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Posts posted by Valsuelm

  1. Another suspected crash is related to Climate Change, aka eventually people will realize it's not fake, and at that moment the value of oil stock and industry is gonna fluctuate and crash, the oil industry being huge in the global economy.




    • Like 1


    I think the number one issue here is teaching tolerance.  We have a huge religious right the preaches against homosexuality, gay marriage, and morality.  If anyone should be called out over this, it is them.  They sow hatred.  


    The religious right isn't massacring infidels in the U.S. Or gays. Or people with contrary political beliefs. Muslims are.



    I'm counting... one Muslim, in recent memory?



    Your 'recent memory' doesn't go far back at all. This doesn't surprise me.



    Off the top of my head, last year there was the San Bernadino killings, and before that in recent times the Boston Marathon bombing and Ft. Hood.


    Here's a couple lists for you, keeping track of attacks/killings that are widely attributed to Muslims within the U.S., and believed by authorities to be at least in part religiously motivated:




    This doesn't take into consideration attacks abroad, particularly in Europe, where more occur.


    If one is so brainwashed that they can't differentiate between the 'religious right' and Muslims, their brain is broken. If one thinks that religiously motivated Christians are running around within the U.S. (or Europe) wreaking violent havoc even remotely on the same scale that religiously motivated Muslims are, they are ignorant, delusional, and/or their brain is simply broken.





    A Sacramento Baptist preacher’s sermon praising an attack on an Orlando nightclub that killed 50 people has the local LGBT community outraged.


    “Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”


    “If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said in the sermon.

    Dont get annoyed by this, people like this I consider fundamentalist Christians and dont represent the views of  the majority of Americans or Christians ...very few people nowadays in the US  would be this open about there bigotry 


    I am not sure about your assessment of very few people, there has been quite lot people in twitter and facebook that have openly celebrated this attack.


    Although all don't necessary directly declare death for gays but aren't really that sympathetic towards people being killed just because who they love





    Excellent taking words out of context, and inserting words that are not there for insano point gain there.


    Feed the zombies. Feed them!




    Note, the above video is not zombie food. It's what the rest of us are going to end up eating once the zombies meet critical mass, and hell is unleashed upon the world. Which seems inevitable at this point.



    Here's an ever so slightly more honest take on Monsieur Robertson's yabbering:



    I was inspired by last nights events to go buy another weapon that some would label an assault rifle, as well as take further steps I should have taken long ago to arm those around me that I care for.


    What? How does a mass shooting inspire you to buy a long gun?


    Unless you are also getting serious training to go along those new toys, they are likely to do you little good in a situation like this, and more than likely to make matters worse. I'm not against people taking self-defense seriously, but responsible, effective EDC is a much more serious commitment than what your knee-jerk reaction suggests, though I may be reading you wrong.


    Beyond that, yeah. I don't see how these kinds of occurrences could be better prevented, beyond perhaps a more robust early warning/counseling system for people with issues, and more research into the root causes of those issues. I fear that strict(er) gun control laws will just push people to use other means, and laws only affect law-abiding citizens anyway. Not like a bomb vest/pipe bomb is rocket surgery, and you can build one with off-the-shelf stuff.



    Take a step back and look at the bigger picture, the answer to your question for me should come to you.


    If you're interested in discussing this more, pm me.


    So looking at the numbers, Warcraft cost 160 million to make (wth) and is going to get nowhere near that domestically, but make a ton in China and turn a profit.


    I found that interesting. It completely flops at home, but the Chinese love it? Why is that? Are they all WoW addicts? Do the elements the Americans hate seem quirky and exotic to them? 


    So we might get a War2 movie thank to China ;)



    Chinese love it for a couple reasons...


    First, it didn't get the bad publicity that it did in the U.S. prior to release. Propaganda, buzz, 'marketing', etc. matter... a lot. The propaganda machine has a great deal of sway on the public. It will convince many a good movie is bad, or a bad movie is good. The title of thread is an example of just how much sway that machine has. So is the initial box office.


