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About kurtimusmaximus

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    The Land of Oz
  1. Strange, I haven't had my game crash to the desktop at all and I've played through the game twice...
  2. He wanted to feed off of force sensitives, so I suppose to a degree that could have been correct.
  3. or perhaps the Sith thought she disappeared with Revan...
  4. Think of Revan and the Exile as chess pieces... what if the new PC in KotOR III was Revan and Carth/Bastilla's son/daughter?... ties in the story and gives that character the 'Luke Skywalker' touch.. of course he/she'd know Carth is his/her father or Bastilla is his/her mother. Just an idea, because I for one would prefer to be a newcharacter because it just wouldn't 'feel' right being Revan or the Exile, unless they are super powerful.. but that would just be boring.
  5. I chose 'Episode IV: A New Hope' but I really like them all equal, the prequels a tiny bit less.. but of course with 'A Phantom menace' at the bottom.
  6. Well you may as well just play a different game since these particular planets, just to name a few are important to this particular fictional universe, and since Coruscant hasn't really been explored as location in a game it would be nice to see it in KotOR III. (I know it is in the JK games but it's not exactly significant.) If this is to be a trilogy, wouldn't it make sense to convey some of the story within the capitol of the Republic...
  7. Have Coruscant as a featured planet and seeing the Jedi Temple there would be great. Especially if the game is set 15 or so years after KotOR II, and the Jedi are rebuilding only to have the 'True' Sith threat revealed or something along those lines.. hehe, imagine having the PC as Revan and Bastilla/Carth's son/daughter and is training as a Padawan there.
  8. KotOR II for me, the story was more engaging (with the exclusion of the ending, the original's wasn't much better, but a little more completed), overall it felt more mature in theme, plot and the story as a whole. KotOR was good in its own right but it always felt so innocent, the story wasn't exactly compelling, and the twist wasn't anything special after the first playthrough. I love both games separately, but put together and KotOR II is better in my books.
  9. Come again?...
  10. Palpatine was a Sith Lord, hence the title Darth Sidious.. but once he became Emperor he couldn't use such a title, nor did he need it. Controlling Anakin/Vader is another form of power, one that he used well. As I said before, Palpatine was if you look at it from a different perspective, the most powerful overall. This is proven because he conquered the entire galaxy, just because he did it through manipulation, control, etc doesn't mean he isn't powerful. It is merely a different type of power. Also don't doubt his force abilities and power until you see ROTS, because right now all we have to rely on (with physical power) is the end of ROTJ.
  11. Can I ask then, why you're posting on the Obsidian Entertainment forums if you intend never to purchase their products again?
  12. Well, all in all the most 'powerful' would have been Palpatine since he achieved the ultimate power that none before could ever.. the galaxy. He owned it, ruled it and dominated it. Who cares if he didn't have some stupidly ridiculous war were he was able to wipe out his enemies single handedly. He as a fictional character was smarter than that, manipulation and control was his overall power and it worked better than any of the silly comic created Sith Lords could.
  13. PC, I'd prefer to get it on this in case of a patch. Plus the modders will have a field day, since it's the same engine.
  14. unless obsidian makes a couple of patches, don't expect lucasarts to even begin to bother... i can't even remember if the original even had one patch. if all else fails an unofficial patch will probably be released by one of the modders within the kotor ring.
  15. As soon as I can get my hands on it, i'll be playing on my PC
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