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Posts posted by Valsuelm

  1. The guy is like Tom Petty, he won't back down.

    He did say in his previous video that he was going to make this one.


    As for the thread issue....


    I don't see any anger from the guy, nor is he talking about a video game. The new Ghostbusters represents pretty much everything that is wrong in Hollywood this last decade or two. Twitter is for morons or those that would lead them somewhere.

  2. Previously deported illegal alien kills Houston teen coming home from prom: http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/05/16/previously-deported-illegal-alien-allegedly-killed-prom-teen/

    I hold Obola personally responsible for this.


    I'm thinking a good solution to this is:


    If you come here illegally, and we deport you, and you come back. We execute you. End of story.


    Of course, we are not a society that pursues many good solutions anymore, hence we are a dying society.

  3. Ah yes, the ole public service announcement.


    Thank goodness you guys are around to repeat over and over to anyone within eyeshot that BVC is someone you dont like to communicate with. :lol:


    It's so good that this forum has such intelligent and mature moderators such as yourself. Always adding something constructive to the conversation. Always raising the bar, and making sure conversation doesn't become petty, superficial, banal, or downright idiotic. You're a model poster Gfted1. Whoever made you a moderator knew what they were doing.


    Don't sweat the small stuff, BVC. People broadcasting that they are ignoring someone is just the electronic equivalent of storming out of a room and slamming the door.



    Not really.


    For all those I've seen post here saying they're ignoring someone, including myself. It's a courtesy. It's telling them don't waste your time. I know I closed my door quite gently.


    People discuss things here with folks who disagree with them all the time. There's only one person I'm aware of that at least a few have on ignore, and I'm pretty sure for all of them it's not because we disagree with him. In fact, a number of folks have made fruitless attempts to explain to said person what the problem is. Some of those folks have said person on ignore at this point, some probably don't. Either you just missed those posts, you're ignoring those posts, or you're as clueless as the person those posts are aimed at.

  5. Works for me right now, though Obs forums do bug out with videos from time to time for me as well. They have the worst forum software of any site I even remotely frequent, by far.


  6. Is that common? Mine never did, did Shakespeare, Fitzgerald, Conrad, Steinbeck, etc. but never brought up Dante.


    Of course the Bible was already covered due to Catholic school.


    It's increasingly common to not bring up all sorts of people that matter. ie: It's safe to safe that some or even all of the names you mention will remain largely unknown to a great many students out there as the curriculum they are taught does not include them. The average modern public school system, and university system fails it's students in quite large ways. This is sadly, and somewhat scarily, increasingly true, as many on the front lines (parents, teachers/professors, and even occasionally students themselves) will attest to.


    Insofar as Dante's importance to western literature, of those you've mentioned a great many would say he's only second to Shakespeare (if even second at all) in regards to influence he's had on it.


    Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Goethe are names one should know. They arguably more than anyone else have influenced western literature in the last ~1000 years or so, and consequently the culture at large.


    Going back further: Homer, Sophocles, Euripides, and Virgil are names in literature one should know. The bolded of arguable extra-special import.


    Then you have philosophers people should be familiar with if not at least aware of, but sadly a great many aren't: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Confucius, Aquinas, and Locke are all names one should know well.


    There are certainly other names that could be mentioned, and there's also of course works that people should be familiar with that have no known author, ie: Beowulf.


    I highly recommend reading all of the above. Not at least being familiar with all of the above indicates a sizable hole in one's knowledge of western civilization, and the world at large. Fill it if you have to. ;)

    • Like 2
  7. I really cannot decide which is more disgusting to me. The Democrats cynical and power-mad attempt to use the government to silence free speech, or the death threats and nasitness it provoked. It's like trying to find the cleanest pig in the sty.




    As KP says, such hollow threats as are being uttered in that article are commonplace. Frankly, what's quoted in that article is tame compared to what I've seen playing games like DoTA2, as well as in the comments of many other articles over the years. The article you cite is largely a propaganda piece.


    That said, I think you might wish to re-evaluate your fence sitting in regards to what's worse: Someone who would quash freedom, or people who use that freedom to utter disgustings. One is tangible and will affect you, the other will not.


    And in the very off chance that one of those threats are not hollow: there will always be crazy people, this is nothing new. Fortunately those that would follow through with such a threat are quite rare.

  8. I'd have to applaud Indira for his honesty as there's at least one other person on this forum who can recognise the problems aren't small and not be so dismissive as to trivialise them as has been shown in this thread.

    I think there's a few of us here that realize Sweden is in dire straits. I'm pretty sure It's been discussed at least in brief before on this forum. Arguing with Bruce though is less fruitful than attempting to barehandedly move a mountain. It's a path many of us have been down before and aren't willing to go down again.


    In regards to the topic at hand, in short: Sweden is probably #@(!ed.