    Second, In China, Blizzard hasn't burnt so many bridges with their fans as they have in the U.S/Europe, and WoW is still quite popular (or at least at this point, more popular). It's China that has been propping WoW sub numbers up for years. Without going in to much detail (which could fill a few pages for even people familiar with WoW, let alone for those who aren't), in very short, Blizzard's name is a bit tarnished amongst a great many former major fans. Had this movie come out in say '06-'08, it would have been at least the better part of a billion dollar movie. I personally know at least a few dozen people who would have flocked to it back then, who couldn't care much less now. You can multiply that many times over, as there are oodles and oodles of disenfranchised former Warcraft fans out there. As popular as Blizzard still is among many, it's very possible they have more former fans than current ones, particularly when it comes to the Warcraft franchise.


    Also, it's 'cool' amongst many in the modern western video game community to hate on WoW these days....


    All of the above barely if at all takes into consideration the quality of the movie itself, yet all factor huge into how much money it will make. As someone who had very low expectations when I went to see it, and couldn't even convince any of the half dozen or so disenfranchised former Warcraft fans I know locally to join me, I was very pleasantly surprised. As I said above, the movie is actually pretty good. And that's the sentiment of a lot of folks out there. The buzz amongst many if not most now is: 'The critics have no idea what they are talking about. The movie is pretty good, nothing amazing, but good. If you like fantasy films, or at any point in your life were a Warcraft fan, you should see it.'


    As for a sequel...


    Warcraft 2 is more than likely happening. The story was set up a continuation (and anyone who knows their Warcraft lore knows the first movie just scratched the surface and the best (potentially anyways) is yet to come). The current movie is on track to be the highest grossing movie ever, that was based on a video game. And if you've paid attention to the IMDB, and other media sources, 'Warcraft' as it was being referred to just a week ago, is now more commonly being referred to 'Warcraft: The Beginning'....


    I'd wager that while not officially green lit yet, producers are already working on putting together a sequel.

  6. I think the number one issue here is teaching tolerance.  We have a huge religious right the preaches against homosexuality, gay marriage, and morality.  If anyone should be called out over this, it is them.  They sow hatred.  


    My gosh I hope you are jesting badly, and are not truly that deluded.

    • Like 1
  7. Oh boy...


    Here we go again with the gun stuff....


    Guess what?


    I was inspired by last nights events to go buy another weapon that some would label an assault rifle, as well as take further steps I should have taken long ago to arm those around me that I care for. Eat that up would be gun banners. Or, call me some redneck gun affectionado if that completely inaccurate and wholly meaningless observation makes you feel better. If you think banning guns will solve anything good, you are entirely irrelevant, and totally marginalized as a thinking human being. You are a sheep, end of story. Anon.


    More to the point: This stuff (suicidal whackos killing innocents en mass) is not preventable at this point (in some aspects it was never preventable). The FBI couldn't stop it, nor could have any theoretical gun ban. We are way past the point of effective debate. On both guns and the bigger issues at hand that inevitably inspire the 'gun debate' every time they rear their ugly head. There is far too much corruption in the culture. Far too many infected.


    Pandora's box was opened long ago, and a lot of people don't even realize it's open, at least as many don't even perceive the danger of it being opened, and at least as many waste time debating how we can close it. We can't. The gates have been wide open for too long, and the decay on society has taken rotten hold for too long. Western society as a whole has lost it's soul. It has been convinced to tolerate what any healthy culture would not for too long and in too many places. The damage from the rot is too great at this point for there to not be very ugly times ahead for humanity.


    If this makes sense to you, then, well.... good I guess. For what that's worth, you might be better off, or not.  You certainly at least have a better chance.

    If it doesn't, well... enjoy your bubble while you still can. Chances are very high it's going to pop in the coming years. I just hope for your sake that you finally realize who/what popped it when it explodes.

  8. Saw it last night.
    I went in with low expectations, and it ended up being surprisingly good.

    Nothing amazing, but definitely better than expected. Certainly better than anything Marvel has put out in my opinion. At least a solid 7/10.
    Current and former Warcraft fans will definitely like it, though it's not just for them. The person I saw the movie with never played a Warcraft game so knew next to nothing going in, and they enjoyed it.
    I look forward to a sequel. Given they followed the timeline/storyline roughly around Warcraft 1, there's a lot of sequel material to work with.
  9. RIP Eli.



