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Posts posted by Valsuelm

  1. 2. Constitutional Amendment: Convince 2/3 of your fellow Americans to surrender a piece of their freedom and their private property by passing a 28th Amendment to repeal the 2nd. If that happens, then I'll go along with it peaceably. I may hate the outcome but it would have been done openly and fairly.


    The successful adoption of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not equate to 2/3 of Americans being convinced that amendment is a good idea. This certainly was not the case with a number of amendments. The 16th and 18th at the time they were adopted for certain, and arguably others.


    The adoption of an amendment is also not necessarily done 'openly and fairly', i.e. there are many who have argued the adoption of 'reconstruction amendments' and the 16th amendment were done in ways that were anything but open and fair.


    Hell, there were many people considered 'founding fathers' (Patrick Henry comes to mind), that didn't think the entire creation of the U.S. Constitution itself was done openly and fairly. It's also questionable that 2/3 of the American people were behind that at the time.


    All that said, if an amendment overturning the 2nd ever was adopted, at least as many people as ignored the 18th would ignore that one. Also, there's a good chance humanity will have entered a new Dark Age if such a thing should ever come to pass.



    Valsuelm for Chief Moral Police Commissioner of the Obsidian forums.


    It's a position I'd hold for only a few moments. Just long enough to fire most of the moderators, not replace them, and then dissolve my position.


    *A bunch of nonsense requiring a complete misinterpretation of what is written above*

    You should smoke less weed.


    This is not the first post where you've entirely misunderstood me, and responded in a manner where you imagine I wrote things I didn't and ignore what I did. I've seen you do it with others quite often as well. Possibly more often than not.


    That said. You're 41?


    For your sake I had hoped you were in your early 20s for awhile now, as you act less mature and more petty than many teenagers and even a few pre-teens I've known. At 41 you're more than likely a hopeless case. 41 year old SJWs are quite rare in the U.S., perhaps they are common in SA, I do not know.




    Either way, weed or not, your reading comprehension skills are lacking. Do something to fix them please.

  3. I see, thanks. Obscenity is unrelated. Or less related. Appears more that the state wants to protect morality and engage pre-crime prevention. 

    Not necessarily.


    While zoning laws can indeed be goofy, they are often reasonable. ie: Where I live, you cannot set up a strip joint across the street from a church, or a school with children, or in an area otherwise just generally zoned residential. Most people would consider this reasonable zoning. I personally think it is.


    It is the height of hubris and arrogance to assert as so many politicians do (and many of the people on this board do) that “you don’t need firearms” or “guns don’t make you safer”.



    Please explain how guns make you safer by naming one significant situation in American history in the last 100 or so years where someone (a private person rather than an officer) owning a gun was to everyone's benefit and helped defuse a dangerous situation. The only situations I can think of involve a home owner shooting an intruder who did or did not have a weapon, and I believe I recall one news story about a mass shooter being shot first. This is dwarfed by all the accidental shootings, the cases similar the Trayvond Martin, mass shootings themselves, or even cases where a citizen ACKNOWLEDGED owning a firearm but a scared as **** cop shot them dead anyways with the attitude of "ask questions later."


    Uh.... I personally have witnessed at least two such events in my life off the top of my head, and have been told of a few by friends who have experienced such events. Such things really are not all that rare.


    When I have more time, I'll finish reading your post, and perhaps relate these examples to you (I've related a couple of them before on this forum, though it's been awhile). However you're WAY off in your reasoning in your opening paragraph Longknife. The number of times private citizens pull weapons out, guns or other, to diffuse a situation with other humans (or animals), is absolutely not dwarfed by the number of times bad accidents (I'm not going to include the number of times people accidentally cut themselves with a knife) occur. Quite the opposite, on the order of magnitude of thousands if not tens of thousands to one when all weapons are considered, and on the order of magnitude of at the very least hundreds if not thousands to one with guns alone. And this isn't even considering all of the potentially bad situations avoided all together by bad intentioned person/animal X not doing bad thing X simply because they know or just think the desired victim has access to a gun. Most of the time a weapon is pulled for protection, gun or other, it fortunately need not be used.


