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Everything posted by HawkSoft

  1. In TB, I could spend my every "action point" (or however they're called in the system in used) to get within melee range of you, just to see you spend your turn walking away from me. This chase could go on forever, and I could never get any attacks through. In this context, it makes sense to grant an attack of opportunity against a character who leaves melee range, so that they are discouraged from fleeing melee range before the attacker can attack at least once. In RTwP, the cost of moving is moving. Or, to be more precise, the cost of moving is the DPS I'm not causing to my enemy because I'm busy moving around instead. Punishing it further makes absolutely no sense, especially when a disengagement attack triggers whenever my characters move one pixel to the left or to the right. I should be free to move around as I please, which I probably wouldn't do that much anyway because I prefer to solve my problems through violence (i.e. DPS.) I understand your reasoning but do not agree with it. You do not turn you back on an enemy in a fight (certain martial arts moves excepted), Where the AI has an *unfair* advantage is that it can precisely calculate engagement zones and so dance around our characters whilst we get penalised for a 1 pixel error as you point out.
  2. Running the 3.0 beta my monk got frostbite as a result of being KO'd whilst fighting shades in the Gilded Vale temple. Ho hum. back to the pub to warm up. I'll keep *cripple* on whilst running the beta but after there it will be disabled as it adds nothing to my roll playing experience. As Mercbeat pointed out crippling just feels tagged on.
  3. It's a very appropriate mechanic for an RPG like PoE that has a relatively realistic combat system. Historically most melee casualties occurred when one side broke and ran so the victors got a *free hack*. I don't see what difference RTwP or TB makes
  4. I like that the AI now attempts to stomp the squishes at every opportunity, it's what most players do after all. What I object to is that it's almost impossible to stop them without a choke point AND that I then have to micromanage my damage dealers whose AI seems to have no clue what to do after the disengagement attack. Later in the game (L8+) I've seen disengagement attacks take down wounded foes but not often.
  5. Thanks Aarik. It feels wrong to me especially as it is not reflected in the cyclopedia. My ideal would be that immunities are flagged as soon as we suffer from them, both in the enemy *tool tip* and in the cyclopedia. Companions with high lore (or appropriate background) might also provide information which could be flagged using the *I want to talk* icon (I don't think it's worth dedicated barks). In my first (un-researched) run-through of PoE there was a sense of wonder and discovery as I encountered strange new beasts that would not have been there with the current system. Yes, I wasted some spells but that made the experience richer (for me).
  6. I've just met my first Shadow in the Gilded Vale temple but have been presented will full immunity information (but no defence info). I checked and there is no Cyclopedia entry for Shadows (only Bear Ooze, Skuldr, Spider, Wisp, Wolf & Xaurip). Is this what was intended? How could I know anything about a creature's immunities at this stage? High Lore (Aloth has 7) ? But then why no defence info? For me this feels like a breach of the Fourth Wall.
  7. Thanks for the clarification, it's just seems to be much easier now than in my previous 280+ hours play
  8. The bug above applies to when your party tries to use traps and seals. The traps that trigger against your party are working as intended. OK, thanks. (I deliberately put Eder at risk as I wanter to clear the Temple in Gilded Vale and move on.)
  9. v3.00.929 PX1-Steam, contrary to the above notes traps are visible and do trigger (Eder got smeared).
  10. I mean, the buffs are saved every time you rest and you only have to change them if you aren't satisfied with how they're working out or want to optimize for a particular situation. Otherwise, you just leave them as they are and confirm rest with another click. Doesn't seem like a huge hassle to me. Like he says, it's basically a one-time thing and the default selections seem sensible. One odd thing is they don't work (in the beta) at inns, not even if you slob it in the common room so camping is clearly *healthy*
  11. The little action icon on the character portraits now indicate when a weapon is being reloaded, would it be possible to have a simple icon overlaid on the weapon set as well so that you are less likely to switch to an unloaded firearm in combat by accident. This is mainly for builds that mimic the historical tactic of taking 2 (or more) pistols into combat, firing them and then switching to a melee weapon. Pretty please
  12. I'd just be given the Raedrick's Hold quest by Kolsc when this came up in the dialogue: Durance: (Durance chortles, nearly choking on his own disdain.) Shining God. He never shone so brightly as when the bomb took him. The Moniker is obsolete now. Ash does not shine. Eder: It's like if someone was to call you the attractive priest, Durance.(Note, Eder's making a statement, not asking a question.)
  13. I trying the 3.0 Beta, engagement still sucks (?) Party is 3rd level, Monk, Eder, Aloth, Durance, I was doing the Gilded Vale smith's quest and the bandit leader runs out of engagement from my (bare hands) monk to beat on Durance, WTF? It did mean the monk avoided being double teamed and was able to pulp two bandits in quick succession whilst Durance went down but it did not seem right. Ignoring a low damage tank is one thing, ignoring a fast hitting monk quite another.
