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Posts posted by Valsuelm

  1. TV Cameraman, We Salute You!



    Nigel is the shiz.


    One of the only politicians anywhere on earth at a national level that is telling it at least somewhat like it is.


    Got a problem with him relative to other politicians, and I'd say you've probably got a problem with reality.

    • Like 1

    I'm not sure when it became normal for insinuations that major American political figures were in the practice of having folks murdered to go unchallenged, but it is rather disquieting to me.  The whole Foster thing has been pretty thoroughly debunked, yet it lives on (and grows, I suppose) the minds of folks who want desperately to believe anything and everything unpleasant about politicians who they don't like. 


    That said, I'm the weirdo around here in that I hear the word "establishment" and think "actual somewhat-reasonable adults" rather than "the source of everything unpleasant in America."  (Sure, some of them are self-interested jerks, but not really in greater proportions than the rest of the population.)

    You know the irony of all that is there were deaths back in Arkansas that were a lot more suspicious than that one with much better evidence of foul play and cover up. But for some reason this is the one that gets remembered.


    That is not to suggest anyone named Clinton had anything to do with any of them but it does beg the question when the Arkansas State Police determine the AG (one William Jefferson Clinton) former mistress Suzanne Coleman committed suicide by shooting herself in the back of the head with a rifle.



    Vince Foster was never 'debunked'. There are some unanswerable questions.


    Suzanne Coleman is just one of many of who died in Arkansas who had their deaths covered up under Bill Clinton's watch, as AG and as governor. My personal opinion on all of these vary, though I'd say the teenagers killed who stumbled on a drug drop probably has the biggest red flags of all.


    It'll be interesting to see if the forthcoming Tom Cruise movie 'Mena' mentions Clinton's connections to 'Iran Contra'. Doubtful, as there are other bigger players to mention first (like Bush), and a 2-3 hour long movie is only going to be able to show the tip of the iceberg, but it's certainly possible.




    More DNC/ Hillary hax docs released. Pretty much zero doubt that it's genuine at this point, ain't nobody going to fake that number of documents, plus no one seems to be claiming that it's fake just that the hacker is 'Russian'.


    Well, well, well. What do we have here in the donor list? (Those who in bold are those that got my attention at first glance)


    $25 million +


    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation *

    Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada) *

    Fred Eychaner *

    Frank Giustra, The Radcliffe Foundation Nationale Postcode Loterij *

    The Children's Investment Fund Foundation


    $10-25 million



    Stephen L. Bing


    Tom Golisano

    Government of Norway

    The Hunter Foundation *

    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia *

    The Victor Pinchuk Foundation

    Cheryl and Haim Saban & The Saban Family Foundation *

    The ELMA Foundation

    Theodore W. Waitt


    $5-10 million


    S. Daniel Abraham

    Sheikh Mohammed H. Al-Amoudi

    Susie Tompkins Buell Fund of the Marin Community Foundation *

    C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Inc. *

    Commonwealth of Australia, DIICC *

    Elton John AIDS Foundation

    Government of the Netherlands

    Irish Aid J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation *

    John D. Mackay Denis J. O'Brien *

    Michael Schumacher

    State of Kuwait

    The Coca-Cola Company *

    The Rockefeller Foundation

    The Swedish Postcode Lottery *

    The Wasserman Foundation *


    $1-5 million


    100 Women in Hedgefunds

    Absolute Return for Kids (ARK)

    Jay Alix

    Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

    Nasser Al-Rashid

    American Federation of Teachers *

    Angelopoulos Foundation *

    Gianna Angelopoulos

    Anheuser-Busch Foundation

    Smith and Elizabeth

    Bagley *

    Barclays Capital

    Mary Bing and Doug Ellis Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund *

    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina *

    Richard Blum and Blum Family Foundation *

    Booz Allen Hamilton *

    The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation *

    The Sherwood Foundation *

    Richard and Jackie Caring *

    Gilbert R. Chagoury Christy and John Mack Foundation *

    Cisco *

    Citi Foundation

    The Clinton Family Foundation *

    Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund Stephen J. Cloobeck *

    Roy E. ****rum *

    Victor P. Dahdaleh & The Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Charitable Foundation

