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Posts posted by Cultist

  1. ^^^ The "Strategy game" statement actually lowered my interest until I read further. Other than having an overarching strategic goal, which many CRPGs have, how is it a Strategy game? It doesn't sound like the player is controlling large forces at the operational level.

    Do you know that original Syndicate(1993) involved capturing resources, conducting research and equipping your agents and also capturing human material for future agents? That is exactly what strategy is.

  2. Not all creatures drop good loot.  Some creatures don't drop any loot.  That can be a determining factor in what encounters you choose to engage or circumvent.

    But to know if the event is worth skipping and I will not lose anything I have to...metagame and reload. Other solution is to know if that creature types will drop loot at all. But if I spotted(via stealth or other recon) a party waiting to engage us and have option to avoid the fight, my marauding instincts will violate my delicate brain with thougts like "That wizard held oh-so-expensive shining staff. That warrior's sword had electric charges tingling. Could it be that that paladin weared Legendary Boobplate of Misogyny Protection?"

    i still remember how 15 years ago the most popular topic on early RPG-related forums were "How could we kill Drizzt and take back what is rightfully ours - his swords"

    And nothing can change the nature of an RPG gamer.


    EDMONTON, ALBERTA - Beamdog and Overhaul Games proudly announce their newest side-company, Overhaul Art. The team is eager to bring the world enhanced editions of classic art pieces from all periods up to and including modern art.


    Their first release, Mona Lisa: Enhanced Edition strives to modernize this classic art piece and bring it up to date with modern standards. In order to do so, Oster and team have devised a state-of-the-art computer algorithm to systematically enhance each art piece. Mona Lisa: Enhanced Edition is just the first of many classic art pieces the team plans to bring you over the years to come.


    Overhaul Art is eager to bring these classic art pieces back to life on your mobile devices, too. Owners of Apple's iPad™ or any Android™ device will be thrilled to know that Mona Lisa: Enhanced Edition will be available for their platforms with a simutaneous release, barring any legal troubles that cause this to take months and months of delays to actually happen.


    Mona Lisa: Enhanced Edition for PC, Mac OSX, iOS and Android is available exclusively through Beamdog and is priced at $19.99.


    Visit www.monalisa.com and www.overhaulart.com for more information.


    We already know how things will turn out






    • Like 3
  4. In "dungeon" (or equivalent) environments, stealth can be used to circumvent encounters or it can be used to set up good positions from which to start a fight.  The specifics will depend heavily on the individual dungeons, encounters, and characters doing the sneaking.  Conversations are less common in dungeon environments than in cities, but you will still have deep dialogues in dungeons when it makes sense.

    [infinity mentality on]

    Circumvent encounters and lose loot? Valuable loot? It's like skipping undersea section in BG2 en route to Underdark...AND LOSING CLOAK OF MIRRORING? CLOAK OF MIRRORING!

    [infinity mentality off]

    • Like 3
  5. I like Champions of Ruin D&D book approach. They tried so hard to struggle against constraining alignment system of D&D. here's some exceptions of their defining evil: Book of Vile Darkness, on the other hand encroached in sticking with alignment.

    1. I am not evil.

    The most common of villain types and most reasonable in plot terms.

    2. Curse\Foreign influences

    Char is affected by some magic and "changed" to act evil.

    3. Seduction

    Lured by promises of power, pleasure or glory into performing evil acts.

    4. Driven to evil

    Act evil to survive. Kill, harm, betray, sell people to save\help your family or something similar, Seeking retribution, vengerance, justice. One of the most popular themes.

    5. Just plain mean

    Meet Ramsay Bolton. Or Chirurgh from "No place for Old men"

    6. Natural born evil

    Tolkien Orcs and evil races from AD&D, demons and devils. Enjoying all the restrictions of alignment-based setting.

    7. Madness

    No comments. A bit boring.

    8. Evil Choice

    Very rare. So far I can remember only Chaos Space Marine from Warhammer40k.

    9. Better to rule in hell, than serve in Heaven

    Being nice=weakness. Survival of the fittest. Here goes distaste to serve someone and aligning with the opposite.

    10. The end justify the means

    A lot of examples here. Movies, games, books, everywhere. Kill millions to save billions? "Cabin in the Woods" movie adressed it very well.

    • Like 2
  6. After some battles in BG and especially in BG2 my character should be three times larger due to consuming healing potins that was approx. three times his weight.


    In my opinion, Witcher series made right steps in solving this problem - they implemented toxicity, which prevented you from overbuffing yourself.


    So, there are several ways to solve potion gorging.

    1. Adaptivity

    Make each consumed potion less effective than the previous one. Simply to discourage potspam without implementing cooldowns. First potion will restore X Stamina, second X/Y or X-Y Stamina. "Rebound" could last for a day or several days to encourage tactical approach.

    2. Overdose

    Witcher-inspired mechanic when you can drink a lot of potions but with consequences for your Stats/Health/Stamina or anything that proper balance will require.

    3. Hard limit

    Simpliest of them all - a kind of "stomach capacity" governed by Constitution-like stats. A hard limit of potions your char can drink before digesting them. I guess it will play along with other rest-related mechanics.

    4. Addiction

    Mechanic we are familiar with from Fallouts. More potions - more risk of becoming addicted.

    • Like 4
  7. I think the new Syndicate did alot of interesting things and it had its heart in the right place (like chipped people that are able to see pricetags on every buyable object in the gameworld, the mindless consumerist slaves that they are). Its just unfortunate that it had to be a FPS.

    I, too, think that nazis did a lot of interesting things like stylish uniforms, flashy parades. They just made a few mistakes.

  8. a next-generation action RPG

    At last they get out of their closet.

    hurr durr in this upcoming video game from BioWare, makers of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age: Origins

    Wait! But what about great, deep, complex and critically acclaimed Dragon Age 2?


    Dragons now darken the sky



    as you lead the Inquisition and hunt down the agents of chaos



    It's like after huge success of DA2, BioWare decided, that they must try to appeal to EVERYONE.

  9. Looks like my wet dream of Valve purchasing Master of Orion is one step closer...even Blizzard will do. In fact, ANYONE would do. Except for Kalypso, they can't do ****

    In other words Star Control and Master of Orion are open for purchase


    P.S. Also, I find the fact that MoO franchise cost less than trash like Fatty Bear Birthday totally insulting.

  10. Nah, started at no moral whatsoever while the defender started at full. It filled up at first and then started going down. You kow those little events about raiders, sallies etc? Not a single one of them happppened in over a year.

    The moment I was the defender, four treacheries happened in four days.


    Events are dependant on Attacker-Defender skills. So if your attacker have Intrigue of 20+ then expect to see treacheries, same goes for Martial. So, don't expect poor commanders to fare well against skilled opponent.

  11. If you are besieger then your morale will lower only after failed assaults. And you should assault ONLY if you have much more troops or archers is a big chunk of your army. Plus if you want to beat them in open battle, then take notes about terrain - crossing river imposes huge penalties. Plus, remember to assign leaders with highest Martial for center and flanks of your army.

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