  14. (1) Complicated (2) Functionally equivalent to permadeath (i.e., an automatic reload trigger for almost all players) I.e., :thumbsdown: on this. If you want that experience, just get rid of the dual health bar and put in permadeath, it's much simpler. I tend to agree BUT: You can always turn the Crippled option off, I've currently got it ON whilst testing the Beta but I'll probably turn if OFF as it just adds more micro. If you are going to have a Crippled mechanism it should make sense from a roll playing perspective, at present a good (or bad) night's sleep cures everything
  15. I've just recovered the Shipment for the Gilded Vale smith, in the fight with the bandits Durance (3rd level) was going down, I had the choice between 11.2 endurance back from Second Wind or trying to get another spell/attack off. I chose to attack as 11.2 endurance was only going to prolong the inevitable whilst if he got a spell/attack off it might finish things immediately. I understand the concept of Second Wind but it just seems like a-n-other per encounter ability that adds to the micro of combat in PoE. It might make more sense at higher levels but for starting characters I feel it's just an annoyance (sorry devs.). Other options: Just give characters some more endurance based on their survival rating. Make Second Wind function like Second Chance but with a delay (a few seconds?) and a limited amount of endurance (11.2 in this case?). EDIT: If it functioned like Second Chance then the delay could be supplemented by a Stunned condition for an equal (?) time or a crippled condition (EG bruised ribs).
  16. Each right click on an inventory object or spell/ability description opens a new detail window. This has happened to me several times so far in my short test of the beta, never happened before. Running on steam.
  17. Arriving at Magram's Fork to recruit Durance I was given the above message (but still received 75 exp). I'm running on Mac.
  18. Enter the beta code, click the check button and then you can select it. I was playing it a few minutes ago. Nice buff to Fulvano's Gloves (+2 Dex) which were otherwise a bit naff. I have proven to myself that I have absolutely no interest in a barbarian as main character so I'm actually on my second run with the 3.0 beta.
  19. My parties have picked up a few injuries and I agree they are a *so what*: cancelled by one rest and somewhat equivalent to an enemy's de-buff, I just play through them/avoid combat until a suitable rest point. I'm playing on normal but don't try to optimise the fights as much as I might on if I were playing on higher difficulties (hence getting injuries). I'd prefer a system that gave a character a weak leg/chest/arm so that if the character was subsequently KO'd it could turn into a permanent injury. The severity of a weakness and the chance of a KO causing a permanent injury might depend on how long the character was KO'd before the end of the fight. Resting might gradually reduce the severity of a weakness but never eliminate it, Ideally there should be some injury related banter for the pre-made characters. Permanently injured characters could get a per-rest *overcome injury* ability (with a bark please).
  20. I completely agree. To me D&D multiclassing was a lash-up on a bodge required by the very limited class system that grew out of its original three: fighter, cleric and wizard. I have been pleasantly surprised by the huge variation of builds you can achieve in PoE and that so many are viable if you play to their strengths. This was not the case in the Infinity Engine games. I've been playing a lot of Divinity: Original Sin (EE) recently and my feeling is that there far fewer workable party builds with its classless system than with PoE's class based one, it just seems to be a matter of: I need to get ability *X* into the party, who has available stat points?
  21. First playthrough (and that's the only one many will do) this might become frustrating experience. My thoughts are that PoE is a game you either want to play through several times over the course of time or it's something you might not finish at all. I see a *watcher* item as something specifically catering to players who want to play the game multiple times. Some action RPGs have *heirloom* items that are created when your character *retires*, I see it a bit like that. Rough ideas for kicking about: - You specify the item type at character creation (weapon, armour, shield, ring etc.) - You find the item in Caed Nua, to start with it's completely mundane and can be enchanted normally. - As you level up, say L5. L9. L13 you can pick a skill/trait (?) as the soul fragments within the item are awakened. It would sort of allow for limited multi-classing but for the watcher only. As this is a solo game (and this is an *expert* feature) I'd be happy for all sorts of builds. including ones that may be useless or overpowered.
  22. I'll accept that many of the descriptions are ambiguous, I think that's good in this context, I'd hate to see it getting too mechanistic. There may be something in that an awakened watcher may/is (?) not a single soul so maybe a weapon could be powered by one of the joint souls? I'd still prefer this to be something than you can enable at character creation time, rather than feeling it's a must-have piece of kit for every party.
  23. From what I remember most of the uniques got their power from somebody's death (not just knocked out) when presumably a soul fragment got bound up with the weapon. This makes it a bit problematic to craft your own A nice easter egg might be to have a winning game create a soul bound weapon *seed* which your next protagonist gets to develop in a subsequent play-through. I'm calling it a seed because it should not be tied to any specific weapon but be useable with any mundane one. Standard enchantment would be possible plus the weapon gets (EG) its own skill slots on certain level-ups.
  24. Thanks for the comments and offers of advice on the Steam Controller guys. I've always used mouse and keyboard so may give it a go as I don't have muscle memories to unlearn. I don't suppose it will be of much use for PoE but might work for PoE:Legends (hopefully never to be released)
  25. Most of the games I've played that had name generators were action-RPGs where lore was unimportant. A fairly recent example of a game without a name generator is Shadowrun Hong Kong where you have to give your character two names, one SIN'd and the other a street name.
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