    The ERANDA Foundation *

    Robert Disbrow

    Dubai Foundation

    Duke Energy Corporation


    ExxonMobil *

    Issam M. Fares & The Wedge Foundation *

    Joseph T. Ford

    Wallace W. Fowler

    Friends of Saudi Arabia

    Fundacion Telmex Mala Gaonkar Haarman GEMS Education *

    Ariadne Getty *

    GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale *

    The James R. Greenbaum, Jr. Family Foundation Vin Gupta *

    Worldwide Support for Development *

    Hewlett-Packard Company *

    Hult International Business School *

    Humana Inc. *

    ICAP Services North America *

    Inter-American Development Bank *

    Sanela D. Jenkins Robert L. Johnson *

    Walid Juffali Dave Katragadda Kessler Family Foundation

    Michael and Jena King

    Laureate International Universities

    Lukas Lundin MAC AIDS Fund The Marc Haas Foundation *

    Microsoft *

    Lakshmi N. Mittal

    James R. Murdoch

    Norad (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) *

    NRG Energy, Inc. *

    OAS S.A.

    OCP Corporation Open Society Institute Jonathan M. Orszag *

    Peter G. Peterson Foundation *

    Pfizer Inc *

    PGA Tour, Inc. *

    Presidential Inaugural Committee

    Princess Diana Memorial Fund

    Procter & Gamble *

    Stewart Rahr

    Paul D. Reynolds

    Robertson Foundation

    Newsmax Media Inc. *

    Salida Capital Foundation

    Donald L. Saunders *

    Joachim Schoss

    Bernard L. Schwartz

    Walter H. Shorenstein

    Arnold H. Simon

    Bren Simon *

    Amar Singh

    Carlos Slim Helú & Fundación

    Carlos Slim

    Michael Smurfit *

    Harold Snyder

    Sol Goldman Charitable Trust *

    Steven Spielberg

    Standard Chartered Bank *

    Starkey Hearing Foundation *

    Starkey Hearing Technologies, Inc. *

    State of Qatar

    Sterling Stamos Capital Management, LP The Streisand Foundation *

    Suzlon Energy Ltd.

    Swedish Postcode Foundation

    Swiss Reinsurance Company *

    Nima Taghavi *

    Tenet Healthcare Corporation *

    The Annenberg Foundation

    The Boeing Company

    The Dow Chemical Company *

    The ELMA Philanthropies Services (U.S.) Inc.

    The Ford Foundation *

    The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. *

    The Government of Brunei Darussalam

    The Howard Gilman Foundation

    The New York Community Trust *

    The Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable & Educational Trust

    The Sidney E. Frank Foundation

    The Sultanate of Oman *

    The Walmart Foundation

    The Zayed Family

    Thomson Reuters

    Torres-Picón Foundation *

    Toyota Motor North America, Inc. *

    Tracfone Wireless, Inc. *

    T.G. Holdings U.S.

    Green Building Council (USGBC) *

    UK Department for International Development (


    United Arab Emirates *

    Verein Aids Life The Walton Family Foundation *

    Rilin Enterprises *

    Gerardo Werthein Frank White *

    The Wyss Foundation *

    YPY Holding Limited *



    This list. Where exactly did you get it?


    I'd like to send it on to some folks I know outside of Obsidian land.

  4. It's funny how TrueNatural say that mostly the uneducated vote to leave the EU... and then you see this:


    Damn White People are the cause of this. :lol:




    edited: Removed any problems with language.


    Yup, seems like the pro-EU party consists of prime examples of good educated humans... :facepalm:



    Having said that if there was a chance, I would vote pro-Nexit. And no, I don't vote PVV.


    What TN is referring to is indoctrination, not education.


    • Like 1
  5. People actually thinking Brexit can happen or Drumpf can get elected.


    Srsly, get back in line, goyim.


    In the case of the former, I can actually see scenarios where the powers that shouldn't be would allow for the UK to 'Brexit', though I would agree those scenarios are less likely than the remain scenarios (we'll find out in some hours).


    In the case of the latter, Trump even running at all is going to accomplish some good, win or lose, and probably not in the way most would normally expect.

  6. I watched Team Libertarian on CNN tonight. They did OK. They didn't make the most of the opportunity by any means but they didn't embarrass themselves either. I think they went into this with a strategy in mind but would have been better served just "being themselves".


    Gary, is not the answer. Nor is the Libertarian party, which was hijacked years ago by the same folks who own the Republican and Democratic parties. There's oodles of evidence of this if you've followed the party over the years, but most recently Weld as the VP pick (despite the outcry of a great many folks in the party itself) should tell you all you need to know.


