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Everything posted by Hawkeye

  1. It does NOT just that. It overwrites some other files, too. I couldn't read most of the filenames fast enough when the patch was installing. But one of them was the swkotor2.exe - and after the patch my mouse cursor was invisible during the whole game except for the menu at the start. I had to uninstall the whole game and re-install it without the patch and it was fine again. I couldn't possibly have gotten that problem if all the patch contained was a PDF manual.
  2. I had the exact same problem with the disappeared mouse cursor today. And guess what - it only happened after I'd installed that first patch. Now I uninstalled the entire game, installed it once again and left out the patch - now the mouse works perfectly again. That patch does NOT just fix the PDF manual, it overwrites your swkotor2.exe and some other stuff too... I guess we must now wait on a patch that fixes the first patch. In the meantime, re-install your game and the mouse should work again.
  3. I voted Taris but I think the poll is unfair towards TSL. Seems like the comparison should be between Endar Spire and Peragus, and between Taris and Telos, respectively. Can't say anything about Telos as I just arrived there (and encountered my first bug - people talking to me through closed doors) but I hope it will give you the freedom and sidequests that Taris did. Like someone already wrote, bounty-hunting and pazaak and the like. Peragus was a bit overlong and repetitive with hardly any conversations and way too many droids. What it did well besides that one grey droid was creating a creepy mood (music was good, station wasn't dark enough, though) and some intentional confusion for the PC. Felt a bit like the old "System Shock" RPG. And in general, the fights on Normal difficulty are ridiculously easy. I'm playing a sentinel with an emphasis on skills and still most enemies wouldn't even scratch me. Maybe it's because I know from KotOR I how to fight effectively but still it's barely challenging even on "Hard". And I'm already level 7 after Peragus, what a rush. *g*
  4. I'm playing the game on Win98SE with a computer that barely qualifies for the minimum hardware requirements. Installing took like 3 hours (without any problems, though) and gameplay is fine so far. Playing in 1024x768 with textures at High and AF at x2. Runs pretty smoothly but there haven't been any big fights or similar challenges for the hardware yet. No crashes or bugs 2 hours into the game.
  5. Repeat after me: There is no emotion, there is peace...
  6. Received mine from Amazon.de today just as expected. I'm wondering why on earth they didn't put the game on 1 DVD. Instead you get 4 CDs. The fourth didn't fit on that clip-thingy anymore so they put it in a paper sleeve and just stuck it in the case behind the manual.
  7. I ordered TSL from Amazon.de (who have been stating February 10th as release date for some weeks now) two weeks ago. This afternoon (German time) they notified me that they had just dispatched the game. So when I get home from work tomorrow I hope it'll be there.
  8. I think it's the medical lab you wake up in at the beginning of the game.
  9. Since TOTJ is apparently out of print, is that series where the other non-movie races in KOTOR come from? Like the Selkath or the Cathar or the... well whatever that two-headed, humpbacked merchant in Tattooine hangar was?
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