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Posts posted by Cultist

  1. As someone who has designed a mod that included romance, I can tell you that one easy way is to take out gender restrictions (and dialogue references) on who can romance a particular character – this automatically doubles the amount of people who can romance said character. If we do this for two characters of each gender that’s equal to eight viable romances – all without using much in the way of ‘resources’. It’s all about clever writing and using the resources you have in an efficient way.

    Oh, look, you just invented Dragon Age 2.

    Anyway, let's, once again, hear a bit of...


    You've stated in the past that you don't like romances in games—at least to the extent that they've been done in games thus far. Were you to implement a romance subplot in Project Eternity, what would it involve?

    Not a big fan of romances. I did four in Alpha Protocol because Chris Parker, our project director, demanded it because he thinks romance apparently is easy, or MAYBE it’s because he wanted to be an **** and give me tons of them to do because I LOVE them so much (although to be honest, I think he felt it was more in keeping with the spy genre to have so many romances, even if I did ask to downscope them). At least I got to do the “hatemance” version of most of them, which makes it a little more palatable. So if I were to implement a romance subplot in Eternity - I wouldn’t. I’d examine interpersonal relationships from another angle and I wouldn’t confine it to love and romance...

    ...I generally despise writing companion romances (I think unrequited and/or doomed ones are ultimately more dramatic)...


    You have numbers, we have Chris.

    • Like 2
  2. This is just completely false. While I admit that many of these games are japanese RPGs there are at least dozens of legitimate games (not purely dating sims or porn games) that have multipul romance choices.

    Off the top of my head I can think of Fable, Skyrim, Fallout, Witcher, Baldurs Gate, Record of Agarest War, Persona, Fire Emblem, Thousand Arms, Azure Dreams, FFVII.

    You could stop after "japanese RPGs" actually. Welp, let's see what we have in western corner: Skyrim, Fable, Witcher - action RPGs with "romances" I can only welcome, because after experiencing them the number of people with anti-romance sentiment grows exponentially.

    And then we stride right into a jolly weeaboo section of jRPGs, with fanbois hugging their virtual waifus and abominations like cullen fangirls from BSN.

    Not all of these are good romances, in truth most of them are pretty awful and there are even a few that you could argue aren't 'romances' at all, but saying that Bioware is the only developer making games with romance choices is pure hyperbole.

    It's not a Bioware making games with romance, it's the overall down the drain quality of any romantic relationship in RPGs, with all beauties of babies born mid fighting and "he put his wee-wee into my no-no" writing and other outlandish weirdness that somehow made it into the game.

    Many of the people on this board refuse to accept that BOTH ways are valid ways of playing a RPG

    Many of the people refuse to experience godawful implementation of romantic relationships in cRPGs.

    ...their posts are immature, misogynist, homophobic and quite definitely cyberbullying.

    The tallest trees catch the most wind. That’s an expression I frequently use when asked to defend romances' place in the gaming industry. In the past year, we have received thousands of emails and postcards protesting against romances for allowing players to create LGBT characters in the games. This week, we’re seeing posts on conservative web sites urging people to protest our LGBT policy by voting romances the Worst Part in RPGs.

    So here’s my response to this topic: We can do better. We will do better. But I am damn proud of this thread, the people around the globe who create dating simulators, the games we create and the people that play them

    Why the moderators haven’t stepped in before now is something I find quite disturbing. I’m not advocating the closing the thread, because that’s just sweeping the issue under the carpet, but something really has to be done about the name calling and the prejudice

    You seem to be mistaken Obsidian forums for BSN. ObsForums moderating policies are the reason we are spared from BSN pandemic retardation.

    And guess what topic is the main breeding grounds for freaks? Surprise! "Me want romance a darkspawn" "I be liek to romance a horse", "Allow us to romance our sister\brother\mother\father"

    Just out of curiosity, what is the average age of posters in this topic, anyway?  No, please don’t tell me – I’ll get depressed

    I bet you will

    I have no doubts PE statsistics are quite different

    • Like 1
  3. The most obvious being that is removes most planning from chargen, makes it impossible to make/customize a character specialized in specific weapons.

    I mean why should a character who has say a high Agility score be able to wield a Long Sword or a Spear with equal proficiency.

    Yeah, even now I can recall good memories about variety of attribute builds in BG and IWD, fighters with wisdom and charisma, wizards with str...oh, wait.

    • Like 13
  4. Zalpha: So how do you propose a female protagonist or party member go around engaging in constant combat in pursuit of a life and possibly cosmos-changing quest, pregnant? They don't make maternity armor except in Bethesda game porn mods. And that is not a community to be admired. Which is ignoring the fact that a woman 6-8 months pregnant can't even perform daily routine movement without difficulty. Not to mention the physiological chaos pregnancy wreaks on a woman.

    Are you implying that healthy, strong-willed and independant woman is inferior to chauvinistic male pigs just because of pregnancy? It is horrible how Obsidian forums of today reek with patriarchal misogyny.
    • Like 1
  5. [shakes head in wonder] Please tell me you are not actually serious - Hyperbolic nonsense from someone who has an immature gif of a boy shaking a sausage. [shakes head again, and walks away, laughing softly to herself]

    That boy is a person of high morals, honour and of noble heritage. Another example of how romance apologists tend to judge people based on a single moment of jest.

    • Like 1
  6. Perhaps love was to strong a word but I do remember the romance fondly, and I did experience it as a 14 year old boy, so maybe that's why I feel so strongly about it? I don't know, was a cool gaming experience none the less. That is also were I found my love for the Drow race, not only are they incredibly strong, they are very unique in a game setting. Viconia's romance was like a double edge sword, I felt like I was playing with fire every time I spoke with her.


    (For my Avatar, I re-textured the Anna the Nymph art work from NWN 1 to look like a Drow).

    That only proves how horrilbe romances are. Innocent 14 year old boy suffered a trauma that caused him to set female avatars and identify himself as a girl...of a race known for matriarchial society with severe discrimination of male population. That only proves how romances in RPGs could lead to serious consequences and cause self-loathing, misandry and dissociative identity disorder.

    • Like 1
  7. Oh, and to add some cherry to the pie:

    The United Kingdom based retail outlet, GAME, has verified that the price of next-gen titles from Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 4 (and presumably the Xbox One) will be raised from £39.99 to £54.99. Development costs and all that jazz.

    The news comes courtesy of GAME themselves in a Q&A about the next generation of home console gaming. Tech Radar caught wind of the Q&A, where GAME rolls out the pricing of next-gen titles, stating...

     At present, the only publisher to confirm costs of their next generation games are EA, attaching a price of £54.99. No other game prices have been confirmed. We will of course update our listings as and when this happens. And if the price changes before release day, you will always pay the lowest price.

  8. Tiberium Alliances was horrible. Beyond horrible. I almost see a pattern here. First EA forces bitch companies to make retarded F2P games with insane Pay2Win mechanics. Just like Tib. All and Wrath of Heroes, which was canned and Mythic enjoyed massive layoffs. I tried TA on evenings for a week maybe and that time was enough to see how huge Pay2Win was there. It was shoveled into your eyes, throats and ears non-stop.

  9. I can see it now, the combo sword-baldric-child-carrier.  Maybe the littler piker could toss vials of holy water at the zombies hot on your tail?

    I can actually remember some asian film where a guy fought vs a dozen ninjas holding his newborn toddler, tossing and throwing him left and right when he cut another ninja in two and then cathing son in acrobatic jumps.

    Before that he put toddler near his mother's corpse and put a sword nearby. The idea was that if toddler would reach for his mother then father will kill him to reunite their spirits, and if his son would reach for sword then he'll raise and train him to get revenge.

    It turned out his son was a typical misogynist.

    • Like 1
  10. No, I'm acting like someone who tries to convince others to use their brains and think and try to improve upon things instead of dismissing them outright.

    "At best not-so-annoying"? Well, according to you. Others clearly disagree, but I guess you and ONLY you get to decide what is annoying for all of us.

    Next thing I know, you'll probably consider leveling annoying.

    Or maybe stat alocation..Since it's a chore to click and allocate all those points.

    Your "victory" - if you can call it that - is a hollow one.

    I am voicing my opinion on the matter. it happens that enough people voiced their opinion on the matter of durability and crafting to make developers change their mind.

    And yes, that is according to me. I am speaking for myself. If something anoy me then, what a surprise, I speak against it! You learn new thing evey day!

    When I will consider leveling annoying, I will talk about it. I suppose I'll have a chance in one of the upcoming Updates.

    And by the way, funny thing, I already created atopic about stat allocation in cRPG forum, and got some of Josh' clarification about it.

    My "victory" is simply removal of system that anoyed me. Nothing more.

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