    If you don't like Trump (who is more of an outsider than Gary, and possibly even more libertarian at the end of the day) or Clinton, I suggest voting for Mickey! Or.... don't vote at all. Or, go ahead and vote Gary, which will essentially yield the same results (if he won) as voting Rubio, Cruz, Clinton, or any of the other establishment stooges.

  7. Have to admit i'm still on the fence, yes I don't trust the unelected officials of Brussels, but on the other hand I most certainly don't trust the elected representatives of Westminster, especially when they have no one looking over their shoulder.


    Ideally as others have said i'd vote for, "Go back to being a trade block." False binary decisions really rub my rhubarb.


    So you're on the fence about ceding your national sovereignty with it's usually corrupt parliamentary democracy to an always corrupt always bought and paid for bureaucratic corporate/banker dictatorship? Really?


    This is a no brainer vote methinks. Do you want a say or not? If yes, vote GTFO, if no, vote remain.


    The whole you've got corrupt politicians thing is certainly real, but you've got a chance to get rid of them in any given election. This is likely your last chance ever to get rid of the corrupt bureaucrats in Brussels that trump your locally and nationally elected folks . Relatively peacefully anyways...


    Put very simply:


    Yay serfdom forever! > Remain

    To hell with serfdom! > Leave and continue to fight the good political fight within your nation.



    I am not even surprised.


    Greatness breeds jealousy and jealousy fosters hatred enough to kill.



    Do you consider Trump a great man, what in your view makes him great?



    Trump is cool, sharp, brash, assertive and self-confident; he is successful in every of his lifes goals, he is successful in his business ventures and he swims in money; women want him, men want to be like him and he has beautiful wife with a beautiful family that loves him. He is tall, has a great set of hair, an imposing figure and finally: a proud american who loves his country country without any regret and with a clear conscience.


    Such sense of being is greatness and such greatness works like a magnet for those who are jealous of it.


    Michael Steven Stanford on the other hand, emotional, afraid, autistic and filled with self-hatred. He is poor, he lives in his car, he hasn't succeeded in anything. No women wants him and men make fun of him. He is short, sad, unkempt with a forgettable figure and finally: an illegal alien who hates america, filled with regrets and a buckling conscience.


    When witnessed with such greatness, he instinctively has to destroy it, as he cannot bear the knowledge of its mere existence. He tries to follow the path of Zé Pequeno in "City of God", but he fails even at that. A total failure.



    Superb movie!

    • Like 1


    Another suspected crash is related to Climate Change, aka eventually people will realize it's not fake, and at that moment the value of oil stock and industry is gonna fluctuate and crash, the oil industry being huge in the global economy.







    Care to explain why? ....




    Sorry, not wasting my time on that one, especially in a thread not about it. You may as well be linking articles on Barbie and Ken's love life. But worry not, that's one scenario that will never play out in realityland. Or waste your time worrying if that floats your boat, but I suggest finding better things to do.

  10. I hope they vote to leave


    I have no skin in this game but I'm curious to see what would happen if they left


    There are few, if any people on earth, who don't have some skin in the game of what happens in the EU. Some of course have more skin, but what happens there has great potential to reverberate everywhere. I'd say the 'Brexit' vote potentially matters more (especially if the leave vote wins) on an international scale than any U.S. Presidential election (the one many traditionally think matters a great deal internationally) has in at least 70 years.

  11. One of the interesting quirks I've noted of late, is the push to say that the Leave campaign is anti-globalisation. Now, while a chunk of the Leave do seem to contain a bunch of xenophobic isolationists, a whole batch of the Leave campaign has been pushing on the idea that once we're out of the EU we'll be able to have better trade relations and connections with the world at large outside of Europe. Now, is it me, but isn't that actually kind of pro-globalisation?


    The question of whether Brexit is/isn't pro-globalisation isn't an easy one to answer. On the surface it's anti-globalist. But the whole thing can be finagled to be fit the agenda when all is said and done. At the end of the day, if the Brits vote to leave the EU, it might be a might setback to the globalist agenda, or it might not. I can personally see a number of scenarios play out. If 'Brexit' happens, what happens next will matter a lot, and is currently largely unknown, at least publicly.


    Rest assured, bets are certainly hedged.



    Terrific. If i was briton, i would be more than ever convinced to leave the EU. It's like a textbook example on reverse psychology.



    Your comment made me watch, despite me thinking beforehand 'Gee, I'll wager this occasionally mildly amusing useful idiot commie/globalist pawn assclown is going to be pro EU, and will attempt to comically poop all over the idea of leaving it.'