    Also, most of the time such things occur, the police are not notified. And on top of that, the vast majority of the time the police are notified about such things (and a great many others), a news article is not written.

  5. Hall and Oates

    For Hall and Oates fans, this show is pretty awesome:



    setlist: http://tela.sugarmegs.org/_asxtela/asxcards/HallAndOates1984-12-17TheForumLosAngelesCA.html


    Not the absolute best of sound quality as it's low bandwidth, but still a really great listen (especially if you tweak it a bit with an equalizer).


    When I stumbled onto this show some years back I had been a Hall and Oates fan, but I'd only ever heard their studio recordings. Somewhat to my surprise, they put on one hell of a live show with a lot more energy than I expected. Wish I'd been able to see them during this era.


    Also, I may have mentioned this before, but I highly recommend sugarmegs.org, it's a great repository of bootlegs and other live show sources. Also happens to be one of the oldest such places on the net (I've been going there since the 90s), if not the oldest at this point.


    Two other great repositories of live music:

    http://bt.etree.org/index.php (torrents, some very high quality)

    https://archive.org/ (also has some very high quality recordings)


    Note, with archive.org, I've not found a single page that links to all the great music they have. For example, the etree link below has a whole lotta GD. But their links don't hold all that the other one below has. Same can be said of other bands. It can pay to spend time searching.






  6. Valsuelm for Chief Moral Police Commissioner of the Obsidian forums.


    It's a position I'd hold for only a few moments. Just long enough to fire most of the moderators, not replace them, and then dissolve my position.

  7. I've never been into strip clubs, I just don't think the service of looking good and paying attention to me is actually worth money.  But I'm pretty stingy with my money I suppose.  I'd rather pay for a massage, and I don't even mean a happy ending one.  



    The whole Bruce smoking pot with underage girls thing is pretty skeevy.  How old is Bruce now?  How is it acceptable for a teacher to be smoking out with students?  How does that not raise red flags?



    Strip clubs are mostly a waste of time and money. If one has any balls and charisma at all one can usually find and go further with women at least as nice looking and probably of much higher quality in every other way as one will find in even the best strip joints, and spend less money doing so. Strip joints are generally for virgins, boys, and beta (and lower) males. The girls who work in them generally have even less respect for their clients, as their clients often do for them, and rightly so I'd say.


    When did Bruce say he's smoking pot with underage girls? Of course it's not acceptable for a teacher to be out smoking with students (non-adult ones anyways). Red flags are of course raised. A person doing such with my sister, daughter, or any other young girl I care about would be great danger of a serious pummeling from myself.




    You guys will be missing Bruce for real later tonight because he'll be in the Johannesburg jail for fooling around with an underage girl.

    No dont even joke like that, we going out in 2 weekends. There teacher will be with them....it may sound weird but at least they can trust me


    Is the teacher hot? That might be an in.


    She is ....its a bit weird the 3 of them together but they were really friendly 


    And to give the one girl I met credit, she offered me a joint so she must have felt comfortable but I not a threatening person and girls normally get on with me  :cat:



    Offering you a joint isn't necessarily a sign she's comfortable with you. She might have just wanted you to go away.


    As far as self-defense homicides being rare, it's not unusual for a gun owner to pull out a gun and the criminal to run away. 



    Actually, yes, it is unusual - according to the NCVS, the intended victim pulling a gun on their assailant only happens in 0,9% of violent and 0,2% of property crimes, and it must be even more rare for this to have the intended effect (sadly, I have no numbers on that though).



    While it might be unusual, it doesn't really matter for the sake of the arguments at hand.


    Also, the NCVS has a number of fundamental problems with the methodology in which it's conducted, not the least of which is that it's generally only looking at data that law enforcement is ever told about, which is certainly not representative of reality. Believe it or not, there no small number of people out there who do not call the police when violence or threat of it occurs. In fact, I'd say it's probably safe to say that majority of the violence and especially the majority of the threat of violence that ever occurs in the U.S., aside from the kind that's very hard to hide (such as murder) is never reported to the government. The NCVS really isn't a good place to look for accurate data on much of anything. Certainly not this.

  10. the fact that homicide is already illegal wasn't a deterrent; it is highly unlikely that making it also illegal to have a gun would have any significant effect.

