringe.

  5. How come these comic strips you post are always written so weirdly? Can't tell if it's supposed to be humorous or what...and the ones you've posted always feel like they lack any sort of punch...


    The author's brain is at least slightly broken is why. Disjointed thoughts lead to disjointed communication.

  6. I know that it might sound like music to your ears, but this is really getting out of hand :p




    I posted in the wrong thread. My deepest apologies everyone.


    I fixed my post!





    HB2 is a haplogroup?


    It's that anti-LBGT bathroom law that got passed in North Carolina.


    It's not 'anti-LBGT', it's 'anti-T' if anything. Ls, Bs, and Gs have nothing to do with it.


    Also, it's 'LGBT', not 'LBGT'. ;)




    It works actually also against LGB part and lots of other people also




    See... I actually bothered to read the the Acts, rather than the inciteful BS that is most articles out there discussing the issue. It's not a long read: http://www.ncleg.net/Sessions/2015E2/Bills/House/PDF/H2v4.pdf


    It doesn't change anything for Ls, Gs, Bs, Ss (straight folks), or As (asexuals) in regards to any such folk being affected based on the fact that they are Ls, Gs, Bs, Ss, or As. Might they be affected because of something else? Sure, but very probably not.


    Overall it's a very innocuous piece of legislation without any real teeth. The only reason it's making the news is that it makes a point over biological sex.


    The issue at the national level is a red herring.


    HB2 is a haplogroup?


    It's that anti-LBGT bathroom law that got passed in North Carolina.


    It's not 'anti-LBGT', it's 'anti-T' if anything. Ls, Bs, and Gs have nothing to do with it.


    Also, it's 'LGBT', not 'LBGT'. ;)


  9. Pink Floyd is one of a few bands who have created a great album that in essence is just one big awesome song. They are perhaps the only which has created a few of them. This is my personal fave, musically and thematically....


    It's also the only album I listen to with any regularity that is guaranteed to get my dogs barking. The only drawback to it...



    • Like 4
  10. Going a little OT here but I found this too interesting not to post. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/08/opinion/sunday/a-confession-of-liberal-intolerance.html?ref=opinion


    It's an opinion piece about political bias in colleges but it really works everywhere. Basically the take is racial prejudice has been replaced with intellectual prejudice. A lot of folks seem to think it is a far greater sin to think different than it ever was be different. Ideally it would be better if neither were held against anyone but I guess that is unrealistic. It seems it's in our nature to organize ourselves into tribes.


    Not to pick on Bruce but he made a comment during the earlier discussion about Gun Control that I found very telling. One that I've heard the left wing SJW types say before. When commenting on why so many Americans opposed gun control his words were something to the effect of "they need to have it explained to them better"


    The arrogance of the left is is such that at times it truly believes it is so "right" that the only way anyone could disagree is if they didn't/couldn't understand the position.

    • Like 3
  11. I would definitely say my history teachers in college leaned heavily towards liberalism, although I never bought into the whole idea that we were being brainwashed....

    If you can tell the ideology of your history professor/teacher, they are a bad professor/teacher, if you can easily do so, they are abysmal.


    If you don't have a good mind of your own and a good alternative for a more neutral source of information on history (this is true of most other subjects too, but it is especially of import with history) then yes, you are going to be brainwashed. This is especially true if you are young, as the young are almost never natively equipped to question the information they are being given from an authority figure (and a significant number of adults never develop the equipment). The brainwashed almost never realize that they are brainwashed. Near the only time that ever happens is when the bubble bursts, after one bubble bursts it's easier for some to see through the others. [We all had some brainwashing in K-12, the curriculum is designed for it, and there are a number of myths that are generally taught as fact (and hence commonly believed; I used to believe some of them too)]


    The best history teachers and professors I ever had, I couldn't tell you to this day what their own ideology was. I was lucky in that I had a few that were great (two of my U.S. History teachers, and my professor on ancient Greece/Rome (a 3 semester venture) were particularly awesome. I also had a flaming blue Constitutional History professor once though. One of only three teachers/professors I ever had from K-College that didn't like me (I questioned him a bit too much and bluntly for his liking).

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