Previous Manifestation:
The Beginning
The Sequel
The Smiley Top Eight!
Hello to all the gecklings, geeks, SW fanatics, those pining for Aliens, stalking Alpha Protocolers and general denizens of the Obsidian Community The Mod Squad would like to invite you again to participate in a Smiley event ... after further rancour, debate, tail slashing and mayhem, it feels like it is time to add to our options of expressing ourselves in an emoticon sort of way! So ... we would like to invite members to recommend smilies in the following format:
We'll leave the thread open for a while and in that time hopefully we'll have a lot of input and suggestions. The thread will be closed and all of the smilies lined up and (depending on volume) there will be 2 rounds to limit and pair down to a final Top Eight.
The general intent of the Forum Guidelines applies to suggestions and member's interaction. As well, only suggestions that are accessible through open source/communal smilies may be considered. We don't want any Rule's Lawyers to come a knockin'. So please don't throw the sand after submitting your ideas. If this process works, the Mod Squad would likely open up a rotating Top Eight removal/addition. Constantly pruning and adding smilies - fun, eh?
Well start your smilin' and get to suggestin'
Each member can recommend no more than 8 smilies. Then, through the various rounds, the member(s) who has(ve) smilies that make it to the Top Eight will be able to choose a Custom Title for themself(ves) (barring approval of course ). I hope that make sense ... so get recommending, ask clarifying questions and do play nice in the sandbox ...
PS Yes a great portion of this is recycled text - face it, I am an inherently lazy dragon ...