    Logic and reality works not on those pushing for more laws against guns.


    Solving the problem of mass shootings is only possible when society as a whole starts looking at the multiple factors that lead people to the point that mass death seems to be a logical choice, and working back from that trying to mitigate those factors. "Magic bullets" need not apply.

    Two things that the vast majority of the mass shootings in the U.S. have in common are:


    A) They occurred in 'gun free zones'.


    B) The perpetrator was whacked out on legally obtained and 'professionally' prescribed psychotropics.


    The media by and large ignores both of these things, and only pushes the gun control agenda.



    Okay, you both seem a little defensive. Its not worth debating this point unless you wanted to at least consider giving up your guns

    Give up our guns? That is what you call a compromise?


     No, much stricter and effective gun control ownership laws and a TOTAL ban on automatic rifles


    You've got a lot nerve Mr. VC.


    You sit half a world away in one of the most thoroughly messed up nations on the planet earth, repeatedly admit you don't have the attention span to bother to spend time to fully understand any given issue, repeatedly exhibit gross cognitive dissonance regarding almost everything you ever talk about, repeatedly ignore logic, reason, and reality pointed out to you again and again by various people on this forum, yet you again and again actually engage in condescendingly telling folks in a nation you do not live in, what they should do with their guns, religion, media, and a whole slew of other things.



    Frankly, because you don't think for yourself. You are a weaponized zombie. You just incessantly parrot talking points created for you by evils and their bought or willing minions.


    Seriously, go read some books. Any book that is at least a few hundred pages, and that was written more than 50 years ago would be ideal . Find an attention span, and even if it hurts, use it.

    • Like 2

    The gun issue has been taken about as far as a great many Americans are going to allow it to go. The government can pass all the additional laws the evil and uniformed want, the SCOTUS can rule whatever way they want, but all it would accomplish is making outlaws out of tens of millions of gun owners out there who are generally good people, and pissing a quite lot of them off in no small way. The massive non-compliance reaction of gun owners and even many law enforcers to the  'NY Safe Act', among others have proven that people have had enough.


    https://youtu.be/hxbvYWKhX48?t=26m33s (~2 mins here is about this issue, the interview overall is worth listening to.)


    And here's Ms. Evil's trollish issue speaking some evil of her own:



    Just about any additional laws put on the books designed to restrict or eliminate gun ownership within the U.S. is going to be met at the very least with a great deal of non-compliance.

    You see Vals its this type of post that just exacerbates the issue...you actually draw lines and create this impression a compromise is insurmountable


    Its all about how its presented to gun owners, it must not  be forced down there throats  



    Real simple here for you:


    For tens of millions of people who own guns, all the compromising on 'shall not be infringed' that they're ever going to swallow, has already occurred. Only the truly uninformed and evil folks think more gun control is needed, or will ever be accepted. Additional compromise is insurmountable. Additional efforts by the government (especially the Federal government) to further infringe upon the right to bear arms will only serve to further de-legitimize that government in the eyes of millions of armed people.




    Damn.  I thought we were electing a President of the Way Off Topic Forum.

    Vote for Gorth! :-


    (insert long list of election promises that are obviously not intended to be honoured post-election)


    I think the question on everyone's mind, in regards to your platform, is whether you'd build a wall.



    Actually I want to know who you are going to make pay for it.   :fdevil:



    Make the South Africans pay for it!

    • Like 2
  14. The gun issue has been taken about as far as a great many Americans are going to allow it to go. The government can pass all the additional laws the evil and uniformed want, the SCOTUS can rule whatever way they want, but all it would accomplish is making outlaws out of tens of millions of gun owners out there who are generally good people, and pissing a quite lot of them off in no small way. The massive non-compliance reaction of gun owners and even many law enforcers to the  'NY Safe Act', among others have proven that people have had enough.
    https://youtu.be/hxbvYWKhX48?t=26m33s (~2 mins here is about this issue, the interview overall is worth listening to.)

    And here's Ms. Evil's trollish issue speaking some evil of her own:

    Just about any additional laws put on the books designed to restrict or eliminate gun ownership within the U.S. is going to be met at the very least with a great deal of non-compliance.