    This happened in Sweden recently:




    What a nation of brave people and standup guards and policemen. The guy filming it even told the robbers that it is time to go, they've been there long enough :lol:


    This is some prank, right? I mean it can;t be real....


    Why not?


    Staged or not (I'm guessing it's not),it's fully plausible. Wacky stuff like this happens all the time, it's just not usually well publicized.



    I had to read the introduction of the document itself, as it sounded too bizarre and too tabloid to be true. Yup, it's there.


    This is the spiritual cancer that i have been talking about. Instead of having programs emphasizing on personal redemption and acceptance that returning to normal life is a sisyphean battle, they instead try to sweep it under the carpet so that the crime itself doesn't sound bad and maybe will wither away.


    It's denial of reality. It's cowardice fit for betrayers.



    Betrayers indeed. It's the purposeful undermining of a culture and it's values for the purposes of subjugation and destruction. Only the useful idiots are in denial, those that orchestrate this stuff know full well what they're doing.


    I suspect you've already seen this, but if not, I recommend it:


    It's the tip of an iceberg.


    The world is not as advertised in predominant western media.

  11. Are you actually betting on these odds?

    If so, please pm me how you're doing it.


    There's just too much money to be made here if there are actually websites out there taking bets on those ridiculous odds.


    Have they affected this forum?  Obsidian Entertainment?


    Not really. I wouldn't label anyone here as an sjw- the most prominent theoretical sjw is just a self admitted troll.


    I would. Though the warriors aren't here in any great numbers their supporters have a decent population on this forum.


    SJWs have affected Obsidian Entertainment.


    Most obviously here.


    We live in a Golden Age, don't you ever take any time to enjoy it?


    Some would settle for being allowed to take a bathroom break.


    Golden age, no doubt. But for whom?


    It's been documented that some of the large chicken companies import illegals to work at essentially slave wages in their processing plants. One of the big advantages of having illegals do the work is that the employer can largely ignore various labor laws.


    'We Feed the World'

    'Food Inc' *

    'Future of Food' **


    I forget which documentary it was (as I watched them all many years ago now), but one of the above addresses the issue fairly well. All of the above are well worth watching.


    Also, I don't recommend eating chicken from any of the major companies for a variety of reasons. Find a local farmer who is raises their chickens free range style and doesn't pump them full of all sorts of drugs. Not easy in many places (I have to drive over an hour from where I live myself to get such chicken), but the difference in quality is huge, as might be the difference for your health in the long run.




    * - I think it was this documentary

    ** - There's more than one documentary with this name, you want the one with Jeffrey Smith in it.



  14. I really wonder if the powers that be in the US comprehend that we are on a road that will only lead us to shooting at each other again? 


    For the puppets, the phrase 'hubris is blinding' applies.


    For the puppet masters, an argument could be made that it is exactly what they want.

  15. Did you feel that answered my question?



    I mean, it was an interesting post from a slightly morose and somewhat haughty perspective, and it wrapped up nicely with some good music.  But I don't believe it did anything to answer the question.   :shrugz:


    Oh there's a few answers there, abstract and direct. You apparently just missed them. I suggest you read again, a bit more closely. The direct one at least should jump out at you eventually if the abstract ones do not. ;)


    The illness is yours if you interpret what i wrote as 'morose and somewhat haughty'.

  16. Can you point to a time in western civilization where things were better?


    Of course. There are many, though on different specific levels.


    However, this is quite an open ended and consequently a somewhat subjective question. If you can't point to a time in western civilization's history where some aspects of it were not better than 2016, I seriously question your credentials as a history teacher, and even just as a presumably conscious person who has spent at least a few decades on the planet.


    Speaking about western civilization overall though is quite a broad topic. You were the one that said we were in a golden age. A notion I wholeheartedly reject. Doing so doesn't make me some kind of 'Negative Nancy' who doesn't enjoy life as you imply, doing so is just acknowledging reality. You yourself might be in a personal golden age, and if that's true, very good for you, but western society at large is definitely not.


    While there are indeed bright shiny islands of great goodness out there in the western world in 2016, the overall health of western civilization has possibly never been worse, and it's outlook arguably never bleaker. The failure of some such as yourself to recognize the ailments, and focus only on the good is nothing short of akin to a heroine addict only focusing on the good aspects of their drug and pretending their addiction isn't having a negative affect on their life and may ultimately end it.


    My guess is you're guilty of what many are, and that's projecting one's life situation, be it good or bad, outward upon the world. That's somewhat natural to a degree, but it is anything but objective.


    The overall picture aside though, here's a semi humorous yet poignant reflection of some aspects of life in western civilization in a song (written during what I would say were overall better times for western civ ;)):

    and here's just a poignant reflection...





    Yes, Jimmy Buffet has some answers if not even some medicine to some of what plagues modern western civilization.



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