    Yup, sadly predictable. Sad, because so many unintelligents get their information from him. Predictable, because he's a commie/globalist mouthpiece, and pretty much always falls in line with those agendas.

  13. We have a guy who attacks a gay nightclub because of intolerance, and we have a religion that everyone accuses of being intolerant, and we have a terrorist group that doesn't tolerate anything that is different...


    And the solution is to be less tolerant?


    It certainly isn't to welcome all of the above with open arms.


    If a man isn't tolerating the fact that your daughter is telling him no, your reaction should not be to tolerate him when he forces her legs open.

    • Like 2
  14. I know we go over this stuff with alarming regularity, but the amount of intolerance that gets thrown around here is depressing. How does that solve any of these issues?


    And you can have a tolerant society that still expects newcomers to follow the letter of the law and make steps to embrace the culture they are joining. They are not mutually exclusive, quite the opposite. Lead by example.


    Such a society is doomed when it tolerates and embraces those that won't tolerate them.


    'Tolerance' is not always a goody goody gumdrop thing. It's become a destructive Orwellian buzzword such as 'progress', 'new', 'change', etc.  Some things should not be tolerated. Just as some progress is down a bad path, some change is for the worse, and 'new' isn't always better than what it replaced.

    • Like 2


    Offer incentive for returning (financial, logistical) and working with current regimes in stabilizing the region (like accepting that the overthrowing of Saddam and Gadaffi were terrible mistakes and start supporting Assad as the least evil option). 


    If they still don't want to leave then sadly there will be conflicts on some degree or the other.


    You're a relatively astute person, so this is probably somewhat rhetorical:


    Did it ever occur to you that overthrowing Saddam and Qaddafi were not terrible mistakes? That perhaps the folks who orchestrated these things knew exactly what they were doing?


    The outcomes were indeed predicted by many, even as early as the 90s. So at least in some quarters there was no surprise at what happened. If we are to take the position that these things were terrible mistakes, what are we doing allowing those who made them to continue holding the strings of power?


    And if we take the position that they were not mistakes....


    Then /pol/ is right and we are in for terrible times ahead. I do not wish for that to happen.



    Reddit and 4chan are places I do not frequent (I'm not sure which one you're referring to). But I would agree that terrible times are ahead. I also do not wish for them to happen. However, us wishing thus is akin to us wishing the tides to not happen. Rubicons have been crossed. We are past points of no return at this point, and have been for quite some time methinks. The calm before the storm is passed, and the waves are beginning to get choppy these last few years. The worst part methinks is that the longer the flames take to ignite the worse the explosion is going to be.


    I'm curious if you have any particular essays/articles/authors you would reference/recommend on /pol/. If not, no worries.









    An open panel discussing these three questions would be a start.

    Have you stopped beating your girlfriend?





    Stupid question but I dont get this joke?



    It's fun because it goes both ways. Numbersman illustrates that my pontification is an accusation where there is no possible answer to refute the question(s), while on the same hand it is very permissable to beat your wife in islamic countries. 


    Okay that is quite funny  :lol:


    But we cant say that is true for all Muslims so we just need to not say things that will offend them 





    They have to change their ways in our countries in order to fit in. If not, then there's the door back. 



    Oh dear,


    But what if they don't want to leave?



    Offer incentive for returning (financial, logistical) and working with current regimes in stabilizing the region (like accepting that the overthrowing of Saddam and Gadaffi were terrible mistakes and start supporting Assad as the least evil option). 


    If they still don't want to leave then sadly there will be conflicts on some degree or the other. 



    You're a relatively astute person, so this is probably somewhat rhetorical:


    Did it ever occur to you that overthrowing Saddam and Qaddafi were not terrible mistakes? That perhaps the folks who orchestrated these things knew exactly what they were doing?


    The outcomes were indeed predicted by many, even as early as the 90s. So at least in some quarters there was no surprise at what happened. If we are to take the position that these things were terrible mistakes, what are we doing allowing those who made them to continue holding the strings of power?


    And if we take the position that they were not mistakes....







    An open panel discussing these three questions would be a start.

    Have you stopped beating your girlfriend?





    Stupid question but I dont get this joke?



    It's fun because it goes both ways. Numbersman illustrates that my pontification is an accusation where there is no possible answer to refute the question(s), while on the same hand it is very permissable to beat your wife in islamic countries. 


    Okay that is quite funny  :lol:


    But we cant say that is true for all Muslims so we just need to not say things that will offend them 





    They have to change their ways in our countries in order to fit in. If not, then there's the door back. 



    Oh dear,


    But what if they don't want to leave?



    Your response was predictable (hence me typing the bolded above, more than once, yet to no avail as ignorance reigns in your head) and is as relevant as if I quoted some crime statistics for predominantly Muslim nation X, and laid the blame upon Muslims. The fact that 70% of the U.S. population is definitely not made up of devout Christians aside. As well as the fact that the murder rate within the U.S. is not uniform across the ethnic group board or religious group board aside.


    You're attempting to obfuscate evil with other evil (and oft lesser at that). There is a world of difference between the general crime that any given nation on earth experiences and violent attacks perpetrated by people who are foreign to a given nation who fundamentally believe they are at war with said nation or it's people (via culture, ideology, religion, etc). If you cannot see that difference, your brain is broken.



    Your complete inability to identify sarcasm somehow fails to surprise me.



    So I can assume that every ridiculous ignorant post you make is sarcasm then here forward? As your posts generally are combative, vitriolic, ignorant of facts at hand, as well as fairly prolific, and even somewhat consistent in the former qualities if inconsistent in their ideological content. This would lead one to believe that you are sincere in your posts, especially given the vehemence you often display.


    So are you just a prolific troll then? For your sarcrasm wasn't obvious (those who know me in the face to face world would find it amusing that I'm accused of not recognizing sarcasm).


    Always remember tone, inflection, facial expression, etc are missing in the world of black and white text. An emoticon wink, or some other such hint is generally advised when one wishes to convey humor, tongue in cheek, sarcasm, etc when one is discussing serious issues. Else one runs high risk they will be misinterpreted.


    Also, trolls suck fermented dung beetle excrement, and that is the most wholesome of their activities. I have more respect for the truly ignorant zombie morons out there. I sincerely hope you are not a mere troll, for your sake more than anyone's. Such a life is hopelessly shallow and sad.



    Your 'recent memory' doesn't go far back at all. This doesn't surprise me.



    Off the top of my head, last year there was the San Bernadino killings, and before that in recent times the Boston Marathon bombing and Ft. Hood.


    Here's a couple lists for you, keeping track of attacks/killings that are widely attributed to Muslims within the U.S., and believed by authorities to be at least in part religiously motivated:





    So, in the last 5 years, on average, there's been slightly less than 17 deaths per year attributed to Muslim extremism. The US sees 14-15k cases of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter a year. The terrible menace you speak of is responsible for a little more than 0,1% of the total murder rate in the country.


    I can't help but add that about 70% of Americans profess to be Christians. In the absence of other data, we should default to the base ratios, meaning that we can safely assume that Christians committed 70% of those 14k murders. Even if we assume that Christians are especially peaceful, and are only responsible for half the normal rate of murders, this still puts them at around 5k. There you have it, folks - even by exceedingly conservative estimates, you're almost 300 times as likely to be killed by a Christian than a radical Muslim! Tremble before the true scourge of America.



    Your response was predictable (hence me typing the bolded above, more than once, yet to no avail as ignorance reigns in your head) and is as relevant as if I quoted some crime statistics for predominantly Muslim nation X, and laid the blame upon Muslims. The fact that 70% of the U.S. population is definitely not made up of devout Christians aside. As well as the fact that the murder rate within the U.S. is not uniform across the ethnic group board or religious group board aside.


    You're attempting to obfuscate evil with other evil (and oft lesser at that). There is a world of difference between the general crime that any given nation on earth experiences and violent attacks perpetrated by people who are foreign to a given nation who fundamentally believe they are at war with said nation or it's people (via culture, ideology, religion, etc). If you cannot see that difference, your brain is broken.

  20. Collectivists vs Individualists Bruce. Individualists built the west and the free market economy, collectivists built 3rd world hellholes.


    Actually, collectivists built the second world hellholes.


    The third world hellholes were built/made by both the first world and the second world together.


    Nowadays there is little difference between the first and second worlds, and both are largely highwaying it to the third.


    The nice individualists have allowed the more oft not so nice collectivists the stage for a bit too long. Also, both individualists and collectivists have allowed themselves to be fooled by evil MFers who adhere to neither general philosophy, but only to a philosophy of power. It's the latter folks who are driving the train all over, while employing conductors to make sure the passengers are so at odds with one another they don't look out the window to see where they're going nor realize who is driving.

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