    That said, even better reason to ,ike ELi he is  completely and utterly anti SJW Nazi. SJW nazis would label him an enemy that must be destroyed if they saw the following video and he happened to be white:






    P.S. I don't agree with EVERYTHING he says in the video but unlike SJW Nazis Isupport his right to say it.




    oOOOOOOOO Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!


    You don't support the SJW's right to say things?


    And again, you're misusing Nazi. ;)



    I really like Blizzard as a company even though I don't play any of their games. During my first deployment in Iraq some people in my platoon who were diehard WoW addicts contacted Blizzard about pausing their subs until they got back. Blizzard asked for our unit mailing address and about a month or so later we got a package in the mail with a bunch of stuff and whatever was the newest WoW expansion and an awesome letter that detailed how to create a private server while stating they don't condone private servers and how they are forbidden. I don't know who signed off on that but the company has a lot of good will from me for that.




    ....and this confirms a suspicion I've long had that Blizzard themselves are indirectly if not directly behind the war on Iraq.


    Fixed that for you.



    If you think that's fixing, you're broken yourself.

  11. I really like Blizzard as a company even though I don't play any of their games. During my first deployment in Iraq some people in my platoon who were diehard WoW addicts contacted Blizzard about pausing their subs until they got back. Blizzard asked for our unit mailing address and about a month or so later we got a package in the mail with a bunch of stuff and whatever was the newest WoW expansion and an awesome letter that detailed how to create a private server while stating they don't condone private servers and how they are forbidden. I don't know who signed off on that but the company has a lot of good will from me for that.




    ....and this confirms a suspicion I've long had that Blizzard themselves are indirectly if not directly behind the private servers out there.

  12. The one review compared it to Willow and Dragonslayer. Not exactly Lord of the Rings, but fun and remembered fondly. Thats all I ask for in a Warcraft movie.




    Willow and Dragonslayer rate much higher than the Lord of the Rings movies in my book (I am a fan of the books).


    I'll likely go see it. Though Metzen is a moron, I like Fimmel, Moon was good, and once upon a time I really dug the Warcraft universe.


    Nothing else better is looking to be out to see anyways (except perhaps 'Angry Birds', which I plan on taking in soon).

  13. Just be sure, is this completely new to you guys?


    If I'd seen it before I'd forgotten about it as I didn't think it worth remembering (and I probably got no further than ~30 seconds before either).


    However, I have played and beaten Zelda II of course, long ago when the NES was the thing and the SNES didn't exist yet. Zelda I was the reason I saved up and bought a NES (had to have it after playing it at a friend's house), and Ocarina of Time was the reason I bought a N64 (haven't bought a nintendo system since). A Link to the Past is the best Zelda, though not the only reason I bought a SNES (so many great games for the SNES). Anon.


    I've never seen a good video game reviewer out there on youtube. One may exist, under a rock somewhere, but I'm unaware of them if they do.


    The last time I read a good video game review was near ten years ago, and it was about Mask of the Betrayer. At that time it was the first good review of a game I'd seen in years (I forget at this point where I saw the review), and was a one off by the author for the most part. It was objective, didn't spoil stuff, was written intelligently, wasn't fanboyish, and told me some things I didn't know.


    The vast majority of video game reviewers since the mid/late 90s have their tongue up the butt of some or all of the game companies they review. This is true of most movie reviewers too, as well as reviewers of products from all sorts of industries. There's an inherent corruption that generally happens when reviewers of X become popular. They tend to get in with the makers of X so they can have better access to product X and ultimately become like 'Consumer Reports': much more advertisement than objective review. It's similar to the problem that plagues mainstream journalism.


    Also, Angry Joe is a wussieboy who tongues butts, balls, and reaches around for at least some of the companies who make the games he reviews. I have seen him a couple times because people kept linking him on another forum I once frequented some years back.


    All that said, I do generally agree with AVGN's take on the new 'Ghostbusters', but I didn't learn anything by watching him, nor did he offer an interesting alternative perspective, so I see little reason to watch him in the future.


    That's my quick review of all of this reviewer stuff.

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