    BruceVC stop answered to my posts. It's unusual behaviour for him and i start to worry. Probably his last butthurt has been too strong and  he take heavy wounds/overheathing. Bruce, how are you? 

    Oby can I ask you something...are you a women? If you were I would feel  quite bad about how I spoke to you in the past because I would never be rude if you were women? 



    Are you guys finally getting together?


    I would donate to a 'gofundme' type thing that saw Oby and Bruce together at last. All I'd ask for in return is some pictures.

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    I thought you SJW Nazi types were against judging people based on what they wear? Attack the content of the character not what is covering it up. Hypocrites.

    1st rule of human nature: everyone has equal rights except those we don't like.



    That's not the first rule of human nature, that's the first rule of cultural Marxist morons (ie: SJWs, and 3rd/4th wave feminists).

  17. Minneapolis makes my personal top 10 North American Cities list (and I've been to all the major, and most of the minor ones), and in some ways ranks as my #1 for art/music scene (New York beats it out overall, but on a per capita type basis, especially musicwise. Minneapolis is where it's at (even above Burlington, Austin, and New Orleans (3 amazing cities for similar reasons)).

    The scene there is nothing short of awesome, and to a large degree Prince is responsible for this. Directly and indirectly he funded one hell of an artistic scene there. He very much gave back to what he felt he received from that town, and while this is fairly well known within the city itself and very well known in the music industry, it's not all that well known amongst the populace at large.

    I partied very hardy in college, went to a school that consistently ranks 'top party school' lists, have hung more than a few times at Ohio State (the school I personally think is the best party school, even though I didn't go there (Columbus is just awesome, even the rabbi there does keg stands (I've held his legs))), organized and threw many great parties myself, but the absolute best house party I've ever been to in my entire life was in Minneapolis (#2 was in Austin), in a house that Prince owned (but did not live in (he essentially was sponsoring the artists who did live there)). Memorable in ways that would take a few pages to fill.

    While I never met Prince while I was there, his spirit was everywhere. He was revered like no other artist I've ever seen by any given artistic community, and the respect for him, universal.

    Losing him, of course, was a surprise, though I was aware of his failing health. Flu, and cane. The cane of course indicating a greater ailment. People talk of all the greats we lost this year as if it's some unique year. It isn't. We lose greats all the time. However, it's not that common for us to lose such a unique person who lives such a healthy life so young. Prince lived a life most people should, in terms of health (at least insofar as he always preached and publicly indicated) and outlook, yet something got him, before what should have been his time (57 is too young to die). It's a reminder for everyone that life is short and precious. Do what you can with it while you can. You only get one shot, and that shot could be over tomorrow.

    In my opinion, he was one of the few pure artists out there in the mainstream, in the sense that not only did he do his own thing, all else be damned, but he was consistently original, an extremely intelligent person, and wasn't afraid to speak his mind (on the relatively rare occasions that he did, as he very much appreciated his privacy). Few folks in the music industry had the respect he had within it, and even fewer deserved it like he did.

    • Like 1



    Personally I'm just praying the FBI indicts the **** out of Hillary so none of us have to suffer through "so do you want to be dipped in a vat of acid or roll around in molten hot broken glass for a while" come November.

    You dont think if there was real evidence against Hilary the FBI would have charged her by now?



    You seem to foolishly believe the FBI has any integrity.


    Yes I trust the FBI, thats why I supported Apple assisting them with the backdoor access to there devices  :geek:



    Ah yes, supporting pure evil you are there. Realize it though you may not.


    Personally I'm just praying the FBI indicts the **** out of Hillary so none of us have to suffer through "so do you want to be dipped in a vat of acid or roll around in molten hot broken glass for a while" come November.

    You dont think if there was real evidence against Hilary the FBI would have charged her by now?



    You seem to foolishly believe the FBI has any integrity.

  20. If I make a list of movies not in need of a remake, 'The Magnificent Seven' and 'Shichinin no Samurai' would make the top 20, if not the top 10.


    If you've never seen them, go do it. Better than everything that comes out of Hollywood these days, and certainly much better than what's obviously not a good adaption based on that preview.

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