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Everything posted by Marceror

  1. Oh, you mean a reason like, you just took the time to pick a challenging lock, and you became more experienced at lockpicking as a result? I'm with you. Give XP only for reasons. Like opening a challenging lock, defeating a difficult foe, or completing an important quest.
  2. I saw his name pop up on the top donor list a few nights ago and was like, look at that big bawler go! I was going to donate $750 too, then I realized what I had were pesos, not dollars.
  3. Wrap party in Hawaii. But they'll reach the goal, so no alohas for them.
  4. I won't cry if OE doesn't put it in -- I'm a grown man for god's sake -- but I would be happy to see it included. If it was good enough for the I.E games, god dammit, it's good enough for me! All you whippersnappers can take your trap and lock xp phobias and stick 'em where the sun don't shine... uphill both ways in the snow... and that's how we liked it! /Spits
  5. It's more like... I'll wait to read the reviews, and not pre-order. And as to your other point, I typically purchase games that I feel are great games. I rarely buy something that is merely "good". Not enough hours in the day, might as well hold out for the great stuff and skip on the lesser stuff. I only gave DA2 the time of day because of my excitement coming off of Origins. I don't have the same excitement from DA2, hence more of a wait and see attitude. It's totally reasonable. But being reasonable doesn't seem to be your strong suit, so hey, it's all good.
  6. Some people hold their opinions with enough vigor and certainty that other opinions seem wrong. And other times, people are defensive because other people have dismissed theirs, so they return the favor. It's impossible for me to fault people who think kindly of DA2 because I did the same at first. I had complaints, Sister Petrice had me screaming "OH COME ON" very early, but it wasn't really until the final act that I fully digested things. Working for Merideth and realizing the same complaints I had about Petrice were still in action. That the little complaints I was willing to overlook were actually very large things that came to dominate. If I'd been able to overlook that a bit more, maybe I'd also say it was decent. Or if I'd found something elsewhere in it that I appreciated enough. The thing is, you can disagree with someone without "dismissing" their view. You might not share the view, but there's no reason to get defensive just because someone feels differently than you do. Some people have a hard time with that, for whatever reason. I have lost a lot of faith in Bioware since the whole EA acquisition. I mean, lots of it, but I will still concede that there was an enjoyable game in DA2. I played it a single time, and very much enjoyed it. I could never bring myself to play it a second time, unlike with Origins, which I played 4 or 5 times, 2 or 3 including the expansion. What I've seen of DA3 looks very tempting, very tempting. But thus far I've abstained from making a pre-order. Even though DA2 was good, it wasn't nearly what it should have been. And I don't really want to support Bioware in making games that fall far short of their potential. So I am very cautious when it comes to DA3.
  7. If your goal is to make the game extremely difficult, go all melee focused. I'm not even sure how that would work out, but the fact that you'd have to get up close and personal in basically all your battles sounds like a huge strategic and tactical disadvantage. Would be particularly hairy going against enemies that explode when you kill them, with all of that damage increased by 50% due to being on supreme jerk. Brawlers become extremely powerful late game... and are probably 2nd most OP weapon choice behind assault rifles. Use or avoid as you see fit.
  8. Yep, finding cover is a good first step. And if no cover is available, crouching is the next best thing. Always try to draw enemies into your gauntlet of death. Even if that means shorter range characters won't do anything for a given turn... and generally those characters should be in ambush mode in the event the enemy comes into range (be careful putting your shotgunner into ambush mode, by the way). It's far better in most cases to keep your party in a good defensive position and have longer range snipers (with sniper rifles and/or assault rifles) softening the foes as they get in close. Later in the game certain energy weapons can also join in that game. Then when the enemy gets in close, add your shotguns, SMGs, heavy weapons and the like into the action, always going to ambush when a target is not immediately in range. When and if it makes sense, send any melee gods to suck up some attacks and dish out some punishment. Keep an eye on injuries, and use your surgeons/field medics to keep your teammates in the fight. Keep it up until the enemy is beggin' for mercy, or no longer able to beg. What's more fun though is when the enemy forces you out of your comfy position, and/or surrounds you. That's when you have to really go balls to the wall, and hope someone up there is looking out for you. Most fun on Supreme Jerk! Unfortunately there aren't enough of these sort of fights yet, but when they happen, the entire battle dynamic changes. EDIT - Oh, and don't forget about your grenades and RPGs when the going gets rough. They can turn a really bad fight in your favor. And of course, they can really put the hurt on your team... so target enemies with these sorts of weapons first.
  9. Yes, I believe 7 is the max AP for an Assault Rifle. That, said nothing seemed to slow down my assault rifle guys doing a 3 round burst headshot. Those put out utterly obscene damage on Ranger difficulty, and even the anti-material rifle couldn't nearly keep up I found. Mostly because they couldn't get out as much lead. It seemed like I was lucky to do 150 damage on a crit with the anti-material. I was sometimes getting closer to 300, or more, with the assault rifle. Sure, it was 2 additional bullets, but who cares by that point. You've got the cash for bullets in the late game.
  10. Yes, especially when you consider that your AR characters with top tier rifles will be even more deadly than your snipers! And wait till your shot gunner (assuming you have one) gets access to a jackhammer! Though I expect these weapons aren't going to feel nearly as impressive when I get to them in Supreme Jerk Mode.
  11. Generally speaking, assuming is a mistake period. But my guess is there's a bit of both going on. There are likely going to be a few things that make it in that are purely due to fan requests, and plenty more that were already on the table and we help influence some of the final decisions. But damn, let's let Sensuki get some credit for a change. Even the terminology "targeting reticule" was used by OE. To my knowledge that is not some standard term for what was being discussed. But it sounded like a very smart thing to call it when Sensuki referred to it as such, and apparently Obsidian has even adopted his terminology. I believe OE clearly intended that part of their update as a nod to Sensuki.
  12. When you make it to Hollywood, bring lots of cash. You'll be happy you did.
  13. Hey Sensuki, it looks like your targeting reticule suggestions will be in the next beta update. That was a Sensuki direct request if ever I saw one. So hey, they're listening.
  14. You must not be familiar with the concept of under promising and over delivering. If you want weekly patches, tell everyone every two weeks, and you might just achieve or slightly exceed your commitment. You don't say weekly and set everyone up for disappointment.
  15. Based on what I've seen, I'm doubtful that weekly patches will ever happen. We can't even get a patch released every 2 weeks, which was the original projection. And more, what's the rush? We have some time. I'd be totally okay with monthly backer updates that can all show meaningful progress in the game's development life cycle, and which minimizes resources having to worry about getting the "perfect update" out to backers on such a consistent basis.
  16. As far as I'm concerned WL2 is one of the best cRPGs around, and after some more patching it should only get better. And this guy calls it mediocre? I guess there's a critic for everything.
  17. Patch 2 was just released! Wasteland 2 Patch 2 (58154) Release Notesby sea » October 13th, 2014, 12:58 pm Patch 2 is here! This update brings over 4300 words' worth of changes and improvements, but we expect most of you will want the most important bits, so here they are! Highlights - Large amount of memory optimizations, particularly with audio, to improve performance and stability on lower-spec systems and 32-bit operating systems. - Fixed enemy “unlimited AP” movement bug that allowed them to sometimes move much farther than intended. - Extensive improvements and fixes to California questlines, particularly in Hollywood and Griffith Park. May require you to load an older save file before Hollywood to fully benefit. - Added a travel speed toggle to the world map, allowing you to zip and zoom around if you so please (doesn't affect encounters, only travel speed). - Added a new UI when CNPCs are recruited. This lets you more easily compare their stats and choose to dismiss one when a new one offers to join. - Custom portraits will now work correctly when Windows account username contains non-English characters. - Added support for "Very Large" text. - Added 50 messages to load screens containing gameplay hints and tips. - Loading now continues when the game is tabbed out, and pauses after finishing. - Further UI fixes and improvements, such as new and correctly used icons. - Many localization updates and bug fixes across all languages. For full release notes, please see: http://wastelandrpg.tumblr.com/post/999 ... ease-notes
  18. I barely tried the last update, thanks mostly to Wasteland 2. I'm now playing my second WL2 runthrough with a Supreme Jerk party. So I don't personally see a huge rush for the next PoE update. Especially when you consider that the release has been pushed back. I mean, how many times can we really play the same small section of the game over the next 5 - 6 months? Sensuki, don't answer that!
  19. My Radeon HD 7990 6GB Dual GPU seems to be cutting the mustard then.
  20. Note that the topic was created on August 19, nearly 2 months ago. I'm no longer worried since the game's release date has been officially pushed back.
  21. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66536-guess-the-release-date/?p=1470995
  22. I guess I've been fortunate. I've been running the game at max settings, and generally speaking it runs like butter.
  23. The first part of the game in AZ is very polished and there's no reason to wait to start playing that. This section of the game is huge, and there's pretty much no way you'd finish it before the patch is released. Patch up before you head to the second part of the game for what is expected to be an improved experience there. That said, I played through the entire game on the current patch and just had 2 or 3 non critical quests in Hollywood go a bit glitchy. There are no showstoppers that I found.
  24. Meh. The level cap doesn't bother me. As pointed out, there's little to gain beyond 40. Now, if there was an expansion with some new options and skills to invest in, I'm sure I'd be more in favor of removing the level cap. But otherwise I'm indifferent.
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