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Posts posted by Cultist

  1. Killing scorpions - or indeed any venomous deviant - is surely just common sense.

    I keep and breed scorpions for more than 12 years already and with the exception of desert ones most are pretty decile. Especially the biggest of them -  emperor scorpions.

  2. I just think it's hilarious that there are people who can't distinguish between reality and video games to such a degree that they freak out and demand spiders be removed from video games.

    Ohoho, you should go read BSN and romance, cullen and toher retarded threads. Especially those with "But me want my adorabl elfu waifu!!!!"

    Anyway, more spiders!



  3. YES, WE CAN!

    and because my faith in humanity will fail if spiders will earn less pages than thread, discussing boobies in games.

    ...oh, wait, I have no faith in humanity.




    Moar to come!












    P.S. Dedicated to all petitioners who demanded removal of spiders from the game


    • Like 5
  4. And some more:

    Q: You mean like Diablo? Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and maaaybe Constitution too. Somewhat uncoventional for an rpg, yes...

    JESawyer: No, not like Diablo. All Diablos have irregular ability score application between classes and all Diablos have dump stats.


    Q: :/ oh no, it is a 3 attribute system, isn't it?

    JESawyer: No.


    Q: 4. Five is too close to the conventional 6 to be called "unconventional", ignoring the possibility of unconventional/silly naming.

    JESawyer: It's not the number of Attributes that is unconventional, but how they are applied to derived statistics. It's more "gamist" than "simulationist". D&D's ability score system tries to be both and, IMO, fails because of it.

  5. Well at least the AI in Shogun 2 was the best since .. well shogun..

    Go home, you are drunk. S2 had the same dumb AI we saw in ETW and Med2. Frontal attcks, Full peasant stacks and ****. It just seemed better because compared with ETW retardation melee and archer combat was somewhat better.

  6. No. Save or die effects are really easy to abuse offensively (as a player) and they require either luck or hard counters to defend against as a player -- neither of which are very interesting, tactically.

    PCs can be downed in a small number of hits (possibly one if the enemy is powerful enough), but that has less to do with luck and more to do with the raw power difference between the attacker and the defender.


    Accuracy in PE, like the IE games, is determined primarily by character stats, not player skill. Hard counters in a single-player RPG are obnoxious, IMO


    Because either you're prepped for them or you aren't. If you aren't, you reload and voila, you are. If you prepared save-or-die tactic that the enemy is immune to, you're hard countered through no fault of your own. If not, you steamroll the enemy.

    Or you do what many players do, which is reload until the primary target fails its save and the entire tactical challenge of the fight is rendered trivial/pointless.



    • Like 2
  7. Slitherine has announced Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon, which it partially revealed back in March through a partnership with Games Workshop.

    The developer has acquired the exclusive rights to the Battle for Armageddon setting in order to create a series of multiplatform, turn-based, hex games.

    The initial game is set during the Second War of Armageddon and players will lead the Imperial forces of the Armageddon Steel Legion and Space Marines from the Ultramarines, Blood Angels and Salamanders Chapters against Ghazghkull Thraka’s massive Ork invasion through over 30 scenarios, on the “hostile terrain of the planet and its gigantic Hive Cities.”

    “It is very exciting to see a game like this come alive – I just can’t wait to play it!”, said Iain McNeil, development director of the Slitherine Group. “It’s been almost 15 years since a turn-based strategy game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe has been released and we think it is now time to deliver that experience to all fans around the world”.

    “The Battle for Armageddon is a classic event in the lore of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, having been detailed in games, models and novels over the past 20 years.” said Jon Gillard, head of licensing at Games Workshop. “Slitherine’s masterful use of their classic digital wargame style applied to this seminal setting will delight fans of both.”

    Main features of the game include:

    • The game portrays the Second War for Armageddon in great detail, from the initial Ork landings to the final liberation of the planet.
    • A large branching campaign with 30 major scenarios, plus additional 5 tutorial scenarios that explore the story in detail.
    • A complex plot, which can develop during a mission, right in the middle of battle, creating an engaging story line with unexpected twists.
    • Players lead Imperial troops of the Armageddon Steel Legion, with supporting assets from a number of Space Marine chapters against the ferocious Orks.
    • Fight alongside Commissar Yarrik and Commander Dante against the cunning Ork Warboss Ghazghkull Thraka.
    • Carry over battle-hardened veterans from scenario to scenario, using their experience and upgrading their equipment.
    • Detailed combat model with terrain, weather and morale effects.
    • Extensive modding options delivered through a powerful and easy-to-use game editor.

    Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon contains over 35 scenarios, more than 100 unit types, with unique roles, stats and special abilities; and there will be 20 different units stats.

    A separate set of maps are designed and balanced specifically for multiplayer via Slitherine’s PBEM++ system.

    The game is currently in development for PC and iOS and will release in the first quarter of 2014.

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    I don't quite follow, why does anyone care about what someone else is using as a gaming system?



    That is totally uncalled for and utterly insulting! We are not like that.

    We are just arseholes.



    Funny  :biggrin:


    I'm proud to be a part of Internet majority.


    I don't quite follow, why does anyone care about what someone else is using as a gaming system?



    That is totally uncalled for and utterly insulting! We are not like that.

    We are just arseholes.

    • Like 1
  10. It's so funny to see console players argue and embrace the butthurt over release of their consoles. Just like some guys with cars you can see in almost every country, who are spending every day and every week repairing, fixing and adjusting them.

    For a PC guy like me it tastes like...victory.

    • Like 2
  11. Bioware are of course the folks behind Dragon Age, Mass Effect and Star Wars: The Old Republic. So they know their dark fantasy and Sci-Fi.


    Ha ha ha, oh wow. Telling people about three recent epic fails is a way to go

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  12. this smacks of good/evil dichotomy, of which I'm not a fan. But on the concept of sentient items with agendas, awesome, why not?

    Well, n+1 shades of gray is no better than evil-neutral-good from AD&D. So why not have arfefact with purpose to corrupt its owners?


    Allthough I liked the grimoire, it was a rather deliberate attempt to lure the player towards the evil side of the alignment axis. I'd prefer something a little more subtle, taking the grimoire and Torment as a template, i'd say make every step a little more logical and well reasoned.

    Grimoire saw just a brief role in PS:T and I doubt developers planned bigger or more important role for it. In PE I hope such quest or interaction would be possible. I could be sentient artifact with hidden motives or person, or some demon we could made pacts with, or some feature unique for Project Eternity setting.


    I am personally interested in aspect of corruption, tradeoffs, tough decisions and moral dilemmas.

    There's a lot of ways to make it..wrong...for example, sacrificing\selling someone. Player can always sell annoying companions or ones thy don't like. But if additional condition would be added, it could be made an interesting decision - like, sacrifice companion PC have high influence with(had a lot of positive interactions), or companion PC have active romance with.

  13. As those who played Planescape remember here, PS:T had this awesome sentient book.


    Could we have similar sentient artifact?

    a quick reminder - Grimoire of Pestilential Thoughts is a sentient book, that can do favors in exchange of evil deeds. The more "evil" your deed, the more powerful the reward. At first, it can give you advices, then, it can give you a scroll of Blindness in exchange for drop of blood But then, you may have a much more powerful rewards for selling your companions to slavery or killing them.


    Similar artifact(or person) could serve its role in PR as well, but with extended...functionality. For example, we sometimes have option to insult beggars, telling them to "Away with you, scum!" or else. So, such artifact may offer us rewards for such deeds that before was just for athmosphere. Example:

    Deed: Insult/mock/laugh at a beggar

    Reward: Weak spell

    Deed: Desecrate an altar

    Reward: more powerful spell

    Deed: Betray\sell your companion

    Reward: Increase attribute by 1


    Some may be weak but quite easy to complete, but powerful rewards may be obtained only once for balance sake.

    Here's an example of Grimoire's advices:




    Nameless One: "I want some advice from you."

    Book: "You wish my knowledge... master?"

    Nameless One: "Yes."

    Book: "I bestow this advice. Be wary of those you keep close to you. Never take them fully into your confidence, and never dilute your strength by sharing it. Many emperors I have know have done such, and I do not wish you to suffer the same fate."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book: "Then I bestow this advice. If they claim friendship, let them prove themselves. Words carry little weight compared to action. If friends they be, then they should be willing to die for you."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book: You feel a slight tightening in your chest as the book speaks. "Then I bestow this advice. Show no weakness, do not admit error, do not show hesitation. These things tell others that you are uncertain, a stone that is unbalanced and may be toppled."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book: "Then I bestow this advice. Beware mercy. A turned back is no defense against an assassin's knife."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book: "Then I bestow this advice. Beware the common view of love. Love must often be cruel in order so that it may rise above the merely sentimental."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book: You feel a faint sneer curl up in the corner of your mouth. You quickly repress it. "Then I bestow this advice. Separate yourself from small-minded fools and the weak by recognizing that you have a destiny. This alone gives you the authority to tread where others would fear to go."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book:"Then I bestow this advice. There are two secrets to becoming great. One is never to reveal all that you know."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book:"Then I bestow this advice. To become powerful, you must be willing to sacrifice: whether it is parts of yourself or things precious to you. Power is a bargain: One must give in order to receive."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book:Your blood seems to move more sluggishly within your veins as the book speaks. "Then I bestow this advice. Honor and virtue are concepts that kill men and kill the spirit. They are only abstracts that drive men to strangeness and death. Be true to yourself and obey only your own will."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book:"Then I bestow this advice. Do not suffer one who has hurt you to live. To do so is an open admission of weakness."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book:"Then I bestow this advice. The soul of a man is a sea of emotions. Often man struggles to bring order to these emotions, but it is a false order. Man's natural state is chaos, and it is a state that should be surrendered to."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book:"Then I bestow this advice. Know the meaning of mercy, use it to your advantage... but do not practice it."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book:"Then I bestow this advice. Nurture fear in others, for only fear rules men. Nothing else leaves deeper scars."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book:"Then I bestow this advice. Extend a smile and the hand of friendship to your enemies. When they clasp your hand, strike them with the dagger in your other hand, else they will surely do the same to you."

    Nameless One: "Give me some more advice."

    Book: As the book speaks these words, you feel a chill weight settle on your heart. You feel somehow tainted. "These are my last words of advice. Weigh them carefully. Remember that you can expunge anything you find undesirable. You need